Chapter 18

Five people stood inside the center of the altar.

All of them were concentrated on the task at hand, having their eyes tightly shut and focusing on the energy permeating their bodies. Their bodies were full of heat due to the absorption of a high quality catalyst.

Suddenly lightning covered the area as Lei Shan opened his eyes. His whole body sparked in lightning and roared like the rolling thunder.

The image of thunder clouds covered his back as his eyes glowed in a bright yellow light.

Glee filled his face as he couldn't believe the luck that had befallen him. As he was the sole son of his family, the burden that had plagued him since he was young was massive. The expectations of his clan elder and parents dragged him down, but also cultivated him an extremely righteous personality.

As a clan known for its kindness and hatred of evil, he had completely adopted that belief. Awakening this physique lessened the burden but also increased it, as he had met their expectations, but he will also have to meet stronger ones in the future.

After successfully awakening his physique, teachers headed his way and escorted him out of the array, now four people where left inside the altar.

Witnessing the awakening reaction that Lei Shan caused, Rui activated his analysis skill. Immediately pleasant surprise and delight filled his eyes.

[Lei Shan, Age 14

Cultivation level: First light stage

Physique: Divine Lightning Physique

Character personality path: Righteous Invoker.

Luck: 11]

[User has activated the analysis skill while the target underwent a physical transformation]

[Information about physiques will now be shown when possible.]

Rui glanced at the system prompt with excitement. A smile of happiness spread across his face.

Being able to unlock a function by just witnessing someone else awaken their physique put him in a great mood.

However, he quickly calmed his beating heart down and focused on the four people inside the altar. Truthfully speaking, he could have headed out of the array as soon as the test finished, as the teachers had already gotten the information they needed.

The reason he didn't do so was because the people standing inside the altar were his friends. Being there for people was something important.

He glanced to his left and right, smiling to himself. His group was still there waiting for their companions to finish their awakening.

Han Dong on his right, was sitting on the floor cross-legged, his face full of contemplation. The others were on his left, sparring to see how their physiques worked.

The reason Rui didn't use the identify skill on them was that he didn't need to, as they already told him what sort of physique they awakened. It would be announced to everyone later on as well, so it wasn't a secret.

Though some may think that giving away such information would put the students on a bad condition and cause the information to leak out outside, such a thing had never happened in the history of the academy.

The exposure of everyone's physiques put everyone on equal grounds when it came to information, while on the outside no information will be known.

The academy was a unique ecosystem with enclosed walls for a reason. It had many branches across the empire and each student was documented and appraised. This however didn't mean that other countries or empires had the same system.

The academy system was unique to the illusive empire and was mostly reinforced by the current emperor, growing it in power and knowledge at the fastest rate. Even though sects and clans existed, they were all somehow supported by the emperor, a mutual relationship.

The empire would give information of promising disciples to the large and powerful sects with the agreement of resources and full support of those sects. It was a win-win situation.

At the same time, if a student was deemed unworthy to have knowledge of other students physiques, or the students in question had an extremely powerful or unknown physique, there were measures that would erase anyone's memory of that person, by changing either fate or directly altering someone's memories.

Shortly after Lei Shan awakened his physique, Ning Yinin followed.

The area was covered in a frosty mist as the temperature plummeted in to the minus. Witnessing this scene, the teachers quickly projected a barrier around her, stopping the cold air that could easily freeze one to death in a instant.

Ning Yinin experienced physical changes, unlike Lei Shan, as her skin became like ice, making her meridians visible. Her long white hair had frizzles of snow at the ends as her eyes took on a lighter hue of blue.

The image of a full moon was glowing splendidly behind her head, making her seem ethereal and otherworldly.

Many of the people stared at her stunned, Rui included.

He gulped and shook his eyes away from her. He wasn't immune to charms such as pure attractiveness, as no illusions or skills were used.

He used his analysis skill once more, confirming her physique awakening.

[Ning Yinin, age 14

Cultivation level: First light stage

Physique: Pure Yin Physique

Character personality path: Ice cold maiden

Luck: 20]

Rui swallowed once more, as his mouth felt dry.

This was an extreme level physique, just like his, the [Pure Yin Physique]. It really seemed like in the S class, his talent really wasn't unique. Even the one named Lei Shan had a Heavenly grade physique, the [Divine Lightning Physique].

Once more, teachers flocked in and escorted her outside of the altar, their expressions placid. It seemed like a normal occurrence to them.

Rui and the others slowly approached her as well, but before they could speak out to her, another person awakened their physique.

Huo Liang was covered in blazing fire, as the previous cold was completely overturn to extreme heat, easily reaching temperatures to melt the skin.

