Chapter 5

A few more hours had passed and most of the people had already stepped on the platforms. Huo Liang was currently the one at first place, reaching the 75th step, visibly struggling in a harsh windy environment.

The person in second place was shockingly Ning Yinin. She appeared to possess a similar aptitude to Huo Liang, but for cold and dark environments.

Every action taken by the new students was written down by the teachers. Each teacher had a certain group of people that they had to overview. Afterwards the results would be taken by the academy elder to be studied by him and other powerful individuals.

Most of the people had taken more than 30 steps. A small amount was lower while another was higher. Some people even got stuck on the second step, being unable to move any further.

Rui was currently sitting cross-legged and looking blankly ahead. He was currently re-reading his talent level and aptitude. He scratched his head and got up.

He had spent a few hours already, trying to understand and take advantage of others trials first. Information was everything. Of course, he didn't waste that time and actually exercised, even if the gazes directed at him were ones of ridicule and disdain.

He didn't care what others thought, since completing the daily quest actually made him stronger, he had already gained a free attribute stat.

However, it was a bit embarrassing running around to complete the 10 Km run.


He whispered.

[Name: Guang Rui Age: 14 Level 1


Strength: 6 Cultivation Stage: Initial Awakening Stage

Dexterity: 6

Constitution: 10 Personality Path: Society Born Demon

Intelligence: 51

Wisdom: 15

Charisma: 25 Free attribute points: 3


Ansuz: Level 1

Passive. Rune of truth. +25 Intelligence

Gives high resistance to Illusions, Charms and Brain washing.

Scales with intelligence.

Heightened Intelligence: Level 1

Passive. +15 Intelligence, +5 wisdom

Gives the ability to process things faster. ]

Looking at his updated status, he nodded his head and headed towards the platforms.

Seeing that Rui had gotten up, many others that were observing him till now shot glances at him, however Rui didn't even look back at them. He had finally decided that he had enough information.

He finally understood what the 99% rune attribute absorption rate was, that the system displayed. Each step in this test had a unique energy and attribute that came from runes and depending on one's rune attribute absorption rate they would rank differently, passing some steps with ease, while others with great effort. It all depended on what their bodies could handle.

For example, the guy named Huo Liang, he had a great affinity with light and fire elements, while the girl named Ning Yinin had a great affinity with cold and dark elements.

As for him? The system said that he had affinity for all the elements.

As soon as Rui took his first step, a young man around his height also took a step next to him. He had long black hair and his eyes were in a crescent shape. A unique rune resembling a spiral could be seen on his forehead.

"Be careful of Han Feng, he is someone that holds grudges and will definitely try to hurt you or your family."

The young man spoke those words and instantly rushed through the first 5 steps with ease.

Rui had no idea who he was, or who this Han Feng was, but he could guess. It was probably the leader of those thugs.

'This motherfucker would actually dare to touch my family?'

His gaze became cold in an instant, a small amount of killing intent permeating his entire body.

[skill bloodline suppression has been activated automatically under users killing intent.]

Just as his killing intent was unleashed, a pop-up window showed itself, promptly stopping his rage. He immediately suppressed his killing intent and turned around to see that most of the individuals in his area were on the ground, shaking in fear.

Shock appeared on his face before turning to an apologetic one. He bowed to the people that he accidentally suppressed and gave a sincere apology.

This action, just like all his actions so far were recorded by an individual wearing a bamboo hat. Out of all the teachers here, he seemed the most out of place, not wearing the academy clothing.

His eyes flashed for a moment as he jotted down.

The passing academy teachers greeted him with respect.

Rui started to climb up the stairs, looking as though he felt no pressure. After entering each platform, he felt nothing but a formless pressure the didn't hinder his path at all. It was just as he had expected, this test meant nothing to him.

Most people that witnessed this scene were not surprised, as most talented individuals were able to quickly pass the first stages, one example was the youth that went before Rui, he instantly rushed through the first 5 steps and he was even up to the 20th step already.

Under the gaze of everyone, Rui walked up slowly, not stopping for a single second.

1st step

2nd step

3d step

15th step

16th step

17th step

30th step

31st step

Many people were looking in disbelief at what was happening. Rui was walking like it was nothing up to the 31st step.

Feeling that the pressure was greater now, rui decided to be a bit more forceful, continuing to walk but just a bit faster than before. He needed to put in a bit more force, since it felt like there was a forcefield stopping him from moving.

