Chapter 2

'There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.'

She sat down at the mountain top and started meditating searching every nook and cranny of each supernaturals kingdom but to no avail.

The priestess was livid as she tried to see if something was hidden away from her, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing showed up.

She stood up as a door opened right there in front of her, mid air.

Entering it, it closes behind her. She found herself in a room, a big bowl of red water appeared in front of her, as she started to make some incantations. "Water, water, show me what is being hidden, who is the last mermaid that is yet to be born? Show me her face or mother?"

The red water started swirling around the bowl, and a mouth was seen opening. She peep inside the opened mouth only to see darkness. The mouth vanished and the water became still.

"Something doesn't feel right." The priestess said staring at the still red water.

"I know that Tamara." A deep male baritone voice said behind her.

The priestess now known as Tamara, wasn't frightened when she heard male voice.

"You shouldn't be here, I am taking care of everything." Tamara said and turned to face him.

Standing before her was a man made of water.

"Just because I gave you enough powers to become the priestess of all Supernaturals doesn't mean you should talk to me in such manner." The water man said.

"I am sorry my Lord, forgive my manners. I just thought you should be resting as you had drained all the blood of the mermaids clan. I wasn't expecting you." Tamara said as she lowered her head.

"I already did that but I am still thirsty for that last blood. Our plan worked out from the beginning. I made Avonmora soulmate to the demon king, Tharollin. She had thought that the gods had blessed her with Tharollin, but she didn't know the truth. I have Tharollin where I want him, for I will need a strong body for me to occupy when it's time." The man in a water form said and laughed out. "And again, I shall need Roen's blood to complete the ritual, he is the strongest Wolf."

"Why his blood?" Tamara asked not getting it.

"I mean, someone that will come out from his loins, set him up with a maiden that he will impregnate. And once it's time I shall have that child." He said as he already mapped out his plans.

If only he knew the child will be a Tribrid supernatural, he wouldn't have suggested the plan.

"Of course my Lord. But what should I tell the Kings and Queens when they asked what the gods has said. We still haven't found out where the last mermaid is."

"I will tell you what to do, for now, your focus should be on finding out where the mermaid will be born so that you can bring her to me. I on the other hand, shall keep on blinding the god's. And once Tharollin gets my bones from the Gate of Darkness, I shall reveal myself to them."

Tamara nodded her head as she handed the diamond stone which held the soul of Avonmora to the water man who vanished immediately.


The Meeting Room:

"Queen Lillian, since we haven't heard a word from our priestess since yesterday after the slaughter of the Mermaid Clan, what are we going to do since the gate is still open?" Queen Flora asked as she fling one of her fingers upwards and a rose flower appeared in it, which she started playing with.

"I can't really answer you Queen Flora until the priestess comes." Lillian answer with a smile.

Before anyone will speak, Tamara appeared before them. She didn't come alone, she came with a beautiful lady who looks a little bit like her.

Standing up to their feet, they greeted the priestess and sat down.

"Without wasting much time, the god's has not yet revealed who will give birth to the last evil mermaid that will close the gate of Darkness. But, they have given us a solution." Tamara said with a smile.

"What solution priestess?" King Davea asked.

Tamara turned and pointed at the lady standing beside her. "She is the Solution."

"She is beautiful." King Darin complement as he stared lustfully at the lady. "Did you bring this damsel for me?" He added.

"Not for you Darin, the gods want Roen to marry Rosa, who is my cousin. The child you both shall bear will be the one to know where the last mermaid is and sacrifice her to the gods. She is the ultimate sacrifice, only when the mermaid is sacrifice, can the gate close forever."

King Roen, a very handsome werewolf, was surprised when he heard the news. He raised up his head to refuse the offer when the words frozen mid way. Standing before him was a very beautiful maiden, his soulmate, he has imprinted on her.

When a shape-shifter, a Wolf, imprints on a specific girl or woman, he becomes unconditionally bound to her for the rest of his life. When it happens, the experience is described as being gravitationally pulled toward that person while a glowing heat fills him, and everyone and everything else in his life becomes secondary, and only the imprintee is left to matter, leaving the shape-shifter with a deep need to do anything to please and protect his soulmate. It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like… gravity moves… suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend.

He had hoped his imprint would be Avonmora, but the gods couldn't grant him his heart desires, and now, she is dead.

King Roen stood up to his feet quickly and went over to meet Rosa, he hugged her smiling. "I have found my imprint at last, she is my soulmate."

The rest of the Kings and Queens all helped a smile except Darin who was sulking. The Wolf King has finally found his soulmate after three thousand years of searching.

"Congrats." Filled the room.

"But how did you know your cousin would be his soulmate?" Lillian demanded suspiciously.

"That's because the gods revealed that my cousin should be brought here for King Roen to see. And thanks be to the gods for their knowledge." Tamara said. "The gods also demanded that Wolf King be made as the King of all Supernaturals, since his lovely wife to be will give birth to the one who will save us all. A school shall be built where all the children from each clan, will be attending." With that she disappeared leaving her cousin behind.

Lillian felt something was amiss but let it slide. Tamara didn't made mention of how to prevent the blackness from the gate from spreading out, anyway, that's the work of a witch.


1,000 years later:

"I am sorry Queen Lillian, but I cannot take back your grandchild, she will be transferred." The proprietor of the witch school told the queen sitting in her office.

"Ash, just give her a second chance she will change, I promise." Queen Lillian pleaded on behalf of Rae.

Rae who looked less concerned about the discussion they were having right in front of her, was blowing whistle as she placed her legs on top of the proprietor table.

Ash was already used to Rae's behavior.

"Even though you rule us, with all due respect my queen, I still maintain my stand. Rae beat up her seniors badly, they are still in the hospital recovering, she is so stubborn and do whatever pleases her, she is getting out of our control. So I have no other choice my queen. I am transferring her to the supernaturals school and that's finally." Ash said and brought out a letter. "This is a recommendation letter that you will give to the Principal of the supernatural. It talks about the behavior of Rae so that he can warn his students to stay away from her."

"I will talk to her, but try and reconsider your decision." Lillian said

"I, in fact all the teachers, have had enough of her, there is nothing I can do."

"Grandma, can you excuse us for a minute, I want to speak to Mrs Ash alone, please." Rae said as she stopped her whistle.

Getting up to her feet, "I will be outside, do not do something stupid." With that Lillian left the office.

"What is it Rae? If you want to beg me to allow you back into this school, am afraid my answer is still No."

"I am not begging you Mrs proprietor. The letter in your hand, change it and write how wonderful and helpful I am to your school."

"You don't tell a five hundred years old teacher what to do."

"You seem to have forgotten who you are talking to, I am Rae, wherever I go I causes trouble. And also I know what side of the bed you sleep at night, don't allow me to visit you tonight. Change that recommendation letter at once."