
Leonard's POV:

"Good job back there everyone, we managed to save our people." I say, happy with the outcome.

Everyone stays in silence with their heads down while riding their Triceratops. It did end up as a win for us, but we still saw comrades of the same tribe get killed in battle. Even so, we managed to save the captured villagers, they are now resting at the camp the Warriors tribe set up, and they should soon come to the main base. According to the man that recruited us, there is a town being built for everyone that got their places destroyed, I assume they'll go live there.

I wonder if it will always be like this... I thought that joining the Warriors and fighting for them would make me feel great and accomplished, but instead I feel bad for taking enemy lives, even knowing that what they did is very wrong and unforgivable. I must find a way to get rid of my feeling when there is some sort of battle like this...

After around two hours of traveling, we finally return to base. We leave our Triceratops at the stables and give them a lot of food, our dinosaurs did great at the battle, our division was responsible for breaking the enemy structures, while the others focused on the creatures. They deserve a lot of rest.

"Oh, I forgot about this." Miguel says, taking the Soulfire fruit that Captain Zlodey gave him out of the bag he had.

"Will you really eat that? It is meant for herbivore dinosaurs... And you saw how they reacted to it, you'll probably just have a huge bellyache." Filipe says, expecting a bad outcome from the someone eating that fruit.

"Well, Captain didn't seem to be worried at all when he gave it to me. It should be safe to eat." Miguel answers.

We go to the inn once again, hungry and tired from the battle. Getting there, we notice a new piece of paper pinned to the billboard. It usually has small requests from villagers with low payment, so nobody really cares much about it. But this time, a lot of people is surrounding the billboard, reading whatever new stuff is there.

"You guys can go get us a table and food, I'll see what this is all about." I say to my friends, and they do as so.

Getting closer to the billboard, I realize that this time, it isn't a request, but an announcement.

'The Starfall tribe leader will be visiting the Warriors in a week in order to form an official alliance. Every Warriors member, please follow your Captains orders regarding this matter.'

Starfall tribe?... Never heard of them. But if their coming to form an official alliance out of nowhere, it means the two tribes have been helping each other for a while now. I wonder how powerful they are.

I go to the table where my friends are sitting at to tell them the news.

"So, apparently there is a tribe called Starfall coming here next week to form an alliance."

"No idea who they are."


Seems like nobody knows anything about them, we're gonna need to ask Captain Zlodey about them.

After a few minutes of waiting, Mika appears with our food:

"There you go guys, enjoy your meal!"

I wonder how can she keep up with everything on her own. I don't see any other people working here, it's just her cooking, cleaning, and everything else... Well, guess she's a hard worker.

"Parasaur meat. Yummy." Silva starts munching on the food right away. Daniel chuckles at his words and says:

"If Nathan was here he'd be feeling bad again because of everything that happened to him Parasaur related, hahaha."

"Urmm, Shouldn't we have waited for him?" I say, feeling a bit guilty for feasting without him.

"He did say for us to not wait for him. So it should be fine. He stayed helping the captured villagers, and I believe his mother was there as well, so I doubt he'll come to base today." Miguel answers.

Indeed... I wonder if he's doing okay.

Nathan's POV:

It's almost night time, I wonder if mom and Allen will manage to sleep all night since they fell asleep so early. I've been helping the villagers by distributing food and water, I never thought I'd be doing something like this in my life.

Two hours pass, and Captain Zlodey and Captain Lafina finally leave the tent. They seem... tired. I wonder if Captain Zlodey is willing to talk after such a thing, he might not be in the mood.

He sees me, and comes in my direction.

"Hey Nathan, did you not go back to base with the others?" Mmm, I guess it's safe to have a conversation with him.

"No, I stayed back so I could watch over my mother and the kid." I open the tent a little so he could see them sleeping inside.

"Wait, that woman is your mother? Is the child your brother?"

"No, it seems he was in the same carriage as her when they were brought here. She's been taking care of him ever since. And well, the other kid as well but he didn't make it."

"I see. I'm happy you got to see your mother again."

Captain Zlodey picks up a bowl with soup that was on a table outside the tents, along with much other food for everyone that was hungry.

He sits next to me and starts eating his food.


This silence is kinda awkward, I guess I'll ask him now.

"By the way, Captain. My mother gave me a massage from a guy named Jason, he was the blacksmith of our village. He wanted me to ask you about the Endwalker's Diary, do you have any idea of what it is?"

He stops eating and rests his arms on his legs, with the bowl and spoon on his hand.

"Jason huh, do you personally know him?" The Captain's mood suddenly changed... I wonder if I said something I shouldn't.

"Yes, he taught me how to use a sword, and he was the one to put the other Dark Clouds outpost on fire. He was been missing since that moment."

"I see. When we return to base, I'll give a little special lesson to you and your friends. I think you'll enjoy it, even tho it is nothing physical."

I wonder what he means by that... I'm not understanding anything, but I'm sure he's hiding something as well. Did he know Jason?... Anyway, he appears to know about whatever Jason said so I'll take this as a win.

"I've been wondering, where did the Parasaur I gave you go? I haven't seen him since the battle began."

Oh no... how do I get out of this. I can't tell him I let the dinosaur run away...

"He got killed by an enemy Raptor..."

"I see..."


"So, I've been curious about this since yesterday... Is there anything going between you and Captain Lafina?" I had to ask him... I couldn't hold it any longer.

Captain Zlodey smiles, and replies:

"I guess you can say that, yes. But we won't make it official until we're sure about it."

Wow, he actually answered, I was expecting him to get up and leave, or something like that. So the Captains are dating after all, this has been a very interesting week...

"Well then, I'll go rest now, you should sleep soon." He says while getting up from his seat.

"I will, sleep well Captain."

But then... he returned to Lafina's tent. I doubt he'll sleep...

Anyway, I lay on an empty bed next to my mother and Allen. I wonder if she'll take him into our family, should I address him as brother in that case? Guess I'll ask my mother what she thinks after waking up.

I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep, glad that the battle is over.


"Nathan, wake up!" Someone calls me, waking me up from my good sleep.

"Mmm, good morning mum. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. Your Captain wants to have a word with you, he is outside the tent waiting."

I quickly get up still half asleep, not wanting to leave him waiting.

Opening the tent, my eyes are blinded by the sun and take a few seconds to adjust. When I'm finally able to properly see, I realize Captain Zlodey is talking to someone riding a dinosaur, though I have no idea what species it is. It's like a house cat but much bigger, and sharper teeth..

"Good morning Captain, did you call me?"

"Nathan, get ready, we're leaving soon, something came up."

I wonder what's happening, Captain Zlodey seems serious. I return to the tent and equip my gear and weapon. I should tell mother about this.

"It seems I'll be leaving first mom, I'm sure we'll see each other again at the Warriors base."

"Alright, stay safe."

I leave the tent once again, and Captain Lafina is now on her Dimorphodon.

"Get on, I'll take you back to base."

It seems I'm about to fly for the first time...