Chapter 9: Helling Mansion

Rose stirred as she slowly woke up to Alucard gently nudging her, poking her face with his index.

"Heyyy, heyy Rosee, wake up, Walter has our stuff here" he told her.

"What timee is it~" Rose sleepily asked him.

"8 AM, of tomorrow" Rose shot up after hearing that, stretching with a small yawn, her hair messy as she combed through it with her hand flattening it down. Alucard reached over patting her head, she looked back at him with a smile sitting in his lap again.

"Hey brother, I have a bet." Rose said suddenly.

"Oh, and what would this bet be?" Alucard asked, intrigued at what she said. Not minding Rose sitting on his lap again.

"Today is going to be as fun as one of your 'walks'" Rose had said innocently. Alucard grinned, laughing loudly, obviously enthused about the ominous premonition by his dear little sister. She got off his lap, seemingly only wanting to sit there to tell him.

She shifted into a shadow, going around the mansion secretly, looking around for a while spying on the meeting. She popped up underneath the table in front of Integra sneakily poking her head out on Integra's lap, earning a glare from Integra.

Rose stuck her tongue out and crawled back underneath the table leaving the room as a shadow. Rose decided to tour around the armoury while she was waiting for multiple hours. A similarly decorated room with a door on the side of the room and long rows of lockers. She skipped around looking at all of the weapons in the lockers and on the walls humming softly.

She picked up a rifle after unlocking the door onto one of the lockers, which she found the key for deliberately placed on the wall and went to the firing range to practice shooting. She was no expert at all in shooting, barely hitting mostly anything, but getting better at it. She left the armoury and went back to the basement; Alucard was surprised she was back so soon as she came in.

"Back so early?" he questioned.

"Yes, brother. We have a bit of time to spare while Integra is in the meeting." she stated, climbing up into his lap, undeniably her favourite spot now, and hugged him. He was surprised and pat her head, sitting back in the chair drinking his wine.

Rose took the wine from him and drank a bit of it, enjoying the taste of the wine as it tasted very fruity. She looked up at Alucard's face, to find him staring at her. She panicked holding the glass up in front of his face so he would grab it. Seeing her panic broke his act, laughing genuinely at the little girl's antics.

Alucard took the glass back and pat the girl again, earning a pout from Rose.

"Dummy brother!" Rose exclaimed.

"I'm not the one who stole my wine" he retorted at her antics. Rose hugged him again laying there.

"Hmph, meanie." she stated Alucard laughed again and picked up the TV remote. Rose gawked before remembering when he was on the phone with integra. Rose sat up in his lap and watched Television with her brother.


Hours later

Rose woke up in Alucard's lap to the sounds of multiple sources of gunfire.

"Damn it I must have fallen asleep..." she said aloud to herself "Well, here I go murdering again!" she said, getting up out of her seat. She summoned her scythe to her side and walked to the lobby slowly, she had to have a grand entrance, and it was totally justified by her slaughtering every ghoul she saw in sight.

Her footsteps seemed amplified as all there was to hear soon enough was the groaning of the ghouls. Suddenly they turned to her, as she stood in front of them.

"Wow there's so many of them! No wonder the guards bad a bit of trouble." she playfully said to herself, having fun out of the situation "I can try this now then." she activated the aura of her scythe, making it travel up the blade. She made a quick slash through the air, and slammed the tip of the blade into the tiled floor.

The floor cracked around the blade splintering upward as a flash of black flames spread out onto the floor the second the scythe made contact, incinerating everything in the way of the dangerous wave of flame. She retrieved her weapon from the floor she casually wedged it into.

There was barely anything in the lobby after what she had just done, what was left were just a bunch burnt corpses still crawling around. She hated ghouls for this reason, way too resilient especially after getting hit with a flame that belonged to the death element.


She got a notification from the system. She checked it as soon as she saw it and was surprised.


"Congratulations you have created your first skill. would you like to name it?" the prompt said. She was thinking of what to name the skill when the system interrupted.

"User took too long, generating random name."

Rose cursed the system before looking at the new skill she got.

[Death Slam] Focus mana into your weapon and slam it down creating a devasting wave of death in its wake. Pairs with a weapon of the death element. Mana substitutable for soul power.

Type: Active

Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Duration: 5 seconds

Cost: 300 MP

Rose was satisfied with this new skill that she had unknowingly made. She closed the system just in time to see Luke Valentine approaching her.

"He's in the basement" she stated "don't destroy the new stuff"

She walked past the confused Valentine, walking up the stairs to meet up with Seras who was most likely defending the meeting room with Walter. She found a large group on her way, making quick work of them, slaughtering them all brutally before they had a chance to retaliate. Rose reached the floor in time to hear an explosion occur on the roof.

