Fitting Weapons

Captain Zlodey's POV:

Finally arriving at our base, I lead the new recruits to the stable, this time not for simple horses, but to store our new dinosaurs.

And now, I guess I should give them proper advise about their fighting styles.

"Alright kids. I've seen enough to know you're all up for joining the Warriors. I'll talk to the Tribe Master and take care of the boring stuff by the end of the day."

"So we passed the test huh. I never thought we'd have to tame dinosaurs in order to join." Silva comments.

"Normally you wouldn't, but this was the perfect chance for it, and you did great. Congratulations, you're now members of the Warriors fourth division. It will only get harder from here on out."

"We'll be ready!" Miguel says.

I really hope they are ready... their first task won't be an easy one, hopefully no one gets killed. Anyway, to prevent any losses I should get them proper weapons that fit each of their unique fighting styles.

"Well then, let's go to the blacksmith. We'll order saddles for your Triceratops and some new weapons. Simple swords like the ones you have are holding you back."

And I really mean it, they have so much potential, I need to give them the right weapons.

And so, we all go to the blacksmith.

When we were almost getting there, we crossed paths with the third division captain and a few of the members.

"Oy Zlodey! How you doin' today?"

Oh please... I don't have time to deal with her...

"Hello Lafina, I'm great, thanks for asking. Now if you don't mind, I'm really busy right now."

"Really? Why do you have to be so mean..."

"I'm not being mean, I'm working..."

"Whatever, I'll be drinking tonight, feel free to join me."

This idiot. Drinking the night before a battle... That's right, tomorrow we'll attack the Dark Clouds outpost. Perhaps she's just nervous.

Lafina and the members of her division leave the base, not sure where nor am I interested. Now then, what was I doing?

Nathan's POV:

What the hell just happened... Seems like our Captain Zlodey was getting hit on.

"Who was that?" I asked, curious.

"Her name is Lafina, she is the captain of the third division. And she's annoying. Now let's keep going."

I'm not sure if Zlodey really means she is annoying, or if this is just one of those thought love situations. I think they'd make a nice couple. Her black hair and eyes match his, and her body looked a bit muscular as well, they couldn't be more alike.

After another minute of walking, we finally get to the blacksmith. Captain Zlodey turns to us and says:

"So, after fighting you guys fight I realized most of you are wasting potential using normal swords. I'll get some new weapons that I'm sure all of you will enjoy and have a nice affinity to. Leonard, I'll order a heavy battle axe for you. Daniel and Silva will get short swords, make sure to improve your teamwork and you'll surely be a great duo. Filipe, it seems you have a talent for throwing stuff so, I'll order a few sets of throwing knifes for you, along with a dagger so you aren't unarmed when the knifes end. Miguel and Nathan, you'll be fine with normal swords just like the ones you have, I'll simply order some with better quality. I believe these are the best choices. Any objections?"

We all stayed silent. Seems like everyone agrees.

"Very well then, you guys can go now, I'll have rooms for you in the castle tomorrow, you'll have to stay at the inn one more night. Also, make sure to be here at the blacksmith early in the morning, and be ready for battle."

"Very well. Thank you for everything Captain. See you tomorrow."

We left the blacksmith and returned to the inn, after a long day of dinosaur fighting and taming.

Opening the door, we realized the inn was completely full, with even more people than yesterday.

"I wonder if there's any kind of special event going on." Filipe asks himself.

"Welcome back!" A now familiar and somehow relaxing voice reaches us.

Miss Mika is as energetic as ever I see. Miguel's eyes sparkle, I guess he is the one who found out her name..

"Hey Mika! What's happening here? Is it normal to have so many people here?" Miguel asks.

"Not really, this usually happens before a huge and dangerous mission, and tomorrow there is going to be one. You guys are going as well right?"

Is the mission she is talking about the same one Captain Zlodey mentioned? I wonder what will be happening.

"I think so, ye." Miguel answers.

"Anyway, come enjoy the food while you can, I doubt it will last long."

And so, we enjoyed one more meal at the Warriors base's inn, and prepared for our mission int the morning to come.