11. Back to Newtopia

A week, that's how long he sat reading all the counts. It took a lot less time than he expected. After all, the counts described mainly the Earth itself, its climate, useful resources and the history of observing people. In each countdown, almost everything was repeated from the previous one, only sometimes new lines of information appeared.

Sometimes it concerned people's inventions, sometimes it was requests to increase factories and production. There was also a conversation about the landing of scouts on the Ground, for a deeper study.

"I thought it would be boring and dreary, but it's much more interesting than it seems. " – Adam was chewing dried mushrooms lying on the table and reading the reflection raised it above him

"It's more like a history book, quite exciting. Everything is described in colors and in simple language, plus a beautiful handwriting also pleases the eye. " – Adam straightened up and put this countdown to the others already read

"Here's just one problem, they contain very little information that is important to me. " – he glanced at a separate stack, which contained all the counts that were useful in his opinion

"I have a couple more left and that's it. And then you can go to rest. " – Adam took another portion of mushrooms and began to read

[ Count of colonization No. 305 ]

[Your Highness, I am writing in serious doubt. Are you sure the prince is ready? It seems to me that you sent him to the border too early, he may not be able to stand it. He is still young, he may not understand a lot and think up everything for himself.

Please, if you can, dispel my doubts. If you do not succeed, I ask you to recall the Prince. I am afraid for his moral and mental state.

Generalissimo Patrage, to my emperor.... ]

"Now that's interesting. Only the name of the emperor flashed all the time, but now the prince appeared. Apparently the father was preparing his son for the throne, since he decided to send him here. "

Adam took a notebook and added another entry with the word "prince".

"So, let's continue. "

In the next few counts, a certain "prince" was also mentioned. Patrage focused on all his actions, including his victories and defeats. He doubted the prince for several counts, but after that he began openly praising him in the following counts.

"Yes, yes, it's all good. The prince is well done, good, handsome and strong. But give me his name at last ! " – Adam threw another countdown into the pile of useless

[ Countdown # 345 ]

[ Today , the prince completed his mission and took control of a new world ! He has mastered sword fighting, strategy and politics to perfection. I assure you, Your Highness, Prince Andreas will rule as well as you, and perhaps even better! ]

A bell rang in Adam's brain. The bell began to make more and more noise, until finally, Adam did not understand the meaning of what he read.

" YES ! " - Adam jumped up with joy and began to dance a victory dance

"I knew that this long-lived newt is not as simple as Olivia described it to me. " - Adam took out his notebook and began to quickly build a logical chain

"There was an empire of tritons capable of traveling between the stars to other worlds. They seized them by force and siphoned off all the resources for their own prosperity. The Emperor Aldrich ruled it all, he had an heir, Prince Andreas. " – Adam stopped for a second, then continued

"They found Earth, but something happened. There was a problem with a certain " energy ". Without its delivery, all the buildings of the empire fell. Without energy, the newts could not continue to produce the technological process and degraded! Andreas hid all references to his people and the empire to hide their shame. So, many of my questions have been answered. But now I have another question..." – Adam circled the word in his notebook

[ What caused the crash ? ].

"I need to find out what happened then. The picture has practically formed, only the last piece remains. "

Adam closed his notebook and looked around the room. He found everything he wanted here, there's no reason for him to linger here anymore.


Adam was looking at the huge bonfire that was burning in front of him.

It was his laboratory, he burned it down himself.

"No one should know what I found here." – Adam looked at his notebook, then threw it right into the fire

"This knowledge is too dangerous. They should never be found by others. " – he looked at the stack of counts that were burning just as brightly inside the fire

"Now, all this knowledge is in my head. Only Andreas and I know about it. Except she knows more than I do. He personally experienced it all. " - Adam shook his backpack, then turned his back to the fire

"Well, it's time to go back. One mystery has been solved, but there are still many others. " – the fire broke out with renewed vigor, burning his back

"It's time for me to return to Newtopia." - he smiled and stretched out his hand to the necklace

"I think I deserve a little vacation. "


" Arch ! How bored I am ! I 'm tired of hanging around and doing nothing ! "

Yunan sat on the fortress wall and looked into the distance, looking for at least some enemies. Lately, she has been very unlucky in battles. There are no bandits in the forests, no one is trying to stage a coup, there are not even wanted criminals! The silence and tranquility that Yunan hates with all his heart.

