Chapter 45

"I have someone I like.." I spoke as I left the office. As soon as I said that, Dayannah's little face came to my mind. Damn do I like her? Urghh I only just saw a picture of her but already she's in my mind. I sighed.

It was 11 p.m when I came to Asher's place. I left the office at 8 but I got a call from Harry and had to attend an emergency meeting. As soon as I entered his house I saw Quincey. Not only Quincey but also angry Quincey.

"Dumb head" Quincey shouted as she threw a cushion at me, I caught the cushion before it hit on my face.

"What was that for?" I asked as she came closer to me while talking with a low voice.

"Didn't I ask you to come early? Dayannah came but you weren't there. Shit I said that I wanted you to meet her on the first day." While Quincey was scolding me I looked at Asher Who was looking at me with a sarcastic smile. I really wanted to punch that bastard.