It has been a very trategic part of his life ever since the incident that had happened eight years ago. At first, it was like fire ranging to be exploded inside of him yet nothing could stop him by doing it. Hatred and anger overcomes him the moment he tries to think of her and the only thing he does is to bury his face in his hands as he wails silently till tears gets dried. For good six years he tried forgetting the scene but nothing was making a change till she bumps onto him, on a nearby street called Larez de Old where she was running away from a troop of soldiers that were running after her. The moment their eyes met, everything around them seemed different. He felt a new energy recollecting itself again inside of him that was doomed for a very long time. His darkness bringing back the light that it has consumed for so long. Feeling that for once, he is a human, he is real not like he used to force his brain to think things that no longer existed just to get time pass. Not like the way he used to sit alone under a tree, wailing every second he would think of his past and yet nothing changed. Things were still the same apart from that he wasn't alone from that time. New breath that he was yearning for years, now he can feel it, feel it surging inside his ribs moving in and out of him not like before. But then just like that, everything disappeared again the moment he heard a voice echoing in his ears bringing him back from his own predicament.
' You piece of shit!!! Are you deaf? The voice echoed again this time more louder than before.'
'!....l mean wat.....??
' Idiot. You Silly thing . Just leave my waist. You know you don't have the right to touch a woman like that especially at this rate of condition that we are in.'
' Oow! Yeah, am so... So sorry my lady. I was....'
' You were sleep walking, right. Huh! You better watch me next time l won't be nice as today. Better have your luck if that day comes.' she said looking at where the soldiers were coming from then for a moment, she was off.
' Yeah!!! Hmmm!!! What a rude woman. I wonder what she might have done that's why she is running away from this troops. Could she probably have done murder? No, not something like that.... Wait, what if she's a thief? Ooh!! Fuck me, my pounds are gone, shit!'
' How could l be so stupid to fall for such a silly trap. But l will admit, she's much more prettier but not as much as my Lyn.'
' Shut up Alex, shut up you stupid moron. What are you thinking right now. Lyn's gone, and now you're here by yourself. With another future. Focus Alex! Focus.' he kept on cursing himself downwards while rambling some silly words as he continues to walk.'
' Hey listen all of you, listen up together. If anyone gets to spot this woman by the name Rika Starkov should immediately report the news to the high court right away and l mean without hesitation. For there's a reward for those who would capture her.' One of the leader of the soldiers shouted creating attention all over. Alexander too was shocked to hear the report even though it didn't concerned him that much.'
' And what wrong doings did she actually do for her to be wanted like that.' A woman standing closer to Alex shouted.'
' A crime that's unforgivable. In shot she's a murder?'
' And whom exactly did she killed? If we may ask please. ' another one asked.'
' She tried to kill the chief, now she's gonna pay for her crimes.'
' But that doesn't make her a murderer. As long as the chief didn't die, she has a right to..... '
' And who's orders are you binding for, for you to say such a thing. You have no right to question people like us you rotting animal.'
' So, we can't make choices for our own sake when we see you people doing something which is against the law? Are we not human too, hmmm? 'A young man in his twenties hoped in moving towards the leader his ranging eyes not leaving his.'
' Ooow!!! So we got a new cat in town. And how come l didn't notice it? Young Man back off or else.....'
' Or else what? Alex found himself shouting even though he didn't want to get himself more problems.' he couldn't contain himself with all this things that was happening. His body was reluctant and refuse to be controlled that's why he blubbered without having any second thought.
' Haahhh!!! Another new cat? What an incredible scene today is. You wanna know what I'll do?'
' Really? So wearing an army uniform makes you feel like you have the power to rule over us the way you want? Is that so? ' he added courageously not even with a blink.
' Shiii.... Just shut the fuck up or else you won't like what I'll do to you right this moment. And l mean it moron.' he threatened now moving towards Alex ready to strike him with a whip he was holding but his hand was caught by the young man.'
' It is okay Mr commander. No need to start a fight. We'll do as you say. No more blood flows, please.' he said with a soothing voice just to calm him down.'
' Shit!!! Don't mess with me kid, you're lucky the whip didn't got the hold of you or else.' he said with a small smile on his face but much disappointed.
' Now, as per the news, report any traces of this woman spotted anywhere to the high court and for sure, you'll get rewarded for the great job. The message has come from the Chief general's himself not mine. Here are her details incase you don't know her.' He stated giving out the papers to everybody. His eyes glanced hardly at Alex then walked out of his sight with only few words.'
' You got your luck today boy, hope next time when we meet, you'll still have it bitch.' and he was gone, with his troops.'
Still in thoughts, he felt a hand on his shoulder thinking that he has come back for another assault only to realize it was the young man who defended him earlier from being striked by the commander.
' Nice trial man. But he is not who you think he is. Before any outburst you must get yourself well prepared incase anything happens.'
' What do you mean? What more can he do other than ushering people around?'
' More than you think of him. He is dangerous than fire, just know that for today.'
' Then why did you ambush him with your words too, mmhh? Alex questioned though horrified for what he might say too.'
' Because am....l mean l know him much better than you do. Keep that in your small skull.'
' Anyway am Koala Enric. It seems like you're new in this town right?'
' Yap. I just located here few weeks ago?'
' Ooohh! I see that. Then where were you living before coming here?' Koala asked as they take their steps away from the crowd going down the nearby restaurant.'
' Umm....l..... Okay to be more specific, l was living in Nezrot City let's say three years or more then decided to move to Man El Paso for some circumstances if I may say so which is the capital city of Ner Lazir. For maybe less then five years or so.'
' Ooh! That's quite strange. But you look like someone who has never laugh for over a decade of years now. Is everything alright?'
' Errrm..... What? Me? Ooh come on unless you tell me that's a joke you've just cracked right?'
' Am not lying. I mean you look awful. Like you've just resurrected from hellbend.'
' Fuck! Not unless you tell me that's another joke. '
' It isn't. Let us get inside that restaurant which has been my favorite spot ever since for you to check out for yourself. I mean you look more scary than before with that reddish face of yours. Anyway you are? '
' Um.... Meaning? '
' You didn't tell me your name, remember?'
' Ooohh, yeah. Am Alexander.'
' Alexander??
' Yes. Something wrong with that? '
' Nope, but just Alexander, not having a second name?'
' Maybe Alex, Alex will suit, right.' he answered with a grin on his face that made Koala to chuckle a little.'
' Hahh! You're not okay in your head. You're a strange man have ever passed by. Something's off with you. Hopefully no offense if l call you Alexander The Great which sounds more wiser than Alexander Alex. Is that right Alexander The Great?'
' Yep. That's quite better but am not great, bet me if you hear me out.'
' You are and no more questions. Bring two coffee with a doughnut and a mirror for my friend here please. '
' Yes sir, ready at your service.' a woman's voice echoed as they both have their seats though facing each other.
' Hope you won't run away the moment you'll see yourself in the mirror. I mean hopefully.' He added with a smile making Alex to feel uncomfortable.'
' What a jerk? How can l ran away from myself asshole?'
' Like l said no offense. You'll see it yourself.'