The Fall of the Eagle

Tuchanka | Krogana DMZ

-... We have already contacted your leadership and agreed on a course of action. - The new leader of the planet has escorted the commanders to the ship. - Militarily, we have agreed on everything.

- That is good. - As they approached the gangway, Alex handed the rifle to one of the soldiers and turned to the Krogan. - We'll probably be moved somewhere else.

- That's our job, and you're not the one to complain about it! - Jane crossed her arms over her chest and looked at her brother reproachfully, as most of the paperwork and other duties were her responsibility. - But there were no more tasks for us yet.

- Can we get home in time? - The boy removed his helmet and ran a hand through his hair. - We haven't been there for a year. I don't think they'd let my mum go, though.

- She's got bigger things to worry about. - She followed her brother's example and picked up her helmet.

- Always curious to hear what someone outside of Tuchanka had to say. - Rex leaned against the pillar near the company's stand, the plaster crunching against him. - There's a lot in there that disappeared on Tuchanka. We can get back to it...

- It's more possible now than ever! - Alex smiled and moved into the ship.

- He wasn't much of a talker; you learn that in training. - Jane, who had accompanied her brother with a glance, turned back to the Chief. - He's right, though. The Empire rebuilds worlds very quickly. What are you going to do when we're gone?

- I will have to call all my relatives to the planet. And that hasn't happened for a long time. - I could tell from his expression that he wasn't exaggerating. - Then there was the purchasing, the hiring of specialists and all the rest. I never imagined myself as the leader of a planet! - Rex smiled, though, from the outside, it looked like the grin of a wild animal.

- There aren't many of you... - The fertility issue had been extremely uncomfortable for Krogan, though things should be improving now.

- It's a sad thing, human. - Rex looked at his relatives, actively discussing something in the distance. - We are incredibly outnumbered. It would take a decade, if not a century, to populate the entire planet. But we live a long time...

- And your enemies are gone. - She grinned. She gripped her helmet more comfortably and held out her hand to Rex. - I hope to see you again.

The Krogan stared at her for a few seconds before wrapping his arm around her palm:

- Anything is possible, Shepherd. But something tells me it won't be long before we meet again. - The Chief hesitated for a few moments, staring into space. - But you're always welcome here.

- Glad to hear it! - The girl smiled and climbed onto the gangway, which immediately rose, cutting them off from the outside world.

Quietly, the thrusters rumbled, and the ship slowly rose above the ground, constantly correcting its course with the flashes of the manoeuvring engines. Soon it reached the top of the hangar and, with its nose turned towards the sky, began to pick up speed. In a few seconds, all left was a white trail and a brightly shining point in the sky, hurtling into the void...

- Has the report to the Admiralty gone out? - Jane walked over to the pilot and sat in one of the adjacent chairs.

- Just a moment, Captain. - The pilot, undistracted by his visitor, continued to steer the ship, manipulating the touchpad. The girl turned to the billions of stars streaking across the glass. Relieved at the sight, the Commander stretched out, rumbling with pleasure at the same time. - Her comms could have been more active, though, so it might be a while before she got an answer.

- You seem a bit jumpy today. - She leaned forward and looked at the worried expression on Jeff's face. - Are you all right?

- The distorted scanner readings are driving me crazy. Usually, they're clear, but now there's always some kind of interference or glitch. - He tapped lightly on one of the screens a couple of times. - Maybe it's dust from the planet. Who knows what's in the air, but I blew it out before take-off.

- Is that critical? - Jayne snapped, as no such malfunctions had been observed on the ship. - Shouldn't we go back and check it out?

- No need. - Jeff adjusted his cap and returned to the main panel - I had everything ready and working for the jump. Still, some of the systems made by Space Technology need to be fixed.

- Do we have any of those? - the girl looked at the man in surprise, for although she was a commander, she was not informed about all the technical features of the ship.

