Chapter 7: New Developments

Sera after a few minutes stopped crying as she felt better, although she felt better knowing that her parents were avenged, she hated the idea that she was living her entire life so far, a lie. She let go of Rose who got back up.

"Come on Seras there's a mission soon, get up." Rose told Seras, walking out of the room humming.

Back in the room Integra had Walter show them their new weapons. Police girl got a rifle and Alucard his signature black pistol completing the Jekyll and Hyde duo. They were given a day at the mansion and then they left at dawn, arriving in Ireland at night.


Somewhere in Ireland

They knew where to go already thanks partially to Integra, and the blood they smelled when they got closer to their targets. Rose was taking in the scenery not caring about much else, when they got to an abandoned housing building, the white panelling on the house looking new giving evidence that the recent occupants abandoned it not too long ago. In typical Alucard style the door was kicked in across the hallway.

Alucard entered the house. "Knock knock." the vampires inside were dumbfounded.

"Who the fuck are you?!?' the guy questioned.

Alucard filled him with holes, purposefully missing every vital organ and then shooting him in the head, the head exploding.

"A real fucking vampire, that's who." Alucard simply stating, the female vampire running away, right into Rose who was standing there, menacingly. She summoned her stand.


She beat the shit out of her, sending the vampire flying with multiple shattered bones and pierced organs. She got up and started running away to which she signalled to Alucard. He would make sure the police girl had fun with this.

Overthinking, she was overthinking, she needed to focus on the task at hand, not have an emotional breakdown. Her face returning to a stoic look, a faint hint of blush still on her face and bloody crimson tears rolling down her face.

Alucard had taken Seras up to the roof, teaching Seras how to use her vampiric powers.

"Police girl, do you have the target." Alucard had asked.

"I have her in sight master" Seras replied to her master's question.

"Take the shot police girl, she's going to get away." Alucard infuriatingly stated.

"I would if you didn't keep fucking interrupting me!" Seras complained.

"Shes getting awayyy" Alucard stated, Seras getting pissed off and firing.

She fired a single bullet, the bullet hitting its target right through the heart, the vampire dead as she fell onto the street and flamed up into bright blue flames turning to dust, Seras turning back to normal. She stood up and not exactly comfortable with it, taking the stairs rather than jumping off the roof.

"Shot through the heart! and you-"

"What?" Seras interrupted

"Hm?" Alucard answered with.


Rose was thinking to herself, overthinking, she was that type of person to overthink things if they were important to her. She liked it here but she had to leave this world sometime, but she wanted to stay with her family in this world, sine she had a family now.

She was wondering why did she have to leave? Although she would be able to visit from time to time that didn't really do much for her, and she couldn't really remove them from this world without taking all of Hellsing, and that in itself was a bad idea. Think of how many innocent vampires they would slaughter there.

She supposed she could fill them in on them though, so they wouldn't be totally senseless. Though, knowing her brother, Alucard, he would totally slaughter any vampire he saw if they so much as thought of looking at him funny, but then again, there was a method to the madness no matter how mad it was.

Rose got worked up thinking about not being able to see them, overthinking how she usually did, she grew so attached already to them that she couldn't handle it anymore as tears rolled down her cheeks. That went on for a while before Alucard and Seras had worked their way to where she was sitting.

They had found Rose sitting on her scythe, the scythe vertical as she sat on the head of it, tears running down her face. Seras was confused as to why she was crying and Alucard didn't know why, but something stirred inside him if only for a moment, it made him angry before it disappeared as quickly as it materializes.

He thought of it as nothing and simply continued on paying it no mind. Rose on the other hand was thrilled to see the two, quickly wiping her face before a smile formed on it, hugging them both surprising both Alucard and Seras, Alucard simply patting her head with a serious face, yet was pleased at the show of affection.

Rose enjoyed the patting and pulled away from the hug with renewed vigour, smiling cutely with a small blush on her face. AT the same time, a certain priest felt a shiver down his spine as he was walking his way to a hospital that they had believed to be infested with vampires.

"Damn cold wind, I should've worn something heavier." The priest simply complained, in a thick Irish accent

Alucard and company were on their way to enjoy a casual slaughter, reaching the door of a run-down looking hospital, the strong smell of blood lingering around the premise of it. Rose did it this time, possibly taking after her new brother. Summoning her stand she had it kick the door in with all the force it could muster, the door flying across the lobby into the wall sticking there with an indent, Seras absolutely shocked and slightly frightened by the force she generated without even touching the door.

"10 points to Griffindor!" Alucard yelled out in a weird accent, making Rose giggle and police girl to be confused at her master's antics. They walked in casually, heading through the halls, ghouls poured out into the hall, they got ready, Rose rushing ahead cutting and slicing a few.

The few she killed had turned into a mist as she ran past the rest, leaving some for Seras and Alucard to clean up, going on a brutal massacre, her stand floating behind her, standing guard in case one came up behind her, pounding away with its fists as it had brutalized anything it came through its path, with reason of course, it wouldn't attack Alucard or Seras.

She sang and laughed in the middle of the carnage, a psychotic grin forming on her lips as she sung, her attacks getting faster and stronger the more she sang, a system notification popping up as she got a new skill, which she would obviously check later.

She put her scythe back, deciding it was time to get personal and started to beat ghouls with her fists and slash with her claw like nails, tearing apart the ghouls with a terrifyingly brutal efficiency.

---- About an hour later...

They were finished toying with the ghouls as Rose got to witness the scene of Seras about to drink blood for the first time, right before getting a sword through the back coughing out blood. Rose knew it was coming, but didn't stop it. The first time she drank blood was a special scene in the anime, she wasn't going to ruin that. Alucard turned around just in time for Anderson to start talking.

She swore he did it on purpose, but then again, maybe though perhaps he was lonely without touching a child. She giggled at her own joke, staring at Anderson next to Alucard. She thought it was as good time as any to check her system, summoning Fate Nomor to block at incoming projectiles, just in time too as the stand deflected two swords.

"Thats not very nice" she casually stated, before going back to the system, looking at a notification.

"Skill that uses MP used; system will now show magic point stat"

She checked the updated system stats.


Rose Tepes

Level 10

Age: 47

HP: 1215/1215

MP: 135/1335

Race: Origin Vampire

Class: None

Magic: Blood Manipulation Shadow Manipulation Requiem of Death

Abilities: Summon Stand Summon Cardinal Weapon High Speed Regeneration, vampiric Bloodlust

Seals: Control Art Restriction System [LOCKED]

INT: 22 [+]

END: 21 [+]

DEX: 22 [+]

STR: 23 [+]

VIG: 35 [+]

ARC. 24 [+]

FAI: 6 [+]

Skill Points: 7

[Requiem of Death] Singing in battle will increase the speed and damage of your attacks based on the tempo of the song, percentage based up to 200% skill will automatically activate upon meeting the requirements.

Type: Active

Cooldown: None

Duration: Any

Mana Cost: 20 MP per minute

[Vampiric Bloodlust] Lose yourself to instinct, gaining 500% damage and 200 % agility, but at the cost of going into a blood frenzy and weakens user by 20% of user's stats for one week, can activate automatically at low health

Type: Active

Cooldown: One day

Duration: 2 minutes or until user's thirst is satiated

Mana Cost: None