Chapter 46

[Growth (1)]

[The three-legged golden crow is a mythical creature that requires a vast amount of experience and treasures to mature into a true myth.

Quest Clear Conditions:

Upgrade beast companion "Sunny."

Help beast companion obtain its "core"

Quest Clear Rewards:

Upgrade in Bloodline]

[Quest 'Growth(1)' has been cleared]

[Distributing rewards]

Rui was surprised by the sudden quest clearance, but he was happy to see that his companion was doing well.

The bloodline upgrade was just an extra in his heart, at least until the results of the upgrade showed themselves.

The term "bloodline upgrade" could mean anything, so Rui didn't know what to expect.

'It could either be a bloodline purification, just like what I did with my celestial bloodline, or it could be a major bloodline change.'

He thought while rubbing his chin.

[Bloodline upgrade commencing]

As soon as the system window appeared, Rui felt an insurmountable amount of pain coursing through his entire body.

A heartbreaking scream came out of his mouth in the very next moment as he clutched his chest, getting into the fetal position.

His whole body writhed, causing him agonizing pain. The blood in his body churned and boiled, excreting from his orifices.

With bloody eyes and barely staying conscious, Rui began circulating his runic energy in an attempt to reduce the pain, but it only had the opposite effect. Seeing the results, Rui immediately stopped cultivating.

Every muscle on his body moved like countless worms, causing a skin-crawling scene.

It didn't take long for the jacuzzi to turn completely red due to the blood.

Not wanting to drown in the bloody water, Rui dragged his body out, his pupils focusing and defocusing, causing him to lose his balance while trying to move.

Falling on the marble-tiled floor, Rui writhed in pain in his own pool of blood.

Although Rui had gone through multiple body refinements, causing him to have immense pain tolerance, the pain he was currently feeling was different from anything he had experienced before.

It was like he was constantly flayed, while at the same time someone purposefully increased his sensitivity to pain by over a thousand percent.

All he could do was try to maintain his mind and not lose himself in the maddening pain.

As the minutes stretched into what felt like hours, Rui clung desperately to his consciousness, fearing that he might lose himself in the overwhelming agony. Every fiber of his being was on fire, and he could feel the boundaries of his existence blurring.

Rui was completely covered in blood, which slowly dried. He looked like he was on the verge of death, despite being fine just a few minutes prior.

Jane had been slowly recovering for the past few weeks, her soul having regenerated a significant amount thanks to Yue.

Although she was currently living in the same building as Rui, she was on a different floor, which was specifically designed to facilitate injured hunters.

However, today was the day she returned to a somewhat more normal life. She had already recovered enough to walk freely around without passing out randomly, and the doctors had given her permission to begin her work in moderation.

She had decided to go to Rui's room to check on him since he had not visited for the day, despite the fact that he visited her several times a day normally.

After descending a few floors, she exited the elevator and made her way towards his designated area.

Since the highest floors of the building were reserved for her personal use, the place was already a house of its own. They had separated it into different living areas for her and her family members.

After a few seconds, she arrived outside the door of his living quarters.

Raising her hand, she knocked on the door lightly. She knew that Rui was more than capable of recognizing her arrival even if she didn't knock on the door, but she decided to do so anyway.

After a few seconds of silent waiting, no one opened the door for her.

Jane frowned at this, picking up her phone and dialing up the room service.

It didn't even take a second for the person on the other side to answer.

"John, did you perhaps see Albert exiting the building or even his living quarters?"

She asked, her voice having a tinge of worry.

"My lady, sir hasn't left his room since this morning, and from the life data machines, he seems to still be inside his living quarters."

John hurriedly spoke in a fluster, informing his master of the ongoing situation.

Jane's frown deepened as she shut off the call and made her enter the room. The door was never locked to begin with, but she had certain rules that she followed. She found uninvited entry extremely disrespectful, even if the building itself belonged to her.

After she entered the room, the first thing she noticed was the strange metallic odor in the air.

"Albert?! Are you here?"