- Their tracking systems are more advanced than ours, so we also use something on our ships. They are testing the technology on our ship before putting it into mass production.

- Interesting. - The Commander got out of her chair and turned towards the exit. - I will send some technicians to check the systems; I don't want any more sensor failures here. Jump in as soon as you can and report back to me.

- Whatever you say! - threw the pilot before the door closed.

- Captain! - Before she could collect her thoughts, Jane almost bumped into a girl with short red hair, dressed in a light WKF jumpsuit and clutching a clipboard.

- Ah, Kelly. - The girl stretched to her full height. - Don't give me that; what have you got?

- Captain, I've just spoken to the landing party commander, who tells me you suffered a head injury during the operation. As the ship's psychologist, I'm obliged to examine you. - My mind was already racing about who to replace the assault team commander with now that the current one was about to be killed. - Such injuries are very dangerous, as they can manifest themselves in the future!

- I'm fine! It was more of a bruised arm, and the medic said it was fine. - Kelly's tests were usually the longest and most tedious medical examinations.

I must ask for one because you don't mess around with these things! - Kelly grabbed the Commander's elbow and dragged him towards the infirmary. - This will take a little time, I assure you.

- That's what you and Mira say! - I'm trying to free myself from the iron grip of the seemingly frail doctor. - I'm going to call for a rescue party now!

- I've made arrangements with your brother, which won't work. - The psychologist's sweet smile seemed to mock the hopelessness of the situation. - And who would want to... - A violent rocking of the ship prevented the completion of the sentence and threw the girls against the nearest wall. And if the Commander escaped with another bruise, her secretary lost consciousness from the blow to the head and slid down the wall to the floor.

At the same moment, a siren sounded, and the clatter of dozens of feet ran through the corridors. Gathering her thoughts, the Commander crawled to the secretary and checked for a pulse. It felt and pulsed standard, confirming that the girl was alive but unconscious. Jane picked her up in her arms and dragged her towards the corridor exit, but at that moment, the shaking repeated, throwing her with an emotionless body forward towards the door. There were no bruises this time, and Jane quickly continued. Putting her hand on the scanner, she quickly entered the living compartments. A strange sight opened up before her: running men helping the few wounded and repairing the failing systems. Several soldiers were already stationed in this compartment in case of a boarding party.

Jane caught a technician passing by and handed him the girl, and contacted the pilot:

- Jeff, report! - The connection was jammed, the channel clogged with incomprehensible interference. But they could hear the other side, and the signal was coming through, although that was soon gone.

- Two shots were fired at us, both absorbed by the shield, but its power was down to sixty per cent. - The pilot's unemotional voice indicated he concentrated on controlling the ship. - The scanners are completely jammed. I can't tell who attacked us.

- Any information at all?! - The girl clutched at her desk as another jolt shook the hull, then ran towards the armoury.

- Shield - forty per cent! A nearby scan showed three targets closing fast on us. - I heard a beep from the data analysis system on the other side. - We can jump away to one of the Empire's border systems!

- Whatever, just get us out of here! - Jane put on her armour elements as she went, looking at the summaries from various parts of the ship. When she was done, she returned to the bridge, where she found her brother surrounded by the rest of the senior officers.

- What do we do now? - Alex's voice was heavily distorted from behind his helmet. He was leaning against the projector's edge showing the system's situation. In the centre was an image of the Norman, and behind it, three red dots with no clear outline.

- I gave the order to break through to the next system. Let's hope for the VCF, we don't have the weapons to counter them now, and the shield is already cracking at the seams. - The girl gripped the edge of the device and began to study the map. - The nearest is the Angor system. Jeff, have you heard?

- I hear you, Captain. We need a minute, and then we'll jump!" - From the other side, you could hear the beeping of several systems and the monotonous voice of a system reporting damage.

I hope we won't be able to take another shot for your sake! - She switched off the comms and turned back to those standing around the map. - We have to contact the allied forces, no matter what! Kenneth, that's your job.

