Chapter 2

In the same place where the lab was but a different time which much earlier than the boruto timeline stood a large hill yet to be hollowed out. Suddenly large tremors took place and deep inside the hill spacial and time fractured appeared in a blink of a second a large white muscular mass appeared.

From outside it appeared to be non existent to the senses but if a person who was proficient in sage arts could sense he could sense an enormous natural energy gathering inside the mass. Soon the entire mass began to turn into stone an began to crumble from outside to dirt leaving a small white and dark seed which dropped into the ground and started gathering natural energy from it surrounding to spurt a sprout.

Many years have passed . The sprout took the form of a seedling then a plant and then large tree unlike any other the tree. It bud a whitish orb much like the placenta of a baby that hung like a fruit from a tree . With years the placent appeared to become more and more transparent and finally it detached the from the tree. The tree crumbled to dust returned to the land. The placenta broke oozing slime transparent liquid and an infant human baby with tint of black hair on the baby.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a cave all slimy and gooey I tried to stand and call for help but all came out was baby cries. I felt heavy and lethargic I found my emotions returning fear, anxiety and sadness. Memories not complete but fragments of me of my life before my death . Everything made a massive sensory overload and I fainted.

i woke after days I don't know how long it has been but I have grown a lot suprising without much nutrition . I know looked like a year and half I could crawl and walk reluctantly. I made my way to the outside the the passage way or burrows in the hill. Suprising I found out something interesting I was always energetic I didn't need water and food . My body seems to be absorbing energy from outside. I could feel the surrounding 4 km as if it was my instinct and I found all animals including bugs avoided me but they didn't fear it was if they held utmost respect towards. It was their instinct.

I made my way out of the hill I found myself in a cloudy place. From afar I could see rain falling on the land to that place while behind the whether got better in the opposite. Soon I found out a bunch of people with different animals moving in my direction. They were led by a mand who had a x mark in his chis and bandages wrapped on his right eye. They weren't coming to me but passing through this area.

Soon they reached this area and when the vision of the leader reached me he was surprised. He muttered under his breath "i couldn't sense him " . A glint shown in his eyes he approached me and asked with neutral eyes and asked "me boy what are doing here".

I just stand their rooted I couldnt understand what he was saying but it sounded Japanese. But I was surprised by that he looked exactly like a certain character that played important role in an anime he once saw" Danzo"






Sorry but its my first fanfic and I am still getting a hang of the plot so it takes a little time to arrange it.