Chapter 41

  I didn't have an idea at what time I fell asleep. As soon as I opened my eyes I heard someone knocking on the door.

  "Young lady, dinner is ready." Young lady? how dare they call me that after they surely kidnapped me.

  "I don't want and don't call me young lady because I'm not your young lady." I was really angry because I don't even know these people.

  "I'm sorry young lady but I'm just doing what the master told me to do. please have dinner" with that I heard her footsteps as she left. I didn't want to go out and eat with my kidnapper. What a joke. So I again laid on the bed and closed my eyes as I remembered Kayden and Kristen. I just miss them, my eyes filled with tears as I remembered that I was going to tell Kayden the happy news and I wanted to tell Kristen that he's going to have a little sister or a brother but everything changed and I don't even know how they are.. Then suddenly the door opened,