Chapter 52

After the shadow fiends were eliminated, Rui could finally focus on his core creation for the most part.

The elements attacked him relentlessly, but he persevered by constantly casting low-level protection hexes on himself. His body, which was more resilient than an average third-rank rune master due to his ten body refinements, began to slowly take damage from the constant barrage.

Clenching his teeth, Rui used [Clarity] and [Circulate], his mental state staying clear and focused on the task at hand.

As for [Circulate], it was a skill that he had completely neglected due to its very simple and basic function; however, it came extremely handy in a situation like this.


[Performs a full rotation of runic energy inside the body, increasing the user's physical strength for a few seconds.

Makes the skin healthier.]

Not only did it help with doing an energy rotation, which in turn helped the advancement, but it also increased his physical strength.

Rui activated the skill on a loop while he also did his own refining, which made his core condense at a faster rate.

However, while Rui thought he was mostly out of harm's way, the tribulation had other thoughts.

As his core creation was coming to an end, the elemental attacks increased in intensity without a sign of stopping. The rushing wind became faster and sharper, leaving cut marks on his skin.

The flowing lava stopped oozing, while countless fire tornadoes formed around him, trying to burn him alive.

The earth itself also began moving, causing a massive earthquake. The blood-red rain turned into hail as blood-colored ice crystals fell with incredible power. Purple lightning also came crushing from the sky, causing Rui's to dodge from time to time and stunting his progress.

Rui could only endure the relentless onslaught, his body getting progressively more and more injured and fatigued.

Thankfully, Daito and Grandpa Xin arrived just in time to assist him.

Grandpa Xin, who was the first to arrive at the scene from the trio, glanced at the current state of the tribulation and frowned.

"The tribulation is about to enter its final stage. If we don't separate the elements now, Rui won't be able to survive the five elements' combination."

Guang Xin informed Daito with a solemn look. He knew more about this sort of tribulation than other cultivators, so he was prepared.

"Quickly, create an elemental sealing array and only leave the fire element first, since the environment doesn't favor it!"

Guang Xin ordered, his hands already moving before Daito could even move.

His rune shone in a bright blue hue, while his fingers were covered in a misty white aura. Within a few seconds, he had finished his preparations, extending both of his hands forward and unleashing his technique.

"Entangling Net of the Sky."

From his fingers, countless thin strands created from runic energy began covering the sky, causing a rippling effect visible to the naked eye. It was as if the sky had become an ocean of waves.

With the technique released, Grandpa Xin held up the falling hail and lightning strikes, already eliminating two elements for Rui.

Daito, on the other hand, took a bit longer to finish the array since it was a more time-consuming task than just performing a technique or martial art.

He dug trenches a few kilometers away from Rui, placing rune stones inside them to act as catalysts.

After doing this ten times, he once again flew next to Guang Xin and pulled out a formation talisman, igniting it and activating the array.

As soon as the array activated, a ten-pointed star covered the ground, signifying that it was working properly.

Soon, all elements except fire were active in the tribulation.



Rui had already noticed Daito's and Xin's presence, heaving a sigh of relief once he witnessed what they had done.

He could now focus completely on finishing his core condensation.

Rui began to move his energy with precision, not wasting even a second, as his core quickly materialized.

He could endure the rampaging fire element with his current physique since he had, after all, endured incredibly potent yang herbs while refining his body.

The whole ordeal lasted roughly eight hours, and Rui was finally able to complete his runic core.

As soon as his core creation finished, Rui heard a system prompt.

[True Core has been created]

[True Core]

[The first ever recorded true core. Not much is known about its functions, but many 4th Dimensional beings possess it]

[Congratulations, you have completed a legendary achievement of a "cultivation world"] 

[Unprecedented, Achieving the first ever recorded case of a 'True Core"] 

[Sending achievement to database]

[Failed to send]

[Trying once more]

[Failed to send]


[Storing achievement into save data]

[Achievement saved]

[Your achievement will be recorded into the inter-dimensional database once the system is back online, please do not worry]

[Level up! One free stat point has been rewarded]

[Level up! One free stat point has been rewarded]

[Level up! One free stat point has been rewarded]

[Level up! One free stat point has been rewarded]

[Level up! One free stat point has been rewarded]

[You have reached level 20]

[System locks have been partially lifted]

[You can now access the inter-dimensional database]

[Warning! Due to limited connection, the data is fragmented]


Just like the first and second times Rui created a legendary achievement, system prompts kept appearing in front of him.