The short-haired man nodded distantly, clearly considering options for carrying out the order. After a few seconds, he walked quickly towards the technical compartment.

- Alex. - The brother turned to the Commander. - Take up possible escape points for the borders. We'll try to escape, but just in case...

- Will do that. - He disappeared just as quickly. Soon his orders could be heard over the communicator.

- The rest of you, keep the ship's main systems running until we jump. At least minor repairs, as long as they work. - After waiting for confirmation that everyone understood, the girl let them go and returned to the cabin. After walking a short distance, she felt the jolt from going through the rupture. As she reached the pilot, she saw the blue abyss unfold where the ship was heading at full speed. Quickly she sat down in an empty seat, buckled her seatbelt and watched in fascination what was happening outside.

- We'll be off in ten minutes! - There was a hint of amusement in the pilot's voice. Suddenly the radar came to life and showed red marks following. - This could be better...

- Be more specific! - The girl squirmed in her chair and looked at Jeff.

- The enemy has followed us through the breach. If they're organic, they won't get out without an engine and won't have an enviable fate. With the A-field, the breach will let organics through.

- And if it doesn't...

- Then we're in trouble and big trouble. - The pilot quickly ran his fingers over the screens, and the ship jerked forward, picking up speed. Soon it reached the huge cloud filling the funnel and disappeared into it. - Now we have ten minutes of rest, after which we will enter normal space.

- Kenneth, what have you got? - After a moment, there was a soft voice from the engineer.

- We have been able to send a signal. The Intrepid Raider will be waiting for us at the exit. It'll take care of the enemy or cover our retreat.

- Understood, then send another report to Terra, at least try, then get back to systems control. - Then she cut off communication. She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to calm her body and clear her mind, which she managed to do for a long time. Back in the real world, she turned to the pilot:

- I hope we get away in time after the breach. Otherwise, the Raider will send us to the Emperor and the attackers...

Bridge of the Intrepid Raider | Angor System

- Captain, here's an order from Regional Headquarters. - The first officer stopped by the Captain's chair and held out a clipboard.

The handsome officer took the clipboard, threw his uniform over his shoulders and walked slowly to the bridge's centre. After reading the order's contents, he returned the device to the aide, folded his hands behind his back and gazed at the stars.

- Calculate the location of the frigate's arrival and prepare the molecular cannon. When the enemy appears in the transition area, open fire.

- Roger. - The Chief Gunnery Officer began quickly tapping commands into his wrist communicator. - But we have data on three targets, and it will take at least twenty minutes to reload...

- Take out as many as we can from long range. We'll need to cover the retreating frigate, so we'll have to fight 'close'. - The officer sat down again and leaned back in his chair. - The defence fleet is approaching the planet and awaiting our report.

- You are summoned by the squadron commander, sir. - The Commander's monologue was interrupted by a communications officer bursting onto the bridge.

- I'll be right there. - The Captain put on his uniform and cap, fastened his sword to his belt and headed for the exit. Just before the door, he turned to his men. - Prepare the crew for battle.

His response was a synchronised fist bump to the chest of everyone present.

- Mr Admiral. - the Captain bowed at the appearance of the hologram. - I have already received your orders.

"Then you know that the fleet is approaching the planet. The order came from Terra half an hour ago." - The image of the older man crosses his arms over his chest.

- Do we know why? - The Captain stood up and put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"This is a matter for the Admiralty." - The Admiral interjected and continued after a few seconds. - "However, I have information about mobilising all naval units in the Segmentum."

- This is getting serious. - The officer frowned and paced from corner to corner, pondering. - This can only happen during a war, but I have no news.

"- Likewise. Now is no time to think about orders; you must meet the 'Norman' and escort him. Report everything to me.

- I will. - The hologram disappeared, plunging the room into semi-darkness. After looking for a few moments at the spot where the image had just been, the Commander quickly moved back to the bridge...