She asked, her voice raising a few pitches, clearly signifying her agitation.

Getting no response back from her question, Jane made her through his living quarters. She checked all the rooms one by one, not entering but just passing by to see if Rui was in any of them.

Not finding him still, she began to examine each room properly.

Since she had already seen through all the rooms, she began with the last one, which was the office, followed by the guest room, and finally the master bedroom.

It was only after she entered the master bedroom that she noticed something. Since she was an S-rank hunter, her senses were far above those of a normal person, so she could tell when someone was nearby.

Although the life signatures were small, she noticed them immediately. Rushing towards the bathroom, Jane opened the door only to find a blood-covered Rui shivering and trembling from pain.

Rui was in a state of stasis for an unknown period of time.

During this period, his consciousness was floating in and out of reality, regaining himself randomly only to pass out a few seconds later.

His brain was visualizing things that didn't exist, and his existence seemed as feeble as a candle's light, ready to be blown at any moment.

He was witnessing sights that his brain couldn't comprehend, like an alternate version of reality.

In these visions, he saw what seemed like the creation of the universe, the birth of the first ancient gods and celestials, and the first appearance of the ancient human, also known as the first human.

Rui experienced countless years of time through these sights, but his thought progress never advanced, forever trapped in just witnessing these amazing events.

It was only after these visions were over that Rui finally awoke from his state of suspended animation.

The first thing Rui saw was a pure white ceiling, followed by countless system prompts.

[Bloodline Upgrade has been successfully completed]

[Now displaying current bloodline status]

[Bloodline Status]

[Ancient human bloodline, 25% pure

Celestial bloodline, 50% Perfect

Ancient god bloodline, 25% pure]

[Due to the powerful bloodline, a unique combination of the three has brought about some changes.]

[Skill "Divine Synthesis", has been created due to the merger of these three bloodlines.]

[Now displaying User status]

[Name: Guang Rui

Race: Ancient Human, Age 19]

[System Level: 15]

[Perception: 1869

Constitution: 450

Charisma: 220

Luck: 6.08

Free Attribute Points: 1500

Combat Power: 299000]

[Spiritual Root]

Heaven Rune Spiritual Root


Extreme Rune Physique

[Cultivation Stage]

Peak Rune Sea Stage

[Character Personality Path]

Society Born Demon

[Innate Skills]

[Clairvoyance/ Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the truth of the world. +500 Perception]

[Gives absolute defense over any illusions or brainwashing]

[Gives the ability of understanding]

[Scales with Perception]

[Parallel Thinking / Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the innate ability to process multiple streams of thought simultaneously, +200 Perception]

[Divine Synthesis / Mastery: beginner]

[Passive: The blending of bloodlines to create stronger power. +300 Perception, +100 Charisma]

[Enhances the user's ability to influence and persuade others, drawing from their divine heritage]

[Scales with Perception and charisma] 

While he was still recovering his sight, Rui managed to glimpse through the system windows, resulting in him getting up in a hurry due to shock.

His long, flowing hair flew above him, covering his face in the process, which put him in an awkward position as he had still not recovered and was feeling groggy.

After letting his brain and eyes adjust, he noticed how his eyesight had changed once again, becoming more vivid and wider in range, as if his eyes could now see a wider and longer distance than before.

Covering his face with his hand, he pushed back his long hair, noticing its change in the process.

His hair was now a dark blue color, compared to the previous black with blue highlights.

The other change he felt was in his body, as it felt like his height had increased suddenly. Although Rui had already reached the height Rai had specified for his body, it seemed like that wasn't his limit.

It felt like his height had increased by another 5cm, which was enough for him to notice a change in his core, making him unable to adjust his balance for a few seconds.

Taking off the monitoring equipment, Rui got up from the bed, stretching his legs in the process.

In that moment, a few doctors rushed into the room in panic, with Jane following behind them.

They instantly began examining his body while Rui and Jane talked.

"How long have I been out?"

I asked Rui, seeing the worry in Jane's face.