Rui ignored them all, as he could feel a sense of impending doom.

The array holding back the elements suddenly broke, while Guang Xin's net shattered into a million pieces.

The elements that were sealed away returned, and their strength multiplied tenfold.

Lightning strikes rained down, and the blood red hail's became bigger and sharper. The earth formed spikes beneath Rui's feet, prompting him to fly.

Since it was his first time flying, it took him a couple of seconds to adjust, especially since the winds were so strong. Fire pillars constantly rushed from the ground as Rui had to weave his way through all of the obstacles.

The constant attacks made Rui focus solely on dodging.

Using [Parallel thinking] Rui's mind split into multiple threads, processing information at an accelerated rate. He knew that a single attack was enough to make him bedbound for a month or more.

Unlike his first tribulation, where a single red lightning bolt was enough to severely harm him, he now held his ground much better.

Meanwhile, Daito tried reconstructing the array while Grandpa Xin recast his technique, though without any success due to the strengthened tribulation.

Rui had to somehow endure until the tribulation was over, which was easier said than done. No one knew how long a heavenly tribulation could last, especially a five-element tribulation.

Rui didn't want to be stuck trying to stay alive for a week or a month straight; it would surely kill him.

"Rai, a little help here!"

He screamed, asking R.A.I. for help. He was in too much of a panicked state to calmly come up with a plan, as a single mistake would cost him more than just a few months of recuperation. With a single strike rendering him helpless, the following ones would eradicate him.

╓ As you've reached the third rank, your combat prowess has more than quadrupled. Use your skills, and don't just dodge. ╖

R.A.I.'s system window appeared before Rui, giving him a small scare due to its different color than usual.

It seemed like R.A.I. was disappointed in Rui's handling of the situation.

Rui recognized that he had let his emotions get the best of him.


He muttered, activating his [Clarity] skill. In an instant, all miscellaneous thoughts disappeared.

Pulling out the sun cutter from his inventory, he transformed the knife into its sword form and coated it in multiple energy layers.

In an instant, Rui activated all of his skills at once, causing a massive energy wave to shoot out of his body, dispersing the elemental attacks around him.

[Void Breaker] caused the biggest visual change, as black and purple energy cloaked his entire figure, his runic energy turning a similar color.

Since Rui had reached the third rank, he could now exhibit this skill to a much better degree, the space around him cracking and effecting the tribulation.

However, despite his powerful display, the tribulations attack didn't disperse; rather, they became fiercer.

Rui closed his eyes as the forms of the [Beginning Sword] replayed in his mind. Just as Rui was about to perform the second form, he noticed that a new form was unlocked.

[Beginning Sword

Tier: Ancestral

Martial grade: Unknown

Forms: Formless, First Form: Birth, Second Form: Youth, Third Form: Adulthood, ██████████ ,██████████ , ██████████,

Mastery: Intermediate

Description: A martial method of the sword, following the path of one's life. It is an ancestral rank skill, meaning it does not belong in the orthodox system adopted by all. Its true martial grade is unknown.

The sword follows multiple paths, and there is no right or wrong in the world. The Beginning Sword is a sword that creates a path.]

Rui didn't hesitate and began performing the form as soon as he memorized the movements.

His body moved on its own as soon as he swung his sword, his closed eyes opening slightly, releasing a frightening dark purple energy.

Rui's movement was minimal; however, the energy beam shooting out of the sword wasn't.

Daito and Grandpa Xin, who were still trying to help him out, as well as the rest, who were still spectating from a far-off distance, opened their eyes wide.

