
Captain Zlodey's POV:

My Dimorphodon, Suvy, bites on the enemy as hard as he can, ripping an arm out, and then his head.

I look to the side, and see a woman crying on her knees, holding the body of a child...

Guess I was too late.

I should get her and the other kid somewhere safe.

"Hey, I'm sorry for your loss. There will be time to morn the dead, not now though, please stand up and keep going south."

She picks the dead child up, I assume she wants to burry him somewhere appropriate.

"The rest of the people that were captured... they are on those carriages up ahead."

She says, pointing to the middle of the outpost.

A few more soldiers appear as reinforcements, some Raptors and a Carnotaurus as well. Guess I will need help for that...

"I'll come back later for them with more people, I can't save them on my own."

She nods at my words and begins running towards our side along with the kid. If we took just one more hour to get here they would probably already be in enemy territory, past the True Ice Mountains, and at that point there would be nothing we could do.

"Let's go Suvy. Back to the main group."

Nathan's POV:

I have been avoiding as much fighting as possible since I'm on foot. The others are using their Triceratops for breaking down most of the outpost defences, while the other divisions are using their tames to kill the soldiers. Captain Lafina has stayed in the backlines giving orders until now, and it seems her leadership skills are worth noting.

After a few minutes, Captain Zlodey returns, and heads to Captain Lafina.

"Lafina, the reinforcements have arrived. They are on the other side of the outpost. There are a few Raptors and a Carnotaurus, we'll have to gang up on it to bring it down."

"I see. Very well then."

She also has a Dimorphodon, it looks very similar to Zlodey's, except the color of the fur, which is completely black.

"Nathan, one of the people that got captured escape and brings a kid with her, she should be here soon. When you see them, guide them out of the battlefield, there are a few tents back south where they can rest."

Captain Zlodey orders me.


He flies off once again into the middle of the battlefield. Flying surely is convenient, he can simply dive in on anyone not paying attention and kill them instantly. I wonder if I'll be able to ride a flying creature one day.

A few moments pass and I see someone in the distance running towards me, it must be those people Captain told me about.

They get closer and closer... and then I realize...



I rush to my mother, happy to finally see her again. As we get closer, I notice something a bit disturbing... Her eyes were teary, and she was holding a kid with an arrow in his head with her arms...

"Mom... what happened?"

"His name... was Nick." She says, crying softly.

"And this is Allen." She continues, looking at the other kid that is with her.

I guess she has been through a lot since she was captured...

"Come mom, I'll take you to a safe place."

We walk to the tents the Warriors had set up before the attack, and I lend them some food and water. Allen started eating like he hadn't seen food in the past few days... Perhaps that is actually the case.

"Where will you bury him?" I asked my mom, realizing she couldn't look away from Nick's body.

"Somewhere near our hometown. I didn't get to ask him where he was from..."

"I see. You should rest now, this attack is still on going and you'll need strength in case they manage to push us back."

"Actually, I need to tell you something first, I have a message from Jason."

Huh? So he is still alive after all!

"Jason? Was he with you?"

"Yes, although the carriage he was in went in another direction, to another outpost I guess. He said he'd cause a distraction for those who were captured to be able to escape, and I heard some of the enemies talk about one of their outposts being on fire, I believe that was him."

So Jason was the one that caused all that mess... Well, because of that we managed to get them by surprise and successfully counter attack.

"So? What did he say?"

"He told me to tell you to ask your Captain from the Warriors about the 'Endwalker's diary'. I'm not sure what he meant by that."

I never heard it before... but knowing Jason, it is probably one of the many secrets he's hiding. I hope Captain Zlodey of Lafina know about it.

"Very well, now rest please. You too Allen, you did a great job coming this far!"

They both lay on an improvised bed, made for the injured in this battle.

"I need to go back now, I'll see you again later."

"Stay safe Nathan." My mother says, with her eyes still red from all the crying.

I nod and then leave the tent.

Going back to the battlefield, I remember a conversation between the Captains, about a certain enemy called Tellius. Apparently he is one of the higher ups in the Dark Clouds and it seems he was seen nearby a few days ago. Killing him would be a huge blow and would make the Warriors have a huge advantage in the war.

Tellius's POV:

Its been two days since I came back north, I think I sent enough soldiers to the outposts, there is also a Carnotaurus with them so it should be safe. We should be able to make a lot of money with the slaves we captured, and with that we'll buy one or two T-Rexs from our allies further north.

I wonder if Kalros, our great Dragon god is doing well, it is a pain to deal with him when he's in a bad mood.

The Dark Clouds tribe has been serving him since he helped us in the war fifteen years ago, that allowed us to destroy most of the Warriors bases and villages. The only problem now is... the Dragon told me about more of his kind finally awakening after centuries of sleeping. He's been the only Dragon around for a while, but that's because the rest of them is beyond the end of the world.. Let's hope they'll be on our side as well...