32nd step

33rd step

34th step

48th step

49th step

50th step…

Everyone was paying attention at what was happening, they couldn't understand the situation. Even Han Dong that climbed a bit earlier than him was only at the 25th step at the moment.

The students on top of the stairs were the most shocked, as Rui passed them by like they were but air.

Huo Liang, Ning Yinin, Lei Shan and many other talents were looking at this scene with shock. They were aware as to how hard it was to climb to this stage.

Lei Shan that was currently at the 50th step looked at Rui face to face, his expression was one of awe. He was glad that he listened to Han Dong earlier. Becoming an enemy of this guy wasn't a good idea. Han Feng would probably regret his actions soon.

Speaking of Han Feng…

Han Feng after being humiliated in front of everyone instantly sent people to search the background of Guang Rui. He already found out the most basic info, such as him being a commoner and his family owning a tavern.

A malicious look was in his blue eyes, twirling his white hair, seemingly thinking of ways to get revenge on Rui.

After Entering the array, he was one of the people that stood back and waited. After waiting for an hour, he finally decided to step in, not wanting to be behind others.

He was currently standing in the 70th step and was reaching his limit. However, looking down on all the other people below him put him in a great mood, the only ones above him were Ning Yinin and Huo Liang, one being on the 74th while the other at the 75th.

Just as he was enjoying the feeling of superiority, he noticed that a commotion was happening down below. The person that had caused him humiliation was finally standing up to take the test.

Han Feng scoffed as he thought of how laughable his talent will be. He was a commoner so of course he was a piece of garbage in his path. What happened earlier was probably a fluke.

Witnessing Rui take his first step, he saw his cousin Han Dong pass by Rui and later proceeded to rush upwards at an incredible speed.

Feng frowned. He hated Han Dong for one reason, he was way more talented and he inherited the rune of the emperor. Seeing him seemingly communicate with the person that humiliated him made him even more enraged, but before he could express that anger, he witnessed all of the individuals surrounding Rui collapsing.

He was startled as he recognized this scene, it was the same thing that happened to him. After knocking everyone down, Rui apologized as if he didn't mean to.

Han Feng was confused; did he not mean to knock them out? But once again, before he could think of what just happened, he saw Rui walk the stairs with incredible ease.

Once he saw that Rui had reached the 50th step without a hitch, he swallowed hard.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck… This is bad. Isn't this guy a super genius? How am I supposed to get revenge now? Surely no one from the family would dare to mess with his family if he is like this, fuck."

Feng swore his lungs out.

He had two plans for Rui. One was to humiliate and destroy his family and the other was to kill him.

However, they were both currently invalid with the latent talent, Rui had currently showcased. If he dared to mess with the family of a future talent of the empire, he wouldn't be left off with just a death penalty. He had shivers just thinking about it.

Although Han Feng was a rotten bastard to the core, he wasn't dumb, he was just incredibly arrogant.

Even though this meant he couldn't touch Rui's family, it didn't mean he would quit. After all, at some point Rui will leave for the outside right? He could get his revenge then.

Rui was currently climbing the 55th step, not knowing that Han Feng already had plans to kill him in the future.

Honestly speaking, this test was a bit absurd, as they had the whole day to climb up the stairs. Wasn't this a bit too much time, or was it to test every individual's perseverance and dedication? He couldn't follow their logic.

Rui might have high intelligence, but he wasn't wise enough to understand such things. He just put them at the back of his mind.

Ignoring the gazes, he was given when passing by others with ease he reached the 60th step.

'Was it supposed to be this easy? Surely not, right? The others took so long to just climb one step. This heavenly rune physique is amazing' He thought while sighing in amazement.

Frankly, he didn't feel like this was fair, as he was just walking and not feeling pressure, while the others struggled. He was an individual that had a harsh life, so he felt the cruel reality of this world.

Talent, natural born talent, in this world meant everything. Yes, one might be able to reach the peak with hard work, it wasn't impossible, however without talent, background, money, hard work and luck, it was impossible to become powerful in this world. Lacking one of those things was a shackle in your life.

Rui wholeheartedly believed that if he didn't have the system, he would struggle immensely in this world. He currently didn't have enough money to be a rune master and much more than that, his background was that of a mortal, at least his current.

Rui was sure that an ancestor of his was an incredible expert, it was clear after he analyzed the bloodline results.

