Chapter 2: I'm Powerful!

Aya looked at the screen, appreciating her new look. She had raven black hair with glowing crimson red eyes, as she smiled to admire her shiny white fangs, before looking down at her hands to see the pale skin that seemed to glow like moonlight.

"Wow, I look completely different, I only feel shorter though, oh well" Aya had observed as she continued to admire herself inside the mirror. Now that she was thinking about it, where was she right now? She got magically transported into a dark room with no lightning other than the lamp above her head. She looked around and saw... Cleaning supplies? Did that god really put her into a storage closet?

"Oh well, it's not like it matters where I am whether I'm in a hospital or a choir room I'm still alone." she had said to herself, but as soon as she said that a person opened up the door to the closet.



The new person quickly slammed the door shut seeing her, angry unrecognizable mumbling able to be heard through the door.

"Maybe a janitor for God? Yeah, that's surely it, well, back to customizing" Aya managed to convince herself without paying it much mind, focusing back on creating her new body, after all, it had to be perfect it'll be her body for the rest of her next life. She exited the character appearance screen and looked through the list once more.


Aya [Edit]

Appearance [Edit]

Race: Origin Vampire [LOCKED]

Stats [Edit]

"Well, let's see, I think I'll choose a different name for my next life." Aya thought, tapping on the cyan blue screen, a keyboard appearing wanting her to type her new name in.

"Hmmm, and done! I always sucked at naming things and naming myself is no different I'm afraid, but it'll have to do" she switched back to the first screen she found herself on, her name updated to a new, more fitting name now that she no longer looked like the old Aya.

Rose Tepes [Edit]

Appearance [Edit]

Race: Origin Vampire [LOCKED] [SEALED]

Stats [Edit]

After getting done changing her name to a more fitting one, she tapped on the stats screen, bringing up her beginning stats with a plus in front of them so she could add to her points with the points she already has.

Rose Tepes

HP: 1215/1215

Level: 01

Race: Origin Vampire

Class: None

Magic: Blood Manipulation Shadow Manipulation

Abilities: Summon Stand Summon Cardinal Weapon High Speed Regeneration

Seals: Control Art Restriction System [LOCKED]

INT: 20 [+]

END: 18 [+]

DEX: 22 [+]

STR: 20 [+]

VIG: 33 [+]

ARC. 24 [+]

FAI: 6 [+]

Stat Points: 10


"So, these are my stats huh? They're pretty high for a level one, must be a race perk. I am glad I chose a really good race then." Rose had thought to herself "and, done!" she exclaimed after a while of thinking through what would be useful to her.


Rose Tepes

HP: 1215/1215

Level: 10

Race: Origin Vampire

Class: None

Magic: Blood Manipulation Shadow Manipulation

Abilities: Summon Stand Summon Cardinal Weapon High Speed Regeneration

Seals: Control Art Restriction System [LOCKED]

INT: 22

END: 21

DEX: 22

STR: 23

VIG: 35

ARC. 24

FAI: 6

Stat Points: 0


"Now, time to make my stand ability and weapon." as soon as she thought about it another screen popped up replacing the old one, one showing a basic template for a vaguely humanoid figure, and templates for many different weapons, she was going to have fun with this.

A few hours later

"I'm finally done, my stand and weapon are finally complete!" Rose had exclaimed exhaustedly. Who knew it was so mentally exhausting to create a weapon and abilities? She looked over at the twin screens with a happy grin on her face, pressing accept on both of them to receive her new weapon and stand. Deciding to summon the weapon first she put out her hand and chanted.

"From the shadows I call thee unto this material world so I may once again reap souls with thee!" shadows bathed the entire storage closet as a massive dark black scythe comes up from the ground as if it were water, waiting for its wielder to touch it.

Rose reached out and grabbed the massive scythe, instantly feeling a connection to the weapon that may never leave her side again until she Is dead. The scythe seemingly responding to her touch, absorbs the shadowy mist that had formed, emitting a deathly aura around the entire weapon.


Sickle of Sorrow

Level 10

Attack. 120

Growth type: Weapon will grow stronger along with the host

Abilities: Touch of Malice, Soul Harvest, Death Aura, [LOCKED] [LOCKED] [LOCKED]




To say Rose was shocked is an understatement, she had known what she made, but to hold the cold steel in her hands was another thing entirely, it was massive! After seeing the weapon, she sent it to back to its realm. Who wants to lug around a giant scythe all day? Next was her stand ability, she was nervous about this one because she created it giving it sentience so it was more of a partner instead of a tool.

She summoned the stand with a loud shout. "Go! FATE NOMOR!"

With a loud 'ORA!" the stand was summoned for the first time, it was tall, covered in armour and humanoid as it stands at 7 feet tall.


Fate Nomor

Abilities: Rend, [LOCKED] [LOCKED]

Range: 3 meters

Type: Close-range

[Rend] at a range of 3 meters you can slightly bend space and time to gain an advantage against your enemy, or can affect user by placing user in a different space or speeding up time.


Rose was extremely happy with this creation; how could she not be? It was such an overpowered ability she couldn't believe that Jonathan had allowed her to even create something like this in the first place!

"Fate Nomor, come here" she commanded as the stand walked over to her obediently, looming over the short vampire with its impressive height.

"You can speak, can't you? I made sure that you were sentient" Rose asked the stand, the stand nodded and replied, "yes, I am" imitating a certain character from the JoJo's franchise. Rose burst into laughing bloody tears rolling down her face from laughing too hard, finally settling down a few moments later.

"Well then, that caught me off guard, I think we're going to be amazing partners Fate Nomor, let's go!" she says as the stand floats beside her as she walks out of the storage closet into the well-lit hallway, wandering around until she came to a room with a person sitting at a desk outside of a door, most likely a receptionist or assistant.

Rose decided it would be better to talk to the person than creepily stare at them from the hallway, so she made her way over to the person, who is a woman with short black hair, grey eyes and wearing a black business suit.

"How may I he- Wait it's you!" the assistant shouted, causing Rose to wince in pain, not adapted to being a vampire yet.

"Who are you? I don't remember meeting you?" Rose said to the strange woman, obviously confused.

"Oh, right, let me explain, I was going to do some cleaning because a certain stupid god can't do anything himself and pushes his work onto me, I swear that guy never does anything!" she frustratingly explained to Rose who finally understood.

"Oh! you were the person who walked into the storage closet, I was looking through stuff on the system when you walked into the storage closet." she had explained to the angry woman which she could probably guess the god she was talking about was Jonathan within the timespan that she had talked to him.

"Anyway uhm-"

"It's Veronica dear."

"Anyway, Veronica, can I see Jonathan I am done with customizing." Rose questioned, making Veronica pause.

"He didn't tell you how to get to get to the hub world?" she questioned the small girl, a dark looks on her face "That damn man I'll make sure to beat him senseless later!" she exclaimed internally.

"No... How do I get there?" Rose asked, wanting to get there as soon as possible.

"Here, I'll unlock the transportation tab for you, the hub world should already be unlocked for you as well as here if you need to see any of the gods for any reason." Veronica opened her system and pressed a few tabs before Rose got a notification about new tabs, opening her system.






Fast Travel