"It's been about a month... I was really worried, you know.

Jane responded, biting her lip in the process.

Rui pushed aside the nurses and doctors, taking Jane into his embrace.

Since his height had further increased, Jane's figure seemed so small in his arms.

Jane also embraced him back, letting herself go in the moment and crying freely like a child.

It was a really hard period for her since she had to endure the loss of her lover while the world plunged into a desperate situation with the appearance of the hunters.

It was only after Rui returned to earth that she finally found a shoulder she could lean onto once again, even if Rui himself had become a totally different person.

To her, the emotional and spiritual connection mattered the most; even if they died or reincarnated into different bodies, the connection they had made was still there.

To begin with, the only reason they weren't married by that point was due to Albert's insecurities.

However, the current Albert was different. He was ready to commit everything to this relationship, but they still had to make some sacrifices.

Rui had already explained that he would at some point have to return, which meant that if they wanted to be together, Jane had to consent to returning with him and leaving behind earth.

Rui knew that what he was asking of her was selfish, but he had no other choice due to his status and power.

Surprisingly, Jane had agreed in an instant, already preparing countless things for them to take back with them into the runic world, from electric generators to everyday clothes. She already had full storage cells ready for transfer.

Thankfully, with the system inventory, Rui was able to carry everything.

To begin with, he didn't utilize the inventory enough, only using it to store necessities and nothing else, which kept a large number of slots free.

While Rui had just awoken from his stasis, a meeting was ongoing in the council of the supremes.

The Council of the Supremes was a meeting held by the ten supremes on a regular basis.

However, this time, three individuals were missing from the meeting.

These individuals were Silas Hayes, Nayeli Whitecloud, and Maverick Guthrie.

As for why these supremes were missing from the meeting, it all had to do with the subject of the meeting itself.

"We all know why we have gathered here, so let's get straight to the point. How do we eliminate the 'System Breaker', or should I say the outsider? From what I heard, he is related to Nayeli, so I guess that makes sense why she didn't join the meeting. However, why are that rat Guthrie and that psycho Silas not here?"

Anthony Hall, the representative of the UK region, spoke. He seemed annoyed at the fact that these three supremes didn't join the meeting this time.

"I still don't understand what your problem is with status. You're ranked fourth, man; just get over it. Anyway, from the message I got when I asked Maverick, he saw a total mission failure, so he decided not to join. Honestly, I trust his skill, so I'm only here to see how you guys handle this shitshow."

I spoke to a young man with spiky brown hair while eating a bag of popcorn. This person was Michele Gola, a supreme ruler who ruled over the Mediterranean region. He was an Italian who had grown up and only spoke Italian for most of his life, so his English accent was heavy.

"Honestly, from the moment Maverick isn't joining the mission, I also give up. However, one thing I'm curious about is: why did he suddenly change his mind? Wasn't he the one who advocated for the attack the most? It's probably the first time I've seen him give up on a plan on his own, especially after he used his skill."

I spoke to a tall African man with a heavy accent. This man was Juma Kenyatta, the representative for the African region, having been born in Kenya and having lived there for most of his life.

Since they had all experienced the hell that was the "Ruins", they knew each other quite well.

Maverick Guthrie was the possessor of a skill known as foresight, giving him the ability to predict events before anyone else. This skill sometimes acted on its own, showing him glimpses of the future, or was purposefully activated to look into a specific future.

For this reason, most of the supremes had decided to back out of this mission the instant they heard about a "vision".

"If Sir Guthrie decided to quit on a mission due to a vision, it only means we should not proceed with the prior arrangements. Also, this is not the first time I've seen him do this. He did a similar thing when we were planning on ambushing Silas back on stage 25, remember?"

This time the one to speak was an elegant lady who had remained politely seated this whole time, not interacting with the rest. This woman was Melody Kelly, who was also the sole representative of Canada.

"I agree with the rest. If Maverick has chosen to abandon the mission due to a vision, we should heed his warning. His foresight has proven invaluable in the past. We must consider alternative approaches."