Truthfully speaking, he was sure this was the case, as him, his brother and father were incredibly alike, while they looked nothing like their mother. To him it was clear that their genes had experienced some sort of atavism, maintaining an appearance similar to that of their ancestors.

Even though Rui was deep in thought, he never stopped, continuing to climb the stairs. He was already up to the 69th step, looking up to who was ahead.

It was currently only three people. Looking at Han Feng, killing intent welled up in his eyes, but he suppressed it, nothing had really happened, so he didn't need to have such hatred, however he had to make sure that nothing was going to happen.

Walking the 70th step he looked indifferently at Han Feng, while Han Feng's face was distorted into an extremely ugly one.

After walking past, him, he effortlessly stepped into the 71st step.

Most of the people climbing had already stopped and were looking at Rui climbing. Be it teachers, students and random elders. All of them were staring at Rui with awe.

Just like that Rui passed the steps like they were just normal stairs. Passing Ning Yinin on the 74th step, He greeted her respectfully and got a nod as a response. Entering the 75th step Huo Liang was looking at him with a wide grin on his face.

As soon as Rui stepped on the platform Huo Liang rushed at him and hugged him.

Rui was confused, as he didn't know this person.

"Bro, you're awesome, it took me so long to get here, but you just climbed like it was nothing, teach me how to do it!"

Said Huo Liang with a burning gaze.

After listening to his words, Rui somewhat understood. It was clear that this person was either incredibly stupid, or just naive.

However Rui didn't dislike him, compared to smart-asses, this type of person was much better.

Rui scratched his head and slowly explained.

"You see, everyone has a certain affinity with attributes, right?"


"For example, you have an incredible affinity for fire and light."

"I do?"

"Yes, you do. If the stairs were from start to finish these elements, you would probably be able to reach the 100th step with ease."

"Then how about brother?"

"I have a high affinity for all elements, so I'm able to pass this test like this."

"I see, so brother is gifted when it comes to elemental affinity."

Huo Liang nodded, as if he had understood, however Rui doubted if he really did understand.

"So, brother will reach the 100th step with ease, while I have to try really hard right!?"

Ah, he really didn't understand. Rui face palmed silently and nodded.

"Well anyways, I'll be going on ahead, I'll be waiting for you at the top."

"I'll make sure to come!"

Rui smiled and continued to climb.

After reaching the 80th step, the pressure increased dramatically. However, to Rui it was like the air that was slightly pushing him, suddenly became a liquid, just like he was trying to walk underwater.

This continued up to the 90th step, where the pressure suddenly changed into a prickle in the skin, seemingly stabbing countless times in his body.

Rui frowned but continued forwards with all his might. He was starting to feel sluggish, but he was already at the top, so he wouldn't stop.

95th step

96th step

97th step

98th step

99th step…

Reaching the 99th step, Rui stopped. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh. This was the moment of truth.

The system stated that he possessed a 99% absorption rate, but not 100%, so he would probably finally struggle in the last step.

Slowly taking his last step, he slowly placed his foot.


Nothing happened…

Rui was confused, was the 100th step a dud?

After walking around for a while, he didn't feel any pressure and it seemed just like a normal step.

Suddenly without a warning, a system window popped up.



User possesses the Heavenly rune physique.

As the area user is currently in is a stage above when the physique can absorb, the 1% energy that the body can't withstand will be lashed at the user's body, causing damage.

Immediate retreat is recommended, however if user wishes, he can challenge himself and sustain himself in this environment for a prolonged period of time, strengthening their innate physique and mental fortitude.]

[Quest has been generated]

[ Quest

Sustain, Persevere, strengthen

User must survive as long as possible in the 100th platform. Depending on how long the user sustains himself, the quest rewards will scale.

Rewards: +1 to all stats. Unlocking the Luck stat, possible evolution of the Heavenly rune physique, ???? ???????? ????.

Penalty: As the quest is already dangerous enough, there will be no penalty]

Looking at the quest, a smile crept up Rui's face. The rewards were far too great to pass up. However, his mind was not focusing on the all stat up or the evolution of his physique, not even the question mark reward. What he was focused on was the Luck stat.

Luck in reality couldn't be calculated, if he could increase his luck, his chances of survival in this world would increase at an outstanding degree.

Just as Rui was having those thoughts, an uproar was currently happening down below.