Chapter 18

  I woke up next morning and Kayden wasn't with me anymore but his scent was still there on my bed. I looked at the time and it's 8.30 a.m. Kayden should be in his office at this time. I quickly got up and showered then I packed my luggage, I didn't have many things to take, only clothes. Then I got a call from James.

  "Delilah everything is ready. We have a flight at 11.30 a.m." James spoke as I sighed.

  "Okay James I'll be in your place at 10" I said as I picked my luggage. Then I left my room, where I lived for 12 years. Before everything I should just inform grandma, I didn't want to make her worry. So I went to her room.

  "Grandma..." she was staring out of the window, because of my voice she looked at me.

  "I'm leaving....I'm sorry." I said as my tears came out. I loved her so much she also loved me. I couldn't bear to leave her.