Ali Abdullah, the supreme representative of the Middle East, spoke up next. His voice carried a sense of authority and wisdom earned from years of experience.

The council members nodded in agreement, acknowledging the validity of Ali's point. The weight of Maverick's visions was not to be underestimated, especially given their history of accuracy. After all, some of them were only alive because they listened to him.

"We should also consider that the outsider, this 'System Breaker,' has demonstrated formidable power. It would be unwise to underestimate him. Even if I were to use my strongest skills, I wouldn't be able to defeat a SSS-class dragon with such ease."

Yamamoto Satoshi, the Japanese supreme known for his stoic demeanor, finally broke his silence.

"Our priority should be Nayeli Whitecloud. She has a personal connection to this outsider. We should find her and ascertain her intentions. It's possible she may be able to provide us with valuable insights. We might be able to grasp his weakness."

Tsetsegmaa Panchee, the Mongolian supreme with a strong sense of pragmatism, chimed in.

"If we're going to approach this cautiously, then it's imperative we locate Nayeli first. As for Silas and Maverick, they can handle their own affairs. We can't afford to rely on them exclusively, especially Silas. We all know that he is completely not there mentally. I swear that guy has a screw loose."

Anthony Hall, still displaying a hint of annoyance, folded his arms across his chest, spoke, and swore lightly in the process.

The discussion continued, with each supreme offering their perspective on how to deal with the enigmatic outside. The absence of three prominent members had disrupted their original plans, but it also underscored the unpredictable nature of the situation.

"Honestly, this meeting is pointless. If we are not going to reach any conclusion, I won't be staying anymore. Just accept the system downgrade and be happy that you're still alive."

The one to speak was Michele, who, from the start, was against the attack.

Most of the Supremes agreed with his statement, but they were too proud to let themselves lose without even putting up a fight.

"Honestly, why the fuck did that rat, Guthrie, change his mind? It's really weird, innit? Anyway, since I also agree with the spaghetti boy, I'm done with this meeting. Don't invite me to the next one."

Anthony spoke in an arrogant manner, his figure flashing away from his seat, disappearing in an instant.

With the departure of Anthony and Michele, the council of supremes was left with a sense of tension and uncertainty. They understood the validity of their concerns, but there was no consensus on how to proceed. Yamamoto Satoshi's stoic gaze remained fixed on the holographic table in the center of the room, contemplating the situation.

"I concur that locating Nayeli Whitecloud should be our top priority; she may be our best chance at understanding the system's motivations. I suggest we task our network of informants with the mission."

Ali Abdullah said, breaking the brief silence that had fallen over the council.

"Agreed. She is a crucial piece of this puzzle. Once we have more information, we can decide on a more calculated approach. Rushing into a confrontation with an unknown opponent would be reckless."

Tsetsegmaa Panchee nodded in agreement.

Yamamoto Satoshi finally looked up, his piercing eyes meeting those of the other supremes.

"We must also monitor Silas and Maverick closely. Their actions may provide us with insights or warning signs."

"It is a precarious situation we find ourselves in. We must remember that our primary responsibility is to protect humanity. If that means adjusting our tactics or even seeking alliances, then we should be prepared to do so."

Melody Kelly, the Canadian supreme, who had been mostly silent throughout the meeting, spoke with a calm and composed demeanor.

The council members acknowledged her words with solemn nods. The absence of Silas, Nayeli, and Maverick cast a shadow of doubt over their previous plans, but it was evident that their unity and adaptability were crucial in confronting the unknown threat.

As the council meeting concluded, the supremes dispersed, each heading back to their respective regions and territories, carrying the weight of their responsibility. The enigmatic System Breaker remained a formidable adversary, but the Council of Supremes had weathered many storms over the years, and they were determined to protect the world from any threat, no matter how mysterious or powerful it might be.

Of course, in reality, this "system breaker" was nothing but the unconscious manipulation of the systems and federation. Oddly, Guthrie was able to remove them from immediate manipulation with his vision alone.