" I need at least something! Even if it's an attack by wild animals, I don't care! If this continues, then I'll just die of boredom! " - Yunan started walking in circles irritably

While she was walking in circles, she noticed a small silhouette on the horizon. He walked slowly towards the gate. And it seems like a simple traveler, hundreds of them come to Newtopia. And Yunan wouldn't have cared about him until she saw the sword, her sword hanging on his belt.

"Adam, he's back.....he 's back! - Yunan jumped up joyfully and ran downstairs

( Well, finally! Now I can have some fun! He 's the only one who makes me fight to the fullest ! Hohohohoho ! Adam, I've been waiting for our battle for so long!)

She quickly ran to the gate, where Adam was being questioned by the guards. Yunan immediately swept them out of her way and walked up to Adam in a tight

"Adam ! I 've been waiting so long ! But enough words ! Let it begin... ! " – he stopped her with the palm covering her mouth

"I am also glad to meet you, Yunan. But I'm not going to fight you today. The journey was too long and I was tired. " – he removed his palm

" Noooooooooo ! " - Yunan fell to her knees and started hitting the ground

"Oh, stop acting like a child! " Adam abruptly understood her and shook off the dirt and dust

"We'll meet tomorrow at our place. You don't want to fight an opponent who doesn't fight at full strength, do you? "

" No ! I hate amphibians like that ! They don 't let me have a good time in battle ! " - she shook her head

" That 's good ! " – he slapped her on the shoulders and took the backpack and left

"We'll meet tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm going to sleep it off. Also don't forget to tell Olivia that I dodged. I'm going to need her help. "


The next day, after resting and eating, Adam stood in his and Yunan's special place. It would be a nook in Newtoppi, where almost no one went. Once they wanted to build a museum here, but the construction was stopped and only a huge empty plot remained. This is where they hold their sparring sessions and train.

"Glad to see you back, my friend." - Olivia stood next to him, glancing at the impatient Yunan

"Me too, the trip was delayed. Too much time was spent searching. " – Adam was warming up before the fight

" And since you called me, your search turned out to be successful, how do I see? " - she raised one eyebrow , smiling

"Yes. In my search, I found someone who can either help me or give good advice. For this piece of information, I had to give a lot, including a very substantial amount of copper coins, as well as climb in the ruins. " – he finished the warm - up and took out a Blue Rose from the knife

"I'm glad. I'm very glad. But what is required of me ? "

"I need you to check something." - He turned his helmet in her direction

"Try to find in your library, in that part closed from me, something about the so-called "Mother of Proteus ". According to my data, she is the wisest and oldest inhabitant of amphibia, who knows the answer to every question. " – Olivia closed her eyes and thought

" Hmmmmm.....I remember something about that. But I can't remember, it's on the tip of my tongue. "

"You think for now, and I'll go entertain our impatient general. I think she's going to explode from waiting. " - He patted her on the shoulder and ran to Yunan

" HA ! I hope I haven 't kept you waiting too long ! " - Adam crossed his blade with her claws

" Actually , you did ! " - she pushed him away with her tail and began to close the distance between them

" And you 'll get an extra hit for that ! "

[ DING ! ]


After the match between Adam and Yunan ended with another victory for the latter, Olivia immediately went to Rod's library. All the knowledge gathered by her ancestors, changing clothes from generation to generation, was stored here. There was everything from secret knowledge, alchemy and magic.

Olivia also once granted access to the library to Adam, in the most general library. There was also a secret layer, but it was exclusively for family members. No one but her has the right to come here. Here lies the darkest and most dangerous knowledge in all Amphibia. It was here that she decided to start looking.

Book after book, she searched for that name. Trying to remember where she heard it from. But there was not a word about Mother Protea in any book. With each book, hope left her more and more. Adam asked for her help for the first time as a friend, and she can't do anything.

She dejectedly left the library and, walking around her estate, came across a portrait of her mother. Her mother was a very serious and firm woman. She ruled all their lands with an iron hand, no one dared to contradict Amelia Primordial, the keeper of the forests of Newtopia.

The Primordial genus has long been engaged in the protection of the lands of Newtopia. Everyone has always done everything for the prosperity and further development of Newtopia. That was their family motto.

