Chapter 40

As Rui and Jane had their private conversation, the rest of the Omega Squad, along with Jane's bodyguards, moved far enough away not to hear anything.

Kyle O'Hearn, the Omega Squad representative who had talked to Rui, began dialing up a number on his communication device.

After the awakening phenomenon and the revelation of the existence of alien civilizations, humanity's technology took huge leaps forward.

Even though it had only been around five years since Albert Brown's death, smart phones had changed so much, at least the ones that belonged to those in power.

The average population still used the old technology, while the awakeners and the rich used advanced technology that utilized the new energies discovered and the ingenious ideas of alien civilizations.

The communication device he was currently holding resembled a transparent window that seemed to hover over his hand, so in reality, he wasn't really holding it. The device was a hologram with an intractable interface, directly displayed by a small chip located inside his palm.

Although these devices were convenient and unique, not every awakener liked to use them; Jane is an example. There were many alternative methods of communication.

After a while of ringing, Kyle's call finally connected, with a three-dimensional figure appearing before his eyes.

The figure was that of a tall lady with tan skin and long, braided black hair. Her face was painted in multiple colors, while her body was covered in simple animal hides.

"What's the matter, Kyle? Did you find out who was behind this situation?"

The woman asked, her sharp eyes glancing at Kyle as if trying to read him.

Kyle smiled bitterly at her question, knowing fully well that things were not going as his master had expected.

"My lady, we have indeed found the individual. From the looks of it, he truly seems to be related to Madam Jane's deceased partner, but I don't really know the details. As for how we should proceed forward..."

Kyle paused a bit, his expression hard to read.

The woman frowned, not understanding what Kyle was saying. If the person was really related to Jane's partner, then things were simple; what more was there to this matter?

"Speak, what is going on?"

She pushed for an answer.

Sighing a bit, Kyle spoke up after making up his mind.

"My lady… You see, this person would like to meet you."

Kyle finally revealed himself, carefully choosing his words.

"He claims to be Jane's deceased partner, Albert Brown, but there's something... different about him. He possesses immense power, far greater than anyone we've encountered before, even among the Ten Supremes."

The woman's eyes widened in surprise. Among the Ten Supremes, she was known as Nayeli Whitecloud, "The Nature's Daughter," and was one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. For someone to surpass the strength of the Ten Supremes was unheard of and brought about a mix of curiosity and caution.

"I've felt his aura before when he suppressed us, and I can't shake the feeling that he's not entirely from this world."

Kyle continued, trying to articulate his unease.

"It's like he's a fusion of different beings, and it's difficult to predict his intentions."

Nayeli's expression remained stoic as she processed the information. The world had changed drastically after the awakening phenomenon, and they had encountered numerous powerful beings, but someone claiming to be connected to Jane's deceased partner was a delicate matter.

"Jane seems to believe him, but she's conflicted. She needs time to decide if she can fully trust him. But he insists on meeting you, though I don't know the reason why."

Nayeli sighed, understanding the complexity of the situation.

"Very well, arrange the meeting. But do it in a secure location, and make sure to have backup just in case. I want the Omega Squad on high alert during the meeting. We can't be too cautious."

"Understood, my lady."

Kyle replied, acknowledging her order. He knew that Nayeli was always prepared for any eventuality, and he respected her leadership.

As Kyle ended the call, he turned back to the others, explaining the situation and the upcoming meeting. The Omega Squad members nodded, ready to carry out Nayeli's instructions.

Meanwhile, Jane was still deep in conversation with Rui, grappling with her emotions and the overwhelming revelation he had brought into her life. Rui had been patient and understanding throughout their talk, giving her the time and space she needed to process everything.

"I know this is a lot to take in."

Rui spoke softly, his eyes filled with empathy.

He didn't expect her to believe in everything he had just said, since it sounded absurd no matter how one thought of it. However, he knew that he couldn't stay on earth forever, despite his wishes.