- Observing a spatial rupture! - The hologram was jittery, showing a spatial anomaly. The entire ship was immersed in an oppressive atmosphere of constant tension before the unknown. The men sat quietly at their posts, waiting for fate to put them to another test. - The systems lock on to the data of the frigate heading for the planet.

- Stand by. The enemy is coming out! - All eyes converged on the central screen showing the portal's glow. Suddenly, the blue clouds burst, and parts of the pursuer's hull began to protrude. Obsidian-black metal seemed to absorb the light, leaving it hollow. Scatterings of blue light created bizarre patterns, accentuating the appearance of the entire ship. The hull was elongated, with predatory curves, as if it were a giant animal rather than a ship. In shape, it looked like a shell...

The hulls of two more ships followed. They emerged from the portal, abandoned their pursuit of the frigate and began to surround the Raider in a semicircle.

- All hands, battle stations!" The half-empty corridors filled with the sound of sirens and the clatter of dozens of people. Final checks of systems and armaments were being made, giving the people a fleeting sense of security. - Tell HQ we have an incursion.

- Communications are completely jammed! - The pale astropath turned to the Captain - We're cut off from reinforcements.

- Damn it! - The officer slammed his fist on the armrest of his chair. With a weary hand over his face, he turned to the navigator who had approached. - Plot a course to approach the enemy. We'll come to this point," a patch of space appeared on the map. - And fire the forward cannon. Understood? - He nodded and released his subordinate. The ship shook violently, the engines fired, and the men grabbed anything they could to avoid falling over. After a moment, however, the shaking subsided, and everyone returned to their duties.

- Fifteen minutes until we are in position. - The aide reported, checking the information on the tablet. - Master Ariel will be on the bridge shortly.

- Thank you, Mark. You are dismissed for now. - The man nodded and headed for the exit, where he came face to face with a figure in a scarlet robe. Once they were separated, the newcomer made his way to the Captain. - Ah, Ariel, what can you tell us about the communication systems?

- The room is filled with noise of an unknown nature. A communications suppressor based on unknown technology is suspected. - The Master crosses his arms over his chest, wrapped in robes.

- So we are cut off from everyone... - The officer began drumming his fingers on the armrest. - Is there any way to repair this?

- My adepts are trying, but there has yet to be much success so far.

- Then I dare not interrupt; we will soon be in the line of fire. - The Master bowed slightly and returned to the depths of the ship.

The Raider gradually approached the marked point, and men on the many decks began to prepare the gun for firing. Under the clear guidance of the mechanics, technicians connected power units and cables and began to pump energy. Generators were set in motion, creating a charge inside the gun that was stored on special capacitors. Powerful machines calculated the trajectory and displayed huge data and figures on numerous gunner's consoles. All of this was later assembled into a single image, a hologram showing the target and the path of the charge.

The hall fell silent when all the preparations were complete, broken only by the hum of machines awaiting orders. Tension seemed to be in the air, making it viscous. No one, except a few senior officers, knew when the moment of battle would come. It weighed on the psyche, but it wasn't the first time the crew had encountered this, so everyone took it for granted. Suddenly, the ship shook violently, and the computer permitted fire. The capacitors flashed blue, steadily increasing brightness, and energy began to build up around the charge. The process was about half a minute, after which the deck shook, and the huge cannon released a stream of energy that rushed silently through space at an incredible speed...

Thousands of miles were covered in the blink of an eye, and soon, the lance of light met the dark metal. A fleeting flash, and the hull of the majestic ship began to disintegrate, leaving nothing but dust in space. The hull began to retract inwards and disintegrate into pieces. When most of the process was over, the reactor hidden in the depths exploded, scattering parts of the ship in different directions. Without power, the few remaining lights went out, hiding the remains of the hull in the cosmic darkness, where they would be lost for hundreds of thousands of years...

