Duty calls

Duty calls

JORDAN'S POV I suspect everyone I don't know or remember crossing paths with . When I saw a lady got close to my daughter, I took a few strides and arrived behind her. I couldn't strike but waited to see what she was up to. Jora was smart like I educated her. She didn't say anything to the lady nor kept her smile. She drew backwards when the latter squatted in front of her. She identified a stranger like I had told her in the past, never to go care free or smiling to a stranger. A stranger might be there to harm her. She must be careful and applied wisdom and distancing first before defending herself. But the lady suddenly launched an attack. I was conscious and suspected that she might want to attack me. We are engaged in a physical combat. She was attacking me but I was defending myself. Her blows and fist were like those of a trained personnel. I calmed down and she stopped. We both stared at each other and I saw her, a beautiful, attractive woman. But while I was still thinking why she stopped in front of my daughter of all the kids in the pack, I couldn't get to question her when she walked out on me. We both didn't even exchange a word to each other before she walked away. I turned to look at her and I saw her carry a backpack, then wore a dark shade like mine and then went away. I wasn't convenient with her actions. Who is she? Why suddenly leaving when I confronted her in a quiet combat. I can't remember seeing her but I guess she is a trained personnel. Was she in some kind of mission? I immediately told Jora, we have to leave. That place wasn't safe for us at the moment. Reluctantly, Jora waved at her new found friends and I held her hand walking back to our car. But I kept thinking about the woman. Who is she? How can I investigate her and know what she wants with my daughter? We went home together but my mind wouldn't stop thinking about that woman. I would find her who she is, that's an assignment I gave to myself. Later in the day we went together with mum to do some shopping. As we got into the store, I saw a familiar figure. I looked closer and saw that it was that lady who we saw earlier at the amusement park that was doing some shopping too. Her cart was almost filled and I excused myself, leaving Jora in custody of my mother as I went closer to her, picking items into my cart. I deliberately got to her quickly and I said "Hi" she didn't answer me but concentrated on her shopping. Seeing she didn't even glance at me, I picked a few things and threw them into my cart. "Our paths crossed for the second time today.." I said, trying to initiate a conversation. In my line of duty, I have met different kinds of people. While interrogating some suspects, some would give you direct answers while some would make you talk until your intestines almost get rumbling and yet wouldn't give you an answer. But you need to keep talking because you need answers. If you have to add torture, then so be it but eventually, I would get the answers out of their mouth. So I persevered. I want to know one thing about her at least. If I am going to investigate her, I need clues that would give me a quick access to what I want. She picked another item and walked away. She didn't even glance at me to know if I was truly the same person who she met earlier or someone else. I squinted. There's something about this lady that I can not yet lay my fingers on. I want to get to know her more I went to join my mum and Jora after picking the few things we needed and dash off. Who was that lady? I kept asking myself. I arrived home that evening and at midnight, my official phone rang. I squinted. That phone only ring when there's an emergency and I needed to come before the commissioner. There's work for me to do, I knew immediately. I answered the phone and the voice came through. "Hello Jordan Duro, I need you to report at the force headquarters first thing tomorrow morning. There have been a homicide and you are the head detective in charge of the investigation.." that was Jeffrey Scott. I dropped the phone and massaged my temple. This is duty calling. I had thought I would be home with Jora for at least one week. But I had to leave early the next morning and it had to be through flight. I can't make it that early if I was to drive myself to Newton city. I had to see Jora and plead with her. Thank goodness we were able to go places together and would have had more adventures if I had spend more time with her. I got my few items into my backpack and made a flight booking. Thank goodness I was able to get a seat on the first flight. Next morning, I went to see Jora, she was still sleeping. I gently squatted by her bedside. I was afraid of sitting on the edge of the bed in order not to bring it down with my weight. A few strands of hair were covering her face, I removed them to the back of her ears and tapped her, unhappy that I was disturbing her sleep. She opened her eyes and saw me. A beautiful smile appeared on her lips and I caressed her chin. She yawned and stretched herself, sitting up she greeted me. I smiled back at her and asked her if she slept well. She answered me appropriately and suddenly she saw me all dressed up and squinted. " Where are you going so early daddy?" Jora asked me. I smiled and touched her chin again. " My love, I have to go now but I promise to visit you again as soon as this investigation is over..." I persuaded her. Jora's smile disappeared instantly. She definitely was not pleased that I was leaving so early. " I am sorry baby. I didn't know I was going to leave so soon. But duty calls and I have to be there. This is my life Jora and it demands immediate availability. I am going to catch those bad boys terrorising our community. What do you think?.." I explained. She became a little relieved. She nodded and said she hope I return soon and I should ensure I arrest all the bad boys and girls in our society. I promised to do my best, one at a time and then kissed her temple. I had to leave, the flight will be taking off in a few minutes time. When I left Jora's room, I went to see my mum before dashing out. I got into my car and asked my mum's Chauffeur to drive me to the airport.