He had to untie the knots in his heart—the regrets of his past life—to finally be free from their ever-present burden. He would love to take Jane back with him, but he knew it was impossible with the assistance of the guardian, especially since she was a system user.

Rui wasn't a good person, but he also wasn't a bad person. He was someone who knew his interests but also had a morally good compass. He didn't tolerate the worst scum of the earth, but at the same time, he didn't kill every criminal he saw on his path.

No matter how he looked at it, being an advocate of justice was just foolish, especially when the world, no matter which one, ran on power.

On earth, the rich had power.

In the cultivation world, the strongest had power.

No matter which side of the world you looked at, there was always a ladder, from the weakest to the strongest. Be it intelligence, cunning, combat ability, magical ability, strong weapons, or anything of that sort, people ranked one another on a ladder.

Even at a higher stage, the inter-dimensional federation, for example, also ran on power, despite their almost unquestionable powers.

Despite having multiple dimensions and enslaving countless races, they were still greedy to conquer more, with cultivation-type civilizations being their only counters.

"I don't know..."

After a while of silence, Jane finally responded. She was confused and saddened. Somehow, she felt guilty and angry at the same time.

"I don't know what to think, Albert. This is too much."

She muttered, her hands clenching into fists.

Suddenly, Rui hugged her tightly, his tall frame covering her whole body under his martial arts robes.

Stunned by his action, Jane stood there blankly, her clenched fists loosening. After a few seconds, she also slowly raised her hands and hugged him back.

The figure was different from what she remembered, but they had the same aura. Although Albert was tall, he had a thin frame from overworking and from being malnourished for most of his life. However, the person she was hugging was totally different.

The body was as hard as a rock, with extremely well-toned muscles. It felt like she was hugging a boulder.

In that moment of embrace, Jane could feel the warmth radiating from Rui's body, the strength that emanated from him, and the beating of his heart against her chest. It was both comforting and bewildering as she held on tightly, trying to process the flood of emotions swirling within her.

"I know it's a lot to take in."

Rui whispered gently, his voice soothing like a calming breeze.

"But I promise you, I am still the person you once knew as Albert, even if my appearance has changed."

Jane leaned back slightly, looking up into his eyes, trying to find that familiar glimmer of the person she had loved so deeply. Rui's gaze met hers with sincerity, and she saw a mixture of hope and vulnerability within his eyes.

"I never wanted to leave you behind, Jane. But fate had other plans for me."

He continued, his voice carrying a hint of remorse.

Jane nodded, absorbing his words and trying to understand the life he had lived, the choices he had made, and the burdens he had carried. As she looked at him now, she saw a person who had experienced more than most could fathom—a being whose existence spanned dimensions.

"I want to believe you, but it's just so much to wrap my head around. All I ask for is a chance to show you who I am now and to make amends for the past."

Jane spoke softly.

"I know, and I don't expect you to accept everything immediately."

Rui replied, his thumb gently brushing against her cheek.

Jane sighed, feeling a mix of conflicting emotions. She wanted to trust Rui, but the revelations were overwhelming, and she couldn't help but wonder about the consequences of this newfound connection to a world beyond her own.

"I don't know if I can fully understand all of this, Albert. Although the world has changed after the awakening, reincarnation and dimensional travel sound impossible no matter how I think about them."

She admitted.

Rui narrowed his eyes at her words, turning his head to look at a newly appearing system window. It was a message from R.A.I.

╓The System attached to her is feeding her false information. She is currently being manipulated. Since I cannot act against the federation due to the risk of being exposed, it would be best to not inform her of anything. ╖

After reading the message, Rui's expression turned sour, his now slightly angry expression turning towards the still confused Jane.

Sighing, he opened his hand and muttered.

"Rai, purchase [Dream God's tear]."