- The central ship has been destroyed. - The others are closing on us, two minutes to contact.

- Do we have time to fire another shot?

- No, sir. The gun needs at least five minutes to reload, or the batteries will explode.

- This is bad... very bad. - The Captain glanced at the map, which showed icons of enemy ships rapidly approaching the Raider. - Stand by with the torpedo launchers on your port side, when the enemy gets within five hundred kilometres, fire a fan salvo with the first and fifth guns, with the second through third line guns in the middle.

- Will do that. - The gunner returned to his console and gave orders to the batteries.

- What about communications?

- No significant changes, Captain. But the Master made it clear that these ships were causing the interference. Their level dropped when we destroyed one of the ships, preventing us from contacting HQ. Short-range communications work fine.

- At least something. - The officer stood up and walked to the centre of the bridge. - Attention! Prepare to fire starboard, all guns to ninety-five degrees right. Anti-aircraft batteries prepare to 'blind' as they approach. Whatever we've got left in the blind spot will help the torpedoes. Divert all power to shields and reloading mechanisms. Execute!

Obedient to orders, the barrels of the emitters began to slowly rotate, aimed at the approaching threat. From the depots, torpedoes were lifted by mechanisms and loaded into the massive apparatus by the crew. Soon the ship, bristling with guns in all directions, began to await the enemy's approach.

The first, at the firing range, approached the left ship. As soon as the distance was optimal, the giant tubes "spat" torpedoes, and these, igniting the engines, rushed to meet them by the hundreds. Their slower speed made them different from conventional missiles, compensated by their enormous explosive charge. The first ones needed to be more guided. They flew in a straight line, and you had to be very lucky to hit them. Now each one had its own guidance system, even capable of evading anti-torpedo attacks. And now the swarm was hurtling towards its target, constantly changing trajectory and manoeuvring. Halfway across the distance, the ship began to whip apart, revealing tentacle-like projections. The red glow that appeared between them abruptly transformed into a beam that swept across the approaching torpedoes. Immediately, several detonated, causing the swarm to scatter and charge. The new beams that appeared also began to destroy the approaching ones, rapidly reducing their numbers. Despite the heavy fire, however, a few managed to break through.

The first came in a tight spin and slammed into the hull at full speed under the base of one of the projections. The explosion practically tore the branch off, dangling from the few pipes and wires it had left. The force of the blast threw the ship violently sideways, causing most of the remaining projectiles to miss and detonate in the void. However, the first hit caused the ship to stop firing abruptly, enough for several torpedoes to hit the hull's centre or the spurs' base. The ship couldn't take any more. A chain of explosions shook the hull and reached the reactor, engulfing the mysterious enemy in a brilliant flash...

- Another target hit! - The news was greeted with shouts of joy from those present. - The second... - He had no time to finish when a sudden red beam struck the starboard side, penetrating a weak spot in the shield a few seconds later and melting through the hull. An instantaneous explosion ripped off half the engines and threw the ship into uncontrollable flight.

- Report! - The dead silence on the bridge was broken by the voice of an officer climbing the wall, leaning on his sword. Bodies of officers lay everywhere, killed by the impact of the surface.

- We've lost power and destroyed many decks' fuel lines and power conduits. We're heading for the backup reactor. - One of the mates also climbed onto the console and began to report on the ship's state.

- What about the crew? - After checking the pistol's charge, the Captain approached the survivor.

- About twenty-five per cent of the crew has been lost. There are leaks in the aft compartments, but the holes in the hull have been repaired.

- Then... - the view from the bridge was blocked by a huge object. The men rushed to the observation window and saw the ship clawing at the hull with its 'tentacles'. As the 'victim' was secured, small pods sprang from the ship and rushed towards the Raider.

- Quick, sound the alarm, and get ready to board! - The Captain ran to the door and forced it open with a few manipulations. On the other hand, the officer ran his fingers over the keypad as the sound of sirens echoed through the corridors, and a woman's mechanical voice came over the loudspeakers, giving orders for the boarding operation.

