Royal rolled his eyes and turned to face River leaning forward so his lips could reach her ears.
"Fire wants me to let him out, he is going to come out in his full size to drag the fire creature." He whispered into River ears.
"Then let him out, as far as he can be able to remove the offensive smell from that room, let him out." River said to him.
"Your father's room will be completely damaged, River, his height and size can't contain the whole room, he will destroy part of it if I allow him to come out fully." Royal told River who gave it a thought and smiled at him.
"I have an idea." River said, still smiling. "Make fire go invisible and I will Jeffrey here to get all the candles in the room outside and then you make your wolf appear and he will drag out the creature from the candle, hopefully enough, the breeze won't quench the fire out." River told him her idea.
"I totally agree with your idea River." Royal told her.