Although no clouds were visible, the sky was dark, as if isolated in its own space. However, that quickly changed.

A giant energy slash came out of Rui's small figure as it decimated all elemental attacks coming his way.

Rifts appeared everywhere due to the use of [Void Breaker], which sucked in all the remaining elemental tribulations.

The sky soon cleared out as the energy strike dispersed, along with Rui's activated skills.

Rui heaved a sigh of relief, his figure slowly reaching the ground, where he lay down in exhaustion.

That single sword strike had cost him all of his runic energy. Rui swore he wouldn't use it again unless it was absolutely necessary, as he entered a state of unconsciousness due to fatigue.

Rui didn't know this, but the tribulation had lasted more than a day at this point.



Inside the imperial palace, the Rune Sword Immortal was laughing hysterically in excitement as he moved at astonishing speeds.

His wife was still drinking her tea in silence, a satisfied smile betraying her emotions.

After a few minutes of outbursts, the Rune Sword Immortal returned to his normal state, sitting next to his wife as if nothing had happened.

"This kid is awesome! To think he would actually master my beginning sword to this extent! Also, his sword is [Sun Cutter], isn't it? I remember making that little toy for Ren when he advanced to the rune core stage."

He commented in a still-excited manner, his smile not fading in the slightest.

"He is a good seed, I must agree. Also, his life energy is extremely dense, to the point where I'm thinking of stealing him from you."

Lianhua said with a small chuckle, causing her husband to freeze like a block of ice.


The Rune Sword Immortal begged his wife, signifying his desperation to teach this new seedling.

Lianhua chuckled and ignored her pleading husband.

"I'm just joking. Actually, I'm more interested in the girl he brought along with him from the realm. Although her cultivation is extremely low for her age, I can sense great potential in her. Also, it seems like the two of them have a very special relationship."

Fu Wen Jian raised an eyebrow at his wife's words.

"By special relationship, you mean?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I can guarantee that their yin and yang have merged."

"Tch, young ones sure are fast these days. I had to pursue you for five hundred years before you finally agreed to marry me."

"You know we had no other choice back then, since my clan had an extremely high status."

"I know, I know, it just pisses me off."

The two of them talked in a leisurely manner as they enjoyed tea. They made plans to visit the branch family soon.



The peasant sect was a place with no specific headquarters, as the sect was divided into countless different locations.

Though, for the peasants, a place could be called the headquarters, and that place was the area where their sect master resided.

The sect master of the Peasants sect was called Gao Peng. He was an old monster that had lived for more than 2000 years, and his cultivation was nothing to scoff at.

As an 8th stage rune master, he could instantly kill anyone he wanted, but as a peasant, he looked just like an ordinary man.

He had a long white beard and long, messy white hair that seemed to be haphazardly cut by a dull blade.

Gao Peng had always lived in the Qin state; it was the place he was born and the place he would die.

Today was a day where the new members of the higher echelon of the peasant sect would gather, so Gao Peng was waiting inside a half-destroyed building, along with a few other elders.

Soon, countless figures of peasants could be seen approaching the building. If any normal citizen had seen this scene, they would probably report it to the patrolling guards and officers.

One of the figures that had appeared was Han Feng, who had changed drastically once more.

Although he was dressed like a peasant, his face and physique suggested otherwise. His long white hair was straight without any imperfections, while his skin was fair and free of blemishes.

Since he was a user of the Laguz rune, it was really hard for him to get dirty, especially since every time he cultivated his liquid like runic energy, it would remove any dirt or grime.

Other peasants with this rune also had this 'issue', which in the eyes of other peasants felt like cheating.

As the peasants assembled, whispers and hushed conversations filled the air. Gao Peng raised his hand, calling for silence.

Han Feng's clear blue eyes scanned the surroundings, already analyzing all the faces in his vicinity and matching them with the knowledge he had acquired.

Peasants weren't beggars, but rather they acted similarly to an information agency. Members of the peasant sect were always the first to get their hands on specific information. They did menial jobs, such as farming, in their daily lives, concealing the fact that they were cultivators.