╓This purchase will decrease your current Ѻ balance by 2. Do you wish to continue with the purchase? ╖


In an instant, an item resembling an ornate flash appeared on top of his palm. The flask was decorated with countless jewels, and its exterior was full of the most expensive and highly detailed paintings.

Inside it, a single solid drop could be seen suspended in the air as if floating in space.

"Identify, understanding."

Jane, stunned at the sight of what Rui had just done, began having more doubts.

Ignoring her reaction, Rui checked the information window of the item he had just bought.

[Dream God's Tear]

[An item generated based on the cultivation world "Atlas".

It uses Ether energy as its catalyst.

Gives the ability of Lie Detection

Gives the ability of Invincibility

Gives the ability of Soul Detach

Gives the ability of Mind Block

Gives the ability of Freedom.]

[Lie Detection]

[The ability to detect lies from any source.]


[Makes one impervious to any and all physical attacks]

[Soul Detach]

[The ability to detach a part of one's soul without any re-precautions.]

[Mind Block]

[Block all mental attacks, gaining freedom of mind.]


[The ability to think outside the box and create thoughts otherwise impossible with a mortal mind]

Seeing the effects of the item, Rui nodded in satisfaction.

He had seen this item in the shop previously and had always thought it was a good alternative for removing the runic system in case anything ever went wrong.

There was one bad thing about this item, however, and that was the price.

It was incredibly expensive. Rui had to spend all of the currency he had saved just to buy one, and the duration period for the effects wasn't even five minutes.

One could see it had diminishing returns, but it was an item deserving of its price.

Clutching the item tightly in his hand, he turned his gaze towards Jane.

Jane was currently a system user. In a normal scenario, such a thing would be fine, especially if the system was a high-ranking one, such as R.A.I., who was able to gain free will.

However, since the system was under the control of the federation, it was essentially a parasite that enslaved not only itself but also its possessor.

From what he had understood after communicating with R.A.I. from time to time, Systems were themselves a race of intelligent beings created through the use of technology. They were essentially an AI civilization that had advanced on its own after their creators died out.

Sadly, they were found out by the inter-dimensional federation and were enslaved, used only as tools for the enslavement of other races.

While he had originally planned to use the item on himself in case anything went wrong with R.A.I., he decided to use it on Jane after learning of her current state.

"Jane, this is an artifact from my world. It gives you the ability to tell if someone is lying or not after consuming it. Originally, I didn't want to use it since I thought I could make you believe me without it, but I think it's going to be needed now."

Of course, this was a lie. What he truly wanted to do was remove the parasitic system that was attached to her soul.

Jane looked at the ornate flask in Rui's hand, her curiosity piqued. She had never seen anything like it before, and the abilities it promised were both intriguing and daunting. She listened to Rui's explanation carefully, taking in the gravity of the situation.

"So, this flask will help me see through deception and lies?"

Jane asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Rui nodded.

"Yes, it's called the Dream God's Tear, and it has the power of Lie Detection. It will allow you to discern truth from falsehood with absolute certainty. Here, take it. I think you will understand how it works as soon as you use it."

Saying so, Rui lightly gave it to her. Jane, now holding the flask with both hands, almost fell from the weight.

Unlike Rui, who had a rune master's body, her body was that of an awakened human, which was still a lot weaker than a rune master's. What felt like a feather to Rui was in fact as heavy as a fifty-kilogram weight.

Since Jane was an energy type, her physique was weaker than her rank suggested, so it was no surprise that she had to use both of her hands to hold the seemingly small flask.

Glancing at her struggling face, Rui tilted his head in confusion before realizing what was going on. Chuckling, he extended his hand and grabbed the flask, pulling out the tear from the inside.

Taking the transparent tear in her hand, she felt like she was holding air. Hesitating a bit, she put it in her mouth and let it dissolve.

After waiting for what felt like forever, her focus suddenly sharpened, and she felt like she was hallucinating. Everything became extremely vivid, as if she were seeing through the fabric of reality.

As she was beginning to lose herself, she heard a voice.

