Chapter 60

~Kayden~ (10 years old)

Mommy said that little bride came yesterday and I wanted to go and see her but they didn t let me go because they said I can see her today at her birthday party. I was so excited to see the little bride.

"Kayn." I heard Axel s voice and I knew he s also going to the little bride s birthday party because his father was also Uncle Xayan s friend. But I didn t want Axel to see my little bride.

"Why" I asked him because I was angry at him.

"Can we play now?" He asked and threw a ball to me.

"I don t want to play with you Axel. You re boring" I said and looked at him.

"Okay then. I ll play with the little bride when I go to her birthday party" What? Why does he call her little bride? I wanted to punch him but my daddy and Axel s daddy came.

"Axel let s go" Axel s daddy spoke while patting my head. Thank god he s going. After Axel left I looked up at my daddy.