Chapter 44

After Earth's evolution into a tier-one civilization, technology rapidly advanced.

This resulted in greater infrastructure and ease for those in power, especially since the world now functions in a similar way to the runic master master society.

Strength, wealth, and potential were the defining factors in earth's current society, with the average civilian wishing to become a powerful hunter.

The thing kids wished for was to have a powerful ability.

At the top levels of one of the newly built skyscrapers in New York, Rui sat cross-legged on top of a bed, inspecting an intricate item.

The room he was currently staying in was Jane's apartment, or, should he say, her house.

Since the entire skyscraper belonged to her company, she utilized entire floors to construct her living space. It truly was a luxury, but Rui knew how little she had actually enjoyed this luxury.

Staring at the unique object, Rui used both [Identify] and [Understanding] on it.

[Orb of retrieval]

[An orb constructed with dimensial technology and 'mana'. It can store anything and everything inside of it. It doesn't have a time-altering effect, and things spoil normally.

Can be stored inside the system inventory.]

"To think it was so easy to obtain... I'm sure it would've been a pain in the ass in the runic world to find this without the assistance of a high-ranking rune master."

Rui recognized the advantages and disadvantages of the direction both civilizations were heading.

Earth was a technological civilization that had just awakened abilities, mostly using their brains to complete their goals, while rune masters were the exact opposite.

They utilized their own bodies as vessels for energy, reaching levels impossible for the human mind to comprehend. They could basically do things that advanced technological machines could never do with their bodies.

A rune master's every function would improve with each level advanced, which meant every facet of their being would undergo a change. Even the dumbest individual would become a once-in-a-lifetime genius if he reached the seventh or eighth stage, though that in itself was impossible unless one was lucky, talented, and had the wealth to support that talent.

It really was a ridiculous notion, no matter how hard Rui thought about it. He was sure that his ability to think had advanced by leaps and bounds after awakening, which was normal since he was an Ansuz user.

People who possessed the Ansuz rune were freaks of nature when it came to intelligence and uniqueness.

Rui tilted his head in contemplation, thinking of how he should proceed with things from the moment on.

First, he had to wait for Jane to recover.

Secondly, he had to find a way to get stronger despite the lack of runic energy.

The third was to find a way to clear the stage.

Other than that, he had nothing else to accomplish.

Rui stared blankly through the giant window, witnessing the sight that was a megalopolis advanced in technology.

Sighing heavily, he shook his head, clearing his head.

He decided to try meditating, since despite the energy on earth being impure and low in quality, it was better than nothing.

Closing his eyes, energy gushed towards him from every direction, causing a small phenomenon as his body was covered in a blue energy. Oddly enough, Rui felt no difference in the energy quality and even seemed to be absorbing the same quantity as in the rune master world. After a few hours of cultivating, Rui finally stopped.

Opening his eyes, he examined his body carefully, trying to find any changes.

Sure enough, there was a massive change—a change that Rui hated with passion.

His entire body was covered in a black, sticky, and stinky substance.

This substance was, of course, the impurities his physique removed from his body automatically, which meant that in that short period of time he had already absorbed such a large amount of impurities into his body.

'So despite the quality being low, the results for me are the same since I possess this broken physique. Honestly, I don't know what I would've done without it.'

He thought while removing his clothes and directly destroying them.

They were not worth cleaning, so completely incinerating them was the better option. It would literally take dozens of washes to remove the smell from them due to the amount of impurities, thanks to the different material it was made out of.

Compared to the robes rune masters wore, clothes made from cotton were almost impossible to clean.

After destroying the clothes, he quickly took off to the shower and thoroughly cleaned himself. After dressing up once more, he sat on the sofa and decided to open the TV.

The TV was different from the one he was used to, as it was no longer tangible but rather viewed through AR glasses.

A.R., or otherwise, augmented reality, had really brought a revolution when it came to commodities. Rui wore the AR TV glasses, finding himself staring at a theater-sized monitor.

Slightly taken aback, he browsed through the content, trying to find shows that he had never finished before his death, especially the ones he was almost done with.

Sadly, some of the shows he was looking forward to were canceled due to multiple deaths after the cataclysm.



After goofing around for a few hours, Rui decided to be productive once again.

He was constantly checking on Jane's state, making sure that Yue was doing its job. Her soul was slowly recovering, thankfully, but it would take a while for it to be fully healed.

After contemplating what he should do, Rui decided to examine every facet of a hunter's daily life. He wanted to see how the world had changed and how these individuals hunted inside gates.

Calling Nayeli, he made some arrangements. Nayeli obediently obliged, knowing fully well she was being used like a tool.

Even Rui knew that he was abusing his power at the moment, but he couldn't care less.

Early the next morning, Rui found himself standing among a group of hunters at the entrance of a gate. They wore specialized suits equipped with various technological gadgets, indicating how much the world had advanced in terms of equipment. These suits were designed to enhance their abilities and provide protection against the unknown dangers within the gates.

Rui couldn't help but smile at the weary hunters, ready to hunt monsters as their daily task.

Nayeli introduced Rui to the team leader, a handsome man named Alexander Lemtov, who had seen his fair share of gate expeditions. Alex looked at Rui with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, clearly not used to having outsiders join their missions.