Instantly, a barrier covered him, like they did with Ning Yinin.

His hair glowed red as it lifted up and started acting like fire, including his eyebrows. He exhaled and sparks came out of his mouth, as if a dragon ready to breathe fire.

The image of the sun, grand and voluminous appeared behind his head, making him seem like a primordial god.

Rui activated his analysis skill once more.

[Huo Liang, age 14

Cultivation level: First light stage

Physique: Pure Yang Physique

Character personality path: Innocent and hot blooded tiger.

Luck: 20]

Rui almost swore out loud.

He couldn't believe his eyes. These two were really a duo designated by fate.

It was now obvious why they had such a great affinity with each-other. To begin with, they were "lovers" already.

The energy around Huo Liang quickly faded, as he laughed at the sky in satisfaction, with hands on his hips.

Like some sort of preprogrammed event, the teachers followed the exact same procedures with a placid face. After recording Huo Liang's details, he was left free to roam.

All of them congratulated the duo in excitement.

"Liang my friend, It seems you two are really childhood sweethearts. I'm really envious of you right now, having such a beauty by your side. Ah, How I wish I had such divine luck."

Hearing those words, everyone couldn't help but smile or laugh, turning their heads to look at Xia Long who spoke those lines, a clear mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Huo Liang and Ning Yinin blushed furiously, trying to hold back their embarrassment, Ning Yinin spoke up to change the subject.

"Only little brother Lilliang is left now?"

Rui nodded his head and spoke.

"Yes, from our group that is. Little Liliang is valiant and strong-headed so he is probably trying his hardest to awaken his physique."

"I know right, he always seems so desperate, as if he is being chased by something."

Said Hua Dao with a small frown.

Xiong Liliang had a strong personality, however despite that, he was the youngest of the bunch, thus called little Liliang by the group.

"Who is that other student that is left? Does anyone know him?"

Asked Cong Mizaru while fixing his glasses.

"Laohu Shen, a direct descendant of the Laohu clan, a small clan located on the outskirts of the capital… They are famous for their physical training methods but other than that they are pretty weak compared to other families… He is an E rank student that couldn't get over the second step in the absorption rate test…"

Spoke Xia Long non-stop.

All of them looked at him weirdly and didn't speak a word, making him feel awkward and subsequently making him stop talking.

"Anyway, he is basically a nobody, but it seems that he probably possesses a pretty unique physique to have that kind of absorption rate."

As soon as he finished his sentence, the ground trembled and the image of a giant tiger appeared in the altar.

The tiger was multiple times bigger than the images both Huo Liang and Ning Yinin created.

The tiger was ferocious, bearing it's fangs at the heaven and earth, making the air tremble with each roar it let out.

Staring at the figure that created this phenomenon, Laohu Shen was currently undergoing a painful transformation, as his whole body expanded and retracted, his hair color changing to match that of a tigers. Black stripes covered parts of his body and his eyes became like that of a tigers.

After a while the roaring and howling died down, as he slowly rouse to his feet, now bearing the aura of a fearless and bloodthirsty tiger, having undergone a complete physical transformation.

Rui had been stunned into silence for a while, as he couldn't comprehend what was happening with his analysis skill.

[skill level is to low to view complete status of the target]

[Laohu Shen, age 14

Cultivation level: ████████

Physique: ██████████████

Character personality path: Heavenly tiger

Luck: ███ ]

Rui glanced at the status window with contemplation. It was clear that with Laohu Shen's current state it was impossible for him to see through him with the analysis skill.

Having gone through the same situation multiple times recently, he was much calmer and reacted to the situation with proper measures.

Based on the image he had seen and comparing it with Laohu Shen's personality path, it was clear that his physique was at the very least extreme rank, or quite possibly archaic ranked.

Witnessing the awakening of his physique, the teachers hurriedly sent someone to inform the academy elder, who had returned to his office after the test had began. The academy elder was a busy person, having to manage multiple things at a time.

After a few seconds of the explosive outburst that Laohu Shen experienced, the image of the tiger slowly dissipated, but his physical appearance remained the same. His eyes were half open and it seemed like he would pass out at any moment due to energy exhaustion.

A prideful smile could be seen on his tired face, as a majestic presence permeated his entire body, but that was only for an instant.

As all the energy in his body had left him, he was holding on with nothing but his willpower so far. After finally succeeding, he felt relief and let himself fall unconscious.

The group of teachers hurriedly came over and placed him on a stretcher, carrying him over the infirmary to be checked.

Seeing this scene, Rui once again used his identification skill on him.