"Develop, Observe, Protect, Die. " – Olivia read their slogan painted on her mother's portrait

She touched him lightly, indulging in memories. For everyone, her mother was a fortress that could not be broken. But for her, she was as soft as a pillow. Amelia loved her daughter very much and prepared her in every possible way as her replacement.

Olivia still remembers how they stayed up late and her mother read her various fairy tales, any that reached her hands.

"Wait a minute....fairy tales ! Well , of course ! How could I forget that " – Olivia rushed to the library

" Thank you mother ! As always , you were able to help me ! "


"And I found this book. The only copy, I haven't seen any more of them. " - Olivia handed him a small book

It was completely red, with a gold coating. She sowed a little, like a treasure. Adam carefully opened it and began to read.

[ Myths and Fairy Tales throughout Amphibia ! ] – it was written in a beautiful handwriting

At the bottom was the signature and the name of the author.

[ Author of the book : LF. ] – no first name, no last name, just two letters giving him nothing

" Open on page 30. " – Adam listened to her and opened it there

[Mother of Proteus and four stars. ]

[In the depths of the earth, in the heart of Amphibia, there is a kingdom of a race called "Protei. "Their bodies are similar to worms, but resemble a snake in their structure. They are reasonable and unfriendly with strangers, because they do not like when their house is disturbed.

But I was able to convince the guards to let me through and meet their elder, Mother Olm. Mother Olm being the oldest of all the Proteas, she knows a lot and can see the future. Sometimes they come to her in dreams, sometimes at lunch or dinner. They are chaotic and she cannot control them.

Olm's mother is a very good woman. She is kind, kind and will listen if necessary. I talked to her for several hours, looking for topics for a new conversation, just not to leave. And right during our conversation, she had a vision.

Her eyes were filled with a bright light and she told me the future.

" Three stars are shining brightly

They came to drive away that darkness

Fight them or put your hands down,

And the choice of their fate will determine everything.

And there will be a new arrival, shining with a new light

And she will be both a friend and an enemy to the three, having guided them to the right path. "

After that, she imprinted the vision on the cave so that she would never forget it. Soon our conversation ended and I went on the next adventure ! What is our world hiding ? From one thought , the spirit is mesmerizing ! ]

There was also a small picture where a huge worm-like creature draws four bright stars on the ceiling. Red, Blue, Green. And the brightest and biggest of them all was the Golden Star. She was behind the three, like a shield ready to deflect attacks.

Olivia couldn't see, but under the helmet Adam's lips formed into a terrible smile. His eyes read the text, memorizing every part of it. He carefully closed the book and handed it back to Olivia.

" Unfortunately, the Mother of Proteus is only a myth. Apparently you'll have to start the search all over again. " – Olivia lowered her head sadly

"No, it's just the opposite. " - Adam put his hand on her shoulder

"All myths were once legends. Legends were stories, and stories came from reality. You've helped me a lot, Olivia, don't belittle your merits. Adam quickly hugged her, then let her go.

"I have a lot to think about right now. I'll meet you later, at our place. "

He waved to her, then headed home. All the way, he had a firework of emotions in his head.

(So that crazy didn't lie and the prediction really exists. ) – he went up to his room, sat on the bed and took off his helmet

(This is really happening, which means I have to wait for the other three to arrive. But what do the colors mean ? ) – Adam looked at himself in the mirror

( Red is possible force. Green, mind. But Blue and Gold I have no idea at all. Maybe soul and wealth ? What does my golden star mean? )

Adam looked at himself in the mirror and was stunned for a second. His brown eyes abruptly changed color and turned golden ! He cautiously approached the mirror and began to examine his eyes.

( What the hell is this ? Illness ? Infection ? A side effect of being in another world for a long time ? ) – the more he thought, the stronger the glow became

"No, it's something else. " - he gently touched the mirror

" Each star has its own designation. Does this mean that each star has its own power? " – the eyes blinked for a moment

Adam looked at himself for a while, then smiled and the glow became stronger.

"I realized what kind of power I have. I have to instruct, protect, protect and give the stars answers to their questions. I am not a force, not a mind, and not a soul. " – the mirror began to cover with cracks from the glow

"I am Wisdom. "

[ THAC! ]