- Everyone, let's go! - The officer grabbed his gun from the dead man and ran into the corridor.

- I've contacted Ariel. He's waiting with a large group in the reactor room. Let's go there; at least we can set up some defences. - After checking the cargo again, the officers moved down the corridor...

- Ready!!! - The Captain and his assistant came running out of the corner, only to be met by a barricade behind which the boarders' guns were pointed at the new arrivals. However, after considering the newcomers, the guns were quickly removed, and a passage was made through the barricade. - Captain, we thought you were dead and...

- Don't be. Where are the Master and a brief defence for me? - The newcomers quickly made their way inside, and the barricade was immediately rebuilt.

- We are suffering heavy losses, Master. - one of the paratroopers approached the officers and took off his helmet. - These are not living creatures... Some kind of mechanical beast that doesn't even resemble a human being! Thank the Emperor, they died with one shot, but there were hundreds of them! They just cluttered up the corridor.

- Damn! Well, we'll see what the Master has to say, but in the meantime... - there was the stomping of hundreds of feet and a mechanical clatter and roar from around the corner. The fighters barely had time to grab the barricade before the sea of horrible creatures, re-created as in man's nightmares, 'poured out'. The synchronised volley immediately mowed down dozens of vehicles. Still, their numbers were so great that they wiped out the defenders without noticing their losses. The guard reporting the battle had time to shove the Captain into the reactor room and close the door, and a second later, there was a terrible thud behind it.

The paratroopers who had run up helped them to their feet while the rest of the group took aim at the door.

- Ariel, what have you got? - The Captain threw off the disturbing cloak and walked to the mechanic working at the console near the reactor.

- I have found a way to report the intrusion. - The Magister was focused on the man approaching.

- When you've established communication, tell him...

- We will detonate the reactor, creating a flare that will be picked up by the Astropaths at HQ. - At these words, all present turned to the Captain, a look of despair and questioning about their fate. The hall was drowned in silence, broken by the rhythmic banging of the door from outside. With each blow, it sagged inwards, threatening to collapse at any moment.

- We have no other way out, do we? - The Captain's quiet voice still hinted at hope, but everyone knew the answer.

- If the Master has given us this way, we must accept his will... - The Master has finished his work and turned to the Captain. - I've loaded all the fuel into the reactor. The overload will begin in two minutes, the explosion in four.

- Then we really have no way out... - the Captain put his sword back in its sheath and took a small book from his pocket. - All present, please step forward.

The remaining stormtroopers, technicians and sailors gathered in a semicircle around the Captain and knelt down. Carefully, with slightly shaking hands, the Captain opened the book and began to read:

"When our journey comes to an end.

We shall be a wall in the way of those who embody

of those who embody all that is vile and alien...

To the loyal sons and daughters of Terra.

Let us give our souls.

Lay them on the altar of the Empire

that has marched on for a thousand years

And knows not our name.

But remembers each of the billions.

And through our deaths, we shall approach the Lord.

Let those who come decades later remember us,

For we do not ask for honours, but for death,

To give us the light.

The door shook for the last time, and the next time promised to be the last.

So we will take it without regret,

And take away all those

who have trespassed on Terra's peace.

The door shattered with a crash, and the terrible machines burst into the hall, ready to tear the flesh from the last of the living. At that moment, the room was flooded with light from the overloaded reactor, blinding and almost burning the eyes.

And may our new path

This leads us to the Golden Gardens.

The sound of the book closing coincided with a burst of energy that incinerated the interlocking ships in an instant. The huge explosion spread inexorably, consuming more and more space. Soon the glow reached its peak and began to fade. At that moment, beyond the danger zone where three ships had just been lost, hundreds, if not thousands, of such ships, were sailing towards the planet, bringing death to distant worlds...