[Laohu Shen, age 14

Cultivation level: first light stage

Physique: Heavenly eyed tiger physique

Character personality path: Heavenly tiger

Luck: 57 ]

Unlike before, the status screen was now fully visible, but Rui couldn't care about that at the moment. He had no idea as to what his physique was nor did he bother finding out.

What he was focused on was the 57 luck.

'No fucking way. Absolutely no way.'

Rui couldn't believe it. He thought Song Liwu was a cheat character for having 55 luck, but this guy had luck that even surpassed him.

'What is the rotten world trying to show me? That I'm the most miserable fellow when it comes to luck? Are the gods making fun of me?'

Rui was currently feeling dejected that another random individual had luck 57 times higher than his. It was as if lady luck was purposely showing him these people, just so that he can understand what horrid luck he had.

Trying to forget what he had just witnessed, Rui focused his attention on Xiong Liliang.

Xiong Liliang was the only person left in the array, still trying his hardest to awaken his physique.

What Rui and teachers didn't know however was the turmoil that was currently going on in his heart.

Xiong Liliang had long absorbed the demon blood, but still hadn't come close to even triggering his physique in the slightest bit.

He couldn't understand as to why this was happening to him, as each time the others successfully awakened their physiques, he felt an immense amount of pressure weigh on his shoulders.

Especially after Laohu Shen's physique awakening, he felt like puking blood at the ridiculous difference between them.

He currently had second thoughts about his own talent and future. After going through so much hardship, was he truly not fated to cultivate?

He lamented but he could do nothing about his current predicament.

Time slowly passed as his remaining time ran out.

Xiong Liliang came down from the platform with a depressed and exhausted appearance. In the end he completely failed to awaken his physique even though he had such hope and resources placed on him.

Even the teachers didn't know what to do with the current situation.

Rui sighed and used identification on Xiong Liliang.

[Xiong Liliang, age 14

Cultivation level: First light stage

Physique: War God physique

Character personality path: Unbreakable demon.

Luck: 6]

Seeing the result of his identify skill, Rui was surprised. It turned out that Xiong Liliang really had awakened his physique, but as to why he had no reaction like the rest, was truly a mystery to him.

The academy elder arrived at the testing ground after the examination was concluded to inspect Xiong Liliang himself. He had already come by once earlier to check on the other's conditions, but he found it interesting that this teenager didn't go through the awakening of his physique, even with such cultivation talent.

He thoroughly scanned his body to see any sort of changes in his nature or body to indicate he had gone through the awakening of his physique.

Finding no abnormalities, he contemplated in silence.

This was not a normal phenomenon. Possessing a high absorption rate couldn't be possible without a subsequent physique that allowed the high absorption rate to exist.

These two had a high correlation with each-other, as having too high of an absorption rate without a physique to support would cause irreversible damage. As such the human body by nature would tune itself to the optimum amount of absorption rate for its physique. So one could say that the physique was the main basis of absorption rate percentage.

Of course, it was easier to just test the absorption rate of an individual to gage their latent potential, than using extremely expensive ingredients such as demon's blood.

Knowing such info made Xiong Liliang's current situation quite weird. It was practically impossible for him to have just a mortal physique.

Having come to that conclusion he began asking Xiong Liliang as to how he felt during the process, how he felt when absorbing runic energy and many other questions related to cultivation.

Xiong Liliang wasn't flustered by the questions asked by the academy elder, since it was expected, but he was quite anxious at the moment, so he stuttered when answering.

After explaining his situation, the academy elder frowned, because the information he had received was not helpful in the slightest.

Looking at the academy elder's perplexed expression, Rui decided to assist him. He already knew the name of the physique Xiong Liliang possessed, it was just a matter of wording that made him hesitate. He didn't know how to explain as to how he had hold of such knowledge.

Having come to a reasonable excuse, he started heading over.

"Elder, I might have an idea as to what physique brother Liliang might have."

Hearing his words, everyone turned their heads towards him. Feeling the stares directed at him, Rui felt awkward but still waited patiently for the elders answer.

"Hoho, Interesting, might you tell me what sort of idea came to you?"

Rui looked at the grinning elder and shivers ran down his spine. He felt completely seen through, just like the time his uncle found his identification skill.

Clearing his throat, Rui started his bullshitting.

"I happen to have come across a similar phenomenon in a book I read inside the library, pertaining to the physiques of individuals. The current situation reminds me of the situation people with the War God Physique experience."

Hearing his words, the academy elder's ears perked up.

Seeing as to how the academy elder took the bait, Rui started grinning inside.

"Yes, you are correct, this situation indeed is quite similar to the people who possess the War God physique, or should I say the exact same."