"Listen up, everyone; we've got a guest today who wants to see how we operate. Treat him with respect, but remember, we're here to do a job."

Alex called out to the team. As Nayeli had already explained a thing or two to him, he knew not to push anyone's buttons. He could already tell that the person in front of him was an eccentric, and a very powerful one at that.

Lemtov was a powerful S-class hunter and also a System user. Thanks to his abilities as a captain and scout, he was a sought-out member for most hunting expeditions, especially when his danger sense was thrown in the mix.

Alex's danger sense was going off the mark with the person in front of him. It felt like he was being stared down by a vicious beast, ready to destroy him at any moment.

The team members nodded in acknowledgment, and Rui could sense a mixture of reactions from them, ranging from genuine curiosity to slight unease and even a hint of disdain and hatred.

After finishing their preparations, the team entered a giant blue portal one by one, their figures disappearing.

As they entered the gate, the environment shifted dramatically. They found themselves in a warped version of a rainforest, with countless different flowers and animals. The gates were truly otherworldly, often defying the laws of physics as they led to different dimensions or realms.

Rui observed how the hunters worked as a cohesive unit. They communicated through headsets, constantly updating each other on their positions and any potential threats. Their suits allowed them to scan the environment for anomalies and potential dangers.

Rui couldn't help but wonder how their technology still worked in these scenarios. Thankfully, it didn't take much probing for him to recognize the energy with which these devices functioned. They were mana devices created with the gates in mind.

The gate they entered was classified as a Tier 2 gate, which meant it held greater risks and rewards compared to lower-tier gates. The monsters and creatures within were more formidable, but the rewards, in terms of resources and awakening materials, were also greater.

Though this didn't matter to Rui since the resources and creatures here weren't worth anything to him,

Soon, the group found their first prey. It didn't take long for the poor beast to be completely destroyed through a merciless assault, not being able to even recognize its own death.

Rui had to admit that the use of technology and abilities was a great combination, as the hunters utilized the two in absolute harmony. Some had abilities that enhanced their capabilities, so they needed powerful weapons to attack from distances, while on the other hand, the opposite was true for those who had powerful abilities with great firepower and no mobility.

They utilized the technology to their own advantage, taking care of all their blind spots and working flawlessly as a team.

Although Rui could study their methods and use them, in the world of runic masters, such tactics were useless, as the differences between ranks were far too astronomical.

Unless a war between empires were to happen, Rui had nothing to worry about.



Alex frowned as he wiped his sweaty brow. He was currently questioning his own existence as he glanced towards the final boss of the gate.

Gates all had a boss who, once defeated, would turn the gate into a safe zone, which could then be harvested for its resources until the next boss spawned.

However, Alex had never heard of such a powerful boss as this one. It was a colossal creature that resembled a fusion of a dragon and a demon. Its scales shimmered with an eerie, dark energy, and its eyes glowed with an ominous red light.

"Captain, what the hell is that thing?"

One of the hunters muttered through the headset, his voice filled with fear.

Alex clenched his jaw, his eyes never leaving the monstrous entity.

"I have no idea, but we can't turn back now. We've got to take it down! Tank and healer, be ready; as for the guest, please stand as far away as possible! This is a monster that exceeds the level of the dungeon. Isabel, can you assess its rank?"

Alex began giving orders, with each teammate following his instructions flawlessly. They were elites who understood the importance of teamwork, especially since all of them were S-rank hunters who had undergone gruesome training.

The gate they had entered was an S-rank gate. From this fact alone, one could tell that Rui wasn't a normal person, since he was allowed to enter such a gate.

"Captain, from the mana readings, that's an SSS-Class monster. I think we should retreat and call for reinforcements. This gate is abnormal!"

Shouted Isabel, who was the magician of the team. She had quickly assessed that the boss monster was way out of their league, so she quickly requested a retreat.


Alex's expression turned horrified as he quickly ordered a retreat. In an instant, every hunter in the squad scattered in different directions.

Alex, who was the fastest due to his unique skills, stopped running after a few minutes as he tried to calm his beating heart down. He knew that an SSS-rank monster was impossible with his current squad, and even Nayeli alone wouldn't be able to handle it.

They needed to make a well-thought-out dungeon raid to even deal with that monster and possibly ask a member of the ten supremes to help.

Just as his thoughts were going rampant, Alex remembered the guest who had come along with them. Recalling the face the guest was making, he became extremely worried for his health.

Instantly, he opened one of the locating devices. Each member had a similar device on them, which allowed them to know each other's locations at all times despite being inside a dungeon.

Alex could see a green dot next to where the boss was supposed to be as soon as he opened the menu.

At that moment, his blood ran cold as he quickly dashed back towards the boss.

'I can't believe that idiot is still there! Fuck, Nayeli will surely blame me for this!'

His mind raced as he quickly thought of the aftermath of the guest's death. Although Nayeli was called "Nature's daughter", she was someone who survived the terrifying battle royal, so of course she wasn't someone with a soft heart.



Rui stared at the monster in front of him in interest, using [Identify] and [Understanding] on it.

