Chapter 18: You Both Can Get the F*ck Out

“What do you mean, Celia didn’t win?” Carter asked when Grace phoned him.

“Georgina got the first prize because she received a really high score from Theodore,” Grace explained. “Celia and I went to talk to him but he wouldn’t budge.”

“Her performance was mediocre at best,” Carter responded.

“Everyone agreed, the audience included. Everyone except Theodore,” Grace remarked.

“That’s it, I’ll knock some sense into him,” Carter announced. “Thanks for letting me know.”

“Just so you know, Georgina and Theodore are rather chummy towards each other,” Lucinda, Carter’s personal secretary, commented once Carter ended the call.

“Explain more,” Carter urged, his curiosity piqued.

“I found it weird at first, but they always go and come back from the restroom at the same time,” Lucinda explained.

“Oh, nothing a few rub and tugs won’t solve,” Carter commented with a scoff, imagining Georgina on her knees.