Chapter 21

  ~ James ~

  It's been 8 months since Delilah came with me but still she couldn't forget Kayden. Sometimes I saw she was staring at a Kayden's picture while stroking her belly. Delilah never wanted to know the gender of her baby, she said she would always love her baby even if it's a girl or boy and because it's Kayden's child. I knew the love I had for her was not as powerful as her love that she had for Kayden. So I never wanted to let her know about my feelings. I hated Kayden, it was because he never treated Delilah well, he always made her cry. But still her heart belongs to him. Do I have to give up? Because she will never love another man and I knew it. She only loves Kayden. Shitt...

  "Baby is born" The voice pulled me back from the past. I looked up and it was a nurse who informed me. I quickly got up from the chair I was sitting in for one hour.