Chapter 6 6: Castiel

Another demon. This time it possessed a fairy, a freaking fairy! I seriously need a meeting with the Council about this, it's the second case in one week. It may be just a coincidence so I'm waiting for another attack to be sure that this is serious. I curse Nero for not being here. I decided to get back to school to not seem too suspicious, besides, I still need an excuse for what happened in my locker.

Sighing, I turned to the alley and retreated my wings and started walking towards school. It's not that far away, something like 15 minutes or less. I looked at the time, 9:21 AM. Not bad...I'll just say that the book was behind my secretary therefore I took a little longer to find it, everyone will be in their classes so they won't ask why I don't have the book with me, I'll tell them that I put it my locker as soon as I came back and they will, hopefully, believe it.