[Aerrax, Rank SSS

Species: Demonic Dragon

The peak level dragon of a lower grade civilization. Using demonic energy, it has evolved itself into a new kind of existence.

Abilities: Dragon Breath, Demon Claw, Enhance, Heal, Flight, Transform, Devour

Combat Power: 120000]

Seeing the status screen, Rui couldn't help but smile. That combat score was his exact combat score right before he entered the realm of fortitude.

Thinking of this, he opened his status window.

[Name: Guang Rui

Race: Runic Human, Age 19]

[System Level: 15]

[Perception: 1569

Constitution: 450

Charisma: 120

Luck: 5.098

Free Attribute Points: 1500

Combat Power: 235000]

[Spiritual Root]

Heaven Run Spiritual Root


Extreme Rune Physique

[Cultivation Stage]

Peak Rune Sea Stage

[Character Personality Path]

Society Born Demon

[Innate Skills]

[Clairvoyance/ Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the truth of the world. +500 Perception]

[Gives absolute defense over any illusions or brainwashing]

[Gives the ability of understanding]

[Scales with Perception]

[Parallel Thinking / Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the innate ability to process multiple streams of thought simultaneously, +200 Perception]

A chuckle escaped his lips just looking at the absurd status difference between himself and the giant lizard. What surprised him, though, was his increased luck and his age. After all, it had been a while since he had glanced at his status window this thoroughly.

His age increasing according to normal time flow was beyond his expectations, which meant the excruciating years he spent inside the realm didn't count toward his physical age.

On the other hand, the increased mastery of both of his innate skills made him very happy. As for the combat power, Rui knew that it was not his true peak.

Just like the status of the giant lizard displayed, it was just an estimate of its current state.

Knowing this fully well, Rui summoned [Sun Cutter] from the system inventory, as a huge grin unconsciously appeared on his face.

In an instant, Rui activated [Sun Cutter]'s true form, turning it into a longsword. Rui decided to go all out for once since he had not tested his true ability after he finished his training.

[Cloak], [Buff], [Shred], [Dimensional Slash], and the first form of the [Beginning Sword] were used in an instant, making [Sun Cutter] shine in a mysterious black light.

But Rui wasn't done there. He wanted to test his utmost limits, so he decided to use everything he had.

He decided to utilize all the skills from the Heavenly Runic Mantra he had acquired so far.

[Heaven's wrath]

[An increase in the user's strength and runic energy for a short period of time, has the counter effect of reducing the user's potential in the future.]

[Heaven's rebirth]

[An increase in the user's potential and longevity

Slowly nurtures user's soul, making it stronger.

Used in tandem with 'heaven's wrath' skill, 'Heaven's wrath' side effects will be removed.]

[Heavenly Runic Energy]

[A variant of the Heavenly Demon energy, being converted into a natural energy from a demonic one. 

Gives the user sharper but harder to control attacks.]

[Heavenly Aura]

[The ability to coat weapons and body with the heavenly runic energy, making them stronger.]

The black energy around [Sun Cutter] became denser, like a black hole drawing in all the nearby energy; its pulling force was incredible.

Aerrax, who had so far disdainfully glanced at the small human figure, suddenly trembled.

An aura of death had covered the area, causing the all-mighty demonic dragon to feel fear for the first time in its life.

Indignant, it looked at the small ant in front of it, gathering dragon breath while using all its enchanting abilities to completely get rid of the threat in front of it in a single attack.

Sadly for the dragon, Rui had other plans.

While the Demonic Dragons combat power rose to over 220000 after it used its attack, Rui's shot over 1 million.

With a swift motion, Rui activated [leap], causing his body to blur and appear in front of the Demonic Dragon in an instant. The dragon's eyes widened as it realized that Rui had closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

In that moment, Rui swung [Sun Cutter], which was infused with dense black energy. The sword cut through the air with a deafening sound, creating shock waves that reverberated through the forest-like environment of the gate. Dozens of rifts in space instantly became visible due to the effects of the enhanced [Dimensional Slash].

Aerrax, shocked by the sudden, powerful attack, launched his fire breath, trying to block it with all his power. Sadly for the dragon, Rui's attack was enhanced with all his abilities, abilities that were all out of the ordinary.

The attack went through the fire breath as if passing through air, and it even passed through the dragon's body as if a knife were through butter.

The dragon was decapitated in an instant, and behind its enormous body, a big space crack was slowly closing.

Alex, who had just arrived at the scene, stared in stupefaction at the young man who had so effortlessly killed one of the most powerful beings humanity had ever seen.

Rui, with a composed demeanor, returned [Sun Cutter] to its normal state, placing it inside his pocket, due to the eyes around him not allowing him the ability to store things in the inventory. Looking at the fading space crack, Rui smiled with a sense of accomplishment. He had tested his newfound powers and found that he had indeed grown immensely during his time in the realm of fortitude. Yet he remained aware that he was just scratching the surface of his potential.

The rest of the hunters slowly gathered around, their expressions filled with shock and awe. They had witnessed Rui's display of power and were struggling to come to terms with it. Even their captain, Alexander Lemtov, was at a loss for words.