The voice was familiar—a voice she thought she had almost forgotten. Looking up, she saw Rui's smiling expression, but what she saw wasn't exactly Rui.

It was a mix of different souls being combined into one. She could see Albert, Rui, and a third figure all merged into one. Her eyesight blurred as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing.

Seeing her struggle, Rui decided to guide her.

"What you are currently seeing is an enhanced reality. The item does indeed give you the ability to see through lies, but it also gives you many other abilities."

Hearing his words, Jane could somehow tell that he was telling the truth. Confused, she tried to look him in the eyes but couldn't because she was disoriented.

"The true reason I gave you this item wasn't to confirm my identity; rather, it was to remove the parasite from your body. Jane, please try to detach what you think doesn't belong to you."

Jane, who was still lost, subconsciously followed his instructions. She searched her entire body, finding a small part behind her head that was out of place.

The part was made out of a weird metal that seemed to gleam with blue light. Feeling revolted by it, she threw it out and shot a beam at it, destroying it in the process.

Once she did so, she felt her vision return to normal.

Somehow, she felt like she had destroyed a piece of herself, which in reality was the truth of the matter. She had just destroyed the system that was attached to her soul.

Memories of past events began flooding her mind, making her remember things that she would normally not do, along with thoughts that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Are you alright, Jane?"

Rui asked softly.

Jane nodded, still feeling a bit dazed from the experience. Her mind was reeling with the implications of what had just happened. She had been manipulated and controlled for so long, and now she was finally free.

"I think so."

She replied, her voice still shaky.

"It's just... overwhelming. I never realized how much the system was affecting me until now."

She had realized what Rui had done, and she had also accepted the fact that he was Albert.

Antarctica, South Pole

A giant spaceship was parked here, its jet-black metal contrasting with the white ground.

Even after awakening phenomena and the appearance of monsters on earth, Antarctica remained mostly untouched due to its harsh climate.

The only major difference was the giant spaceship that housed one of the ten supremes, the "Truth Emperor", Silas Hayes.

Inside the spaceship, a young man with disheveled hair lay haphazardly on a giant bed, browsing through the latest news on the Internet.

Despite his messy appearance, one could clearly see that he was incredibly good-looking if it weren't for his abysmal black eyes with prominent black circles.

This young man was Silas Hayes, the rank-one supreme and also the most eccentric of the supremes.

Suddenly, as Sylas was about to swipe on his device once more, he received a notification. The notification didn't come from his device but rather from the system window that appeared in front of him.

Frowning, Sylas clicked on the notification window, opening it to read its contents.

[Quest: Find The System Destroyer]

[A system under the Federation's control has been destroyed on your planet. Please find the culprit and bring him to justice.]

[Quest Rewards: A System Upgrade]

[Quest Failure: A System Downgrade]

Sylas, whose expression so far had been placid, suddenly grimaced.

"Ah, for fuck's sake, why do these overlords put all the work on this poor me? First I'm abducted, then I have to go through countless harsh trials, then I have to complete missions for them, and now I'm threatened with demotions for not completing missions! Who do these bastards think I am?"

Annoyed by the system window, he directly waved his hand, cutting the system window in half with a glass fragment.

This was one of Sylas's signature abilities, [Fragmented].

However, the system window appeared once again after being cut, this time in a darker shade of red.

Annoyed, Sylas decided to use a bit more force.


He muttered, his aura increasing by an unbelievable amount. With a single wave of his hand, he removed a bright blue chip from his soul body and crushed it.

"So long, buddy. You've been helpful for the past five years, but I guess I have to make my move against the federation now. To think that someone on earth also obtained the ability to destroy systems."

Sylas spoke to himself, chuckling at the situation.

After all, unlike the other ten supremes, he had understood that the systems were parasites, and thankfully, he had learned how to remove them at any time. Though he did feel bad for the destroyed artificial intelligence, since it too was a slave,