Some even went to the extent of acting as beggars, known as the beggar's faction inside the sect.

Gao Peng, the sect master, stood at the center, his piercing gaze assessing the newcomers. The elders around him maintained a stoic demeanor, their eyes filled with wisdom accumulated over centuries.

"Welcome, brothers and sisters of the peasant sect. Today, we gather not just to share information but to witness the growth and strength of our sect. Each of you brings a unique skill or talent that contributes to our collective strength. Remember, in unity, we find power."

Gao Peng began his speech with a calm aura coming out of his body. His forehead, covered by a headband similar to that of Rui's clan, shone brightly and barely revealed an indistinct symbol.

Gao Peng's rune looked like a taiji symbol, with a hole at its center.

"As cultivators of the peasant sect, our strength lies in our adaptability and versatility. We don't seek glory or recognition, but we are the silent guardians, the unseen force that keeps the balance. Today, we welcome new members who will contribute to the strength of our sect."

With a wave of his hand, Gao Peng signaled for the elders to step forward.

Each elder represented a different faction within the sect. The new members of the sect would now be split between these factions, where they would learn different skills. However, since the sect didn't want one faction to be stronger than another, people would swap factions on a regular basis.

Han Feng observed the elders closely, noting the subtle differences in their appearances and the distinct energy each one emitted. They were a diverse group, each specializing in a particular aspect of cultivation.

"In the Peasants sect, we emphasize the harmony of different runes and elements. Unity is our strength. Today, as you join our ranks, you will each be assigned to a faction, where you'll learn the basics. Over time, you may choose to explore other factions to broaden your skills."

The elders stepped forward, their presence commanding respect. One by one, they introduced themselves and their factions.

The first one to speak was Elder Mei, a serene-looking woman with vines entwined in her hair. She represented the farmer's faction.

"We are the cultivators of the verdant fields, attuned to the earth and vegetation. Our strength lies in grounding ourselves and drawing power from the land."

Next was Elder Wu, explaining with a hint of pride and representing the Merchant faction.

"Though we usually manage tea houses and stores, we are especially great at acquiring information through sound. Those with an interest in spying arts can join our faction."

Elder Li, from the Information faction, spoke next.

"We delve into the mysteries of runes and runic energy. Our faction is responsible for creating and understanding runic arrays, as well as distributing all the gathered information."

Finally, Elder Chen, leader of the beggar's faction, addressed the crowd.

"I'm the representative of the Beggar's faction. I don't need to say more. We specialize in assassination and information gathering for the most part."

Although there weren't many factions, and most of them overlapped, the new members still had difficulty choosing one.

The elders began guiding the new members toward different areas, representing the factions. Han Feng observed the scene, weighing the pros and cons of each faction. Each faction had its own unique advantages, and he wanted to make an informed decision.

Elder Mei, from the farmer's faction, noticed Han Feng's contemplative expression and approached him.

"Young one, are you unsure about your choice?"

Han Feng nodded, expressing his uncertainty.

"I want to make a decision that aligns with my goals and strengths."

Elder Mei smiled warmly.

"In that case, let me offer you some advice. Just choose whatever faction clicks better with you, and if you don't like it, you can change at any time, though you will have to join all the others at least once at some point."

Han Feng appreciated the guidance. He thanked Elder Mei and continued to observe the other factions. The decision weighed heavily on him, knowing it could shape his future path.

However, what Han Feng didn't know was that Gao Peng had already singled him out from the others.

Gao Peng's figure slowly appeared behind him like a silent shadow. Touching Han Feng's shoulder lightly, Han Feng couldn't help but flinch and jump.

Seeing his reaction, Gao Peng laughed heartily.

"Little Han kid, why don't you join me for a little chat? I'm sure you will enjoy it."

Said Gao Peng with a hint of curiosity. He wanted to know more about this little lost Han seedling, especially since he knew about his results from the realm of fortitude.