Chapter 57

~ Xayan ~

"It's a boy" the nurse came out told us as Dayannah started giggling from happiness. I looked at the man next to me who just became a daddy for a little boy.

"Can I see my wife?" Asher asked the nurse while trying to hide his nervousness. I wanted to laugh because he was once a heartless man with no emotions but Quincey changed him. As his best friend I was really happy for him. After we got permission to see Quincey we all went into her private ward. Quincey was holding a little baby boy in her arms, she was covered with sweat yet she's smiling at Asher. I looked at my little wife who was crying from happiness. Dayannah will also definitely make me a father. I smiled with that thought and wrapped my arm around her waist while pulling her closer to me but Dayannah didn't even look at me her eyes were on that new born little rascal. Urghhh