following Alex's

At the airport, Tasya had been waiting for Alex but the two people were nowhere to be seen.

"Where is this person, aren't they going to leave today, why haven't they come yet, what time is it?" Tasya checked the clock in her hand. Paid, Alex instead chose to go by private jet and departed from the top of his apartment building.

Karin did not expect to take a private plane, she thought she would take an ordinary plane which she had always seen on the TV screen.

"Shall we ride this?" Karin gawked

"Yeah, we're going to ride this, honey, why don't you like it, or do you want to change again?" Alex hugged Karin.

Karin immediately shook her head.

"No, this is enough! Alex was in Karin's ear as they entered the plane. Karin looked at Alex.

"Like it, great. Must be very expensive." "Yes of course, it's very expensive and I can't possibly give the worst for you, you have to get what's the best that I have dear." Karin was getting bored with Alex's chatter, she immediately chose a seat and sat down sweetly.

Alex smiled seeing Karin who was looking out. Alex sat across from Karin.

"Why didn't you look happy earlier?" Alex grabbed Karin's hand. Karin suddenly pulled her.

"It's okay, I just didn't expect a country girl like me to be able to experience riding a private jet like this." Alex smiled.

"Marry me, I will make sure that you will be full of wealth and you will live happily?" Alex looked at Karin lovingly. But Karin looked at Alex with a look that was difficult to interpret

"Will happiness be bought with treasure?" "Yes, obviously everything with money will be easy, marry me abroad!" Karin didn't say a word, because she didn't want to make a sound.

It's useless for her to refuse or rebel, because right now she is in Alex's cage. On rent. Now Maya is shopping for vegetables at the vegetable seller who usually passes by her rented house.

Because today she doesn't work because she feels lazy, even though today is not a holiday.

"Sis, why don't you work today, do you usually take a day off shopping?* Said the vegetable seller. Maya smiled.

"Yes, ma'am, I have a day off from work, I want to rest first." your own sister's boyfriend, oh yes, Karin is your sister, right or what?" Said the other mothers "Em, yes, she is my sister, sir, why is that, sir?"

"It's okay, I just saw she, he That's great, coming from the village, when we arrived, we were able to get a handsome CEO, tell me what's the secret, maybe there is a pellet spell that your sister has?" The mother nudged Maya's shoulder. Suddenly Maya frowned.

"Ah, this mother likes to joke around too late, where is there a pellet spell, maybe Karin is already lucky, isn't she, she's also beautiful, I'm sorry, it's not like that mother's child, who dresses up like social gathering mothers." Maya said, Maya deliberately said that because the mother who said that earlier was the source of gossip and the culprit was gossiping.

"Eh, don't just talk to you, my child is clearly beautiful, her girlfriend is just an office worker, my child is also not inferior to your tyrannical sister!"

"Ugh, why is Rukmi angry, what Deck Maya said is true, mother's children often dress up like ondel-ondel." Said the vegetable seller. Rukmi's eyes immediately rounded.

"You guys are outrageous huh!"aunt Rukmi immediately put a bunch of kale on the cart and immediately left from there and entered her house and closed the door a little loudly, making a fairly loud sound. Because the position of Rukmi's house is next to Maya's house.

"Good grief, later the door of someone's house will be damaged by rukmi?" said the vegetable book.

"All right, how much is all this?" Maya put her shopping bag in front of the vegetable seller.

"Oh, this is thirty thousand grandma, is that all you have to spend?"

"Yes, bud, that's all, because my sister is not at home, she is going out of the country for a walk with her boyfriend." Maya said deliberately in a slightly louder voice so that Rukmi who was eavesdropping could hear. Usually, Maya never responds to the words from her neighbor, but this time because she has already brought Karin's name, Maya must automatically fight back. Meanwhile at the airport, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, but Alex and Karin had not yet shown their noses.

"Why did it take so long, did they not go abroad?" Tasya got up from her seat and looked around. Even though the international flight time would arrive soon, but her didn't find Alex. Suddenly her remembered something.

"Oh my God, why did I forget that Alex has a private jet, God they could fly on that plane, why am I so stupid, why am I waiting here?" Tasha ruffled her hair. Tasya did not run out of ways, she immediately contacted her mother who was at home.

"Hello mam, how about this, they go by private plane, not by public plane!"

"What, why did you forget child , that's it. Now you just have to go where they go!" "Well, that's what I don't know, where did they go, I didn't have time to ask."

"Oops, what are you doing, yesterday the peacocks said where they wanted to go?* "Tasya only knew they were going abroad and if I'm not mistaken they want to go to country A,"

"Yes, you've been going there now, if indeed they are. no you can go home again!"

"No, I don't want to go home again, I have to look for them, come on, I can find out where they went!" contacted Alex's mom and I didn't want to call Sinta back!"

"Come on, for Tasya's sake, don't you feel sorry for Tasya seeing Tasya confused like this?" Very annoyed with her child , she had to throw away her ego to contact Sinta. A few moments later Kelin immediately contacted Sinta.

"Hello, this is Sinta, isn't it?* On the other side.

"Hello jeng, oh my gosh jeng Kelin, I thought who was it, I thought this was just a dream, what's wrong jeng?" Sinta sounded very happy to get a call from Kelin.

"I called just to ask where Alex is, is Alex still at home?"

"So why jeng, why do jeng ask where Alex is?"

"Yes, because currently Tasya is waiting for Alex at the airport, I heard that he is going abroad, so Tasya will follow him!" "Oh no, I can tell you where Alex is going, but on one condition!" Sita smiled. Because this time is her chance to get into the club again.

"What, don't mess around with Sinta, quickly tell me what the conditions are?" Kelin is still pretentious.

"I want you to add me to the club again, I don't want to have to be in a family from the same club, how about it?" Kelin daydreamed, she thought about decision. Because this will affect the power.

"Okay, you can re-enter the club, if it's true that the information you gave is true, if not, then don't expect it!" Sita smiled.

"Okay, Alex is going to Sakura country, he's going there and I heard he's getting married to that village girl!" Actually, Sinta knows that Alex will marry Karin. Because this morning, Sinta overheard Alex's conversation in her room. This morning Alex was on the phone with Someone and discussed marriage. At first, Sinta would forbid Alex to go because she didn't want to have a daughter-in-law from the lower classes. But he couldn't do that, because Alex wouldn't listen to him.

"What, so they're getting married, aren't they going away on work?" Kelin sounded surprised.

"It was like that at first, but it turns out that they had planned it all."

"Yes already Thank you for the information!" Tut Tut.

"How about this, if Tasya finds out that Alex is going to marry Karin, she will be angry?" Kellin was confused. In a moment of confusion hier cell phone vibrates indicating a phone call. Tasya's name was printed on Kelin's cellphone screen. "Where's the child has called again?" Kelin should look as normal as possible, as if she doesn't know something.

"Hello honey, what's up Hem?"

"What's wrong, how are you, does Mamah Sudja know the news of their departure, Tasya is already tingling!"

"Em, Sinta said they will go to the country of sakura, aka Japan, you go there, and when you get there, don't be shocked, okay?"

"Huh, what's the matter, Mom, are you hiding something from Tasya?"

"No, I'm not hiding something from you, you better get there before it's too late!" Tasya immediately turned off her phone call and went straight to the ticketing department, because she didn't want anything to happen between Alex and Karin.

"I have to hurry after them, I will not let them be happy, I will make them suffer, if necessary I will separate them in that cherry country!" Tasya pulled her suitcase. While in rented Maya. Maya's rented door was knocked from outside. Knock knock. Maya who was inside immediately went to open the door of her house. And how surprised her was when her saw who was in front of her door.