Chapter 8

  I pushed Delilah to the passenger seat, then I got into the car and sped away. I looked at her, she was crying and clutching her dress tightly. I increased the speed I'm driving, I was so fucking angry and she's crying for that bastard. She is mine, mine to love and cherish but what fuck was that? That fucking James. I was beyond angry, every time my mind reminded me how close they were I sped the car.

  "Kayden.......please slow down...." Suddenly Delilah talked. She was so fucking scared, she looked at me with her watery eyes and those eyes were begging me to not to hurt her. I really hated the way her eyes made my heart hurt.

  "Why? Is it that hard to leave him?" I asked while mocking her. She just looked at my eyes before looking down while biting her bottom lip.