I stopped what I wanted to ask him and nodded. I will always do what he wants me to do. I watched him for a while and smiled as he slowly placed his hand on mine which I was keeping on the table.
"Seyah nothing will happen to us as long as we love each other" he muttered and I smiled at him as I intertwined my fingers with him.
"Yes," I said. Then he smiled at me and it was the most gorgeous smile I ve ever seen. My heart skipped a beat seeing his smile. I got up from the chair and walked towards him. Then bent down and kissed his cheek before going out of the tent. I looked outside and took a deep breath.
Soon I felt Seth coming to me and wrapping his arms around my waist as he hugged me from the behind. Resting his chin on my shoulder he kissed my cheek. I couldn't help but giggle. We waited there and watched the sunset.