The academy elder smiled and nodded towards Rui.

Seeing that his bullshit worked, Rui gave himself a pat on the back.

The sentence he had just spouted was literally something with no substance. He just said he read a book inside the library, pertaining to physiques and just uttered the name of the physique he had seen with identification.

He told no lies but at the same time he told no truths either, he just left the elder to come to his own conclusion.

This was the method of a crook. Rui wasn't proud, but he was quite pleased with the result.

After pondering for a second, the academy elder spoke.

"The war god physique is the most unique out of the extreme physiques, said to be a physique solely for battle, having an almost immortal body. Many don't know how to awaken this physique, and only during moments of life and death were they able to awaken it. In truth, the only way to awaken this physique is to die once."

When the academy elder spoke his last sentence, Rui's grin faded and shock filled his face, along with all the others students that were still here to spectate.

Even the academy teachers were shocked at the cruel requirement this physique had.

"I am willing to die."

However, to everyone's disbelief, Xiong Liliang agreed to die once without any hesitation.

The academy elder looked at him with awe, but didn't say anything more. This was a person with clear ambitions, someone who wouldn't stop at anything to get a better life.

Nodding his head the academy elder spoke.

"I will attack you with force enough to kill you in an instant, however we will prepare counter measures, just to be sure you wouldn't really die."

Glancing towards the teachers, he gestured for them to get things ready.

While waiting for the counter measures, the group headed over to Xiong Liliang to speak him out of it.

"Little Bro, its not a good idea. Death isn't good!" said Huo Liang with a stern gaze.

"Brother Huo is right, you shouldn't take this matter lightly, at worse you could really die, or maybe get crippled." Chimed in Rui.

He was really worried about Xiong Liliang, because the few words he spoke were the cause of the current situation. Although he too wanted Xiong Liliang to awaken his physique, he wasn't willing to see him go through a life or death situation just to awaken it.

All the others made similar remarks, but Xiong Liliang was adamant on awakening his physique, even if it caused him his life.

Seeing that he wouldn't change his mind, all of them couldn't help but sigh and await the result.

Minutes later, the preparations were ready.

Liliang was placed inside the altar once again, but this time teachers surrounded him and chanted in an unknown language.

"For the last time, I will ask you if you are really ready to die once. Although we might be able to save you from actual death, there is over a 90% chance that your future as a rune master will be completely done for even if you manage to survive without awakening it. However, if you really do have the war god physique, there will be no issue, as you will be able to live even without our assistance."

Xiong Liliang agreed once more. He was willing to sacrifice his future.

Although some might find his thinking irrational, the academy elder and the teachers didn't think so.

Xiong Liliang was a Hagalaz user. Hagalaz users were known to be insane, so insane in fact that they would almost always be killed due to their insanity.

Having such rationality even though having the Hagalaz rune, Xiong Liliang's willpower was beyond superhuman.

However that didn't mean he was unaffected by the rune. Hagalaz users, especially those with a weak body and no background wanted the destruction of the world, that's why the rune they originally were supposed to have changed to the Hagalaz rune.

As such, Xiong Liliang's insanity wasn't as extreme as others, but he had a hunger for power. Not political, nor monetary, but physical power. The power to rival and destroy the current cursed nature of this world.

This was an inherently demonic path.

There were four main paths in this world.

Although Yue was indeed correct as to how the demonic cult saw things, this wasn't really how the rest of the world thought.

The Righteous path was the path that most followed, also called the orthodox path. However in reality, this path was extremely unbending and old in its methods of teaching, sometimes being more horrible than even the evil factions.

The Evil path was the path that the worst criminals and disgusting individuals followed. Mass sacrifices, acts that didn't have anything resembling human emotions. It was basically the path of the mentally ill and insane individuals that would do inhumane acts.

The Demonic path didn't follow any rules, it was strictly a blank area. The demonic path might sound evil, but in reality, it was similar to a neutral ground. This path consisted of individuals that despised the world and wanted true freedom. They were people that would literally claw at the world.

The Spiritual path was the fourth and final path. There weren't a lot of people that followed this path, as it was quite abstract in nature. They were people that followed the laws of the world. Individuals that would only do things in the name of balance. Some called them cultist and lunatics, while others praised them for keeping the world in harmony.

Seeing that Xiong Liliang wouldn't change his mind, the elder initiated his attack.

A giant palm fell from the sky at a speed so fast, no one was able to discern what it even was.

All the spectating students gulped in fear, imagining themselves taking the brunt of that attack.

Dust clouds filled the altar, making it difficult to see.

The students waited for the dust cloud to fade with baited breaths, so they could see the final result.