"Hm, probably the escape helicopter." she hid in her shadow waiting for Jan to appear with the rest of the ghouls. She didn't have to wait long, until she heard the ghouls and Jan coming down the hall way.

"I don't give a shit; I don't give a fuc-"

Walter cut down all of the ghouls behind Jan as he was singing.

"W-what the fuck was that?!?"

"Hello, my name is Walter C. Dornez, ex-vampire-hunter and butler to the Hellsing Organization. I answer the door, clean up the estate, and I take out the trash... And I also kill self-entitled twats like yourself." he introduced

"Well, ain't you fuckin' classy, but guess what, that wire won't do shit for dick against armour this thick! How thick is it? Well just about half as thick as my dick, so you'll need about an anti-tank-"

"Police girl" Walter interrupted. Rose came out of her shadow as Walter was talking and walked slowly up behind the line of ghouls.

"Bitches love cannons!" Seras shot through the line of ghouls.

"OH FUCK, an anti-tank rifle!"

Rose dodged out of the way of the bullet at it came hurtling through the line of ghouls, catapulting off of the bullet with her scythe scraping it throwing sparks into the air behind her. Giving up the element of surprise as anyone who wasn't deaf could hear that bullet scratch against the scythe, she launched herself with the momentum of the dodge towards Jan.

"Fucking cover me!" Jan ordered out to the ghouls hastily. The ghouls turned and threw themselves into the line of fire. The massive scythe ripped through the metal not stopping, going through countless bodies as a pile of corpses lay on top of the vampire, his leg getting brutally dissected by the misdirected scythe.

Rose clicked her tongue, pulling Jan closer, stamping down on his leg and pulling it out tearing the skin off of his leg, earning a pained scream from the receiving end.

"Holy fuck that hurts!" he yelled, Rose kicking him across the hall towards the meeting room.

"Let him go" she said to Seras and Walter. They nodded and let Jan enter the room, his leg mutilated, to find the sight of Integra and 12 others, all aimed at him in a firing line with a multitude of pistols.

"Well, that's not fair." he stated, giving up any hope he had.

"I'm sorry, we don't give a fuck." Integra stated, pulling out her own weapon, as everyone had fired into the vampire in front of them filling it with holes. Integra walked out of the room slowly as Jan hit the wall and aimed her pistol at his head.

"Alright, now you're going to tell me who sent you, shit for brains." Integra interrogated.

"I don't know what's funnier. That your titless ass thinks you intimidate me, or the fact that you think the people who sent me will let me live if ya did!" Jan yelled back. He combusted into blue fire as he stood up.

"AND NOW I'M ON FUCKIN FIRE! SO NOW ITS FREE GAME! THE ONE WHO SENT ME, WERE THE FUCKIN NAZIISS!" Jan exclaimed as he fell, turning into a smoking pile of ashes.

"...i heard George Lucas. Who else heard Geoge Lucas?" Integra asked.

"I heard Miami heat." Walter answered.

"I heard the Mötley Crüe with my vampire hearing." Seras stated

"Wait. Where's the big brother?" Integra asked.



"I was handcrafted to kill you! My speed, my stamina, my power, they all dwarf yours! In comparison, I'm a demi-god, nay a god to you!" Luke had arrogantly yelled.

"Really?" Alucard asked quickly.

"Really." Luke replied.



"Release restraint number one." Alucard commanded.

"Wait what?" Luke was shocked.

Alucard shot Luke's leg off quickly as he started running, hopping against the wall now.

"You know they say that TV makes you violent, BUT NOT HAVING MY FUCKING TV IS MAKING ME EXTREMELY FUCKING VIOLENT!" Alucard exclaimed

"Need to climb the stairs I need to get up the stairs! Awww fuck!" Luke exclaimed as he saw all of the stairs.

"COME ON, YOU WERE TALKING ALL THAT SHIT BEFORE I BLEW YOUR FUCKING LEGS OFF! NOW YOU'RE FUCKING DOG FOOD" Alucard angrily yelled releasing the Black hound of Baskerville.

"N-No! NoNoNoNoNo!" Luke screamed.


Back in the meeting room

Crunching sounds were being heard over the phone as well as screams.

"Hey, we're here on today's episode of "Epic Meal Time!" I'm the sauce boss! And tonight, we're eating this blonde wannabe god bitch!'

"Who... ls that?" Penwood asked.

"Oh, that's Alucard, we talked about him earlier." Integra answered.

"And this is what happens when he is forced to entertain himself." Integra explained "So what was that issue about funding?"

"Issue?" Penwood asked.

"What issue?" Islands stepped in, acting like nothing was wrong.

"I don't see an issue" Penwood exclaimed nervously, sweat dripping down his face.

"Shut up and take our money!" a random one added in.