17. Arrival ( part 1 )

Adam was pleased. His deal with the children was bearing fruit and his library was gradually filling up with people. At first there were just old people who were interested, after that there were people who already know how to read. People began to gather in his library, filling it with the quiet sound of turning pages.

Lessons with children were also going well. He has not trained anyone except them, he has enough headaches as it is. Sprig and Ivy studied at a normal pace, but Ivy studied much faster among the two of them. While Sprig slowly read line by line, Ivy read whole paragraphs without stuttering.

Ivy was learning very fast and Adam had to do tasks more and more difficult. Therefore, he borrowed tests from the school curriculum in English, he remembered them very clearly. Too clearly.

So his career as a librarian and as a teacher was going very well. He even sometimes noticed the relatives of his students.

Mother Ivy, Felicia and Grandpa Spriga, Hop Pop. Basically, they did not talk to each other, because the relatives did not know that he was teaching their children. That was one of the points of his deal, not to disclose their training. After all, if others find out that he is teaching them, they will also want to send their child to him, and he did not want to bother with snotty children.

As Adam noticed on his walks around the village, Ivy and Sprig were the most....smart kids. They stood out strongly against the background of those village children, although there was another girl who was different from everyone, but she did not interest him. He already has two toddlers under his care and in the future three more will be added.


" Whaaaaat ? There won't be a lesson today?!"

"Ivy, you shout like that again and the entrance to my library will be closed to you. " – Adam cleared his blocked ear

Usually his lessons with the children took place in the evening, when there is practically no one and there are no important things at home either. But to Adam's great happiness and to their regret, he canceled the lesson today. Tonight he would have more important things to do, such as walking in the woods.

" Have we done something wrong? Than is it because I failed the test again?! God, please don't be angry with us! " – Sprigg 's eyes started to water

"Uh, no Sprig, it's not because of that, although I'm very upset, you have a great talent. " – Adam started to take them out of the library

"Today I have a very important case. So I won't be able to teach you. But don't worry, I'll compensate you for everything. Tomorrow our lesson will be an hour longer. " – usually their lessons lasted about two hours

" Good ! " – Ivy and Sprig stood near the door

" But you promised ! " - She raised her fist threateningly

"Yes, yes, the little warrior. " – he patted her on the head

" HEY ! "

Adam grinned and closed the door.

"Sol, how much? "

{There is about an hour left until the arrival of the star. }

"Great, but it's almost dark outside. " – he took the lantern in his hands and left the back entrance

{ The approximate place of arrival is the depth of the forest. The star may suffer, it is recommended to accelerate the step. }

"Shut up, you stupid piece of iron" – he scolded Saul, but he still accelerated his step

"No one dares to tell me what to do. "


"It must be a dream, just a dream, a fucking DREAM! " – a woman 's cry was heard in the forest


In a small clearing deep in the forest stood... a man! It was a teenage girl. Her clothes were a little shabby in various places, she had only one yellow shoe on her foot, and her thick dark hair was full of leaves.

She was wearing a T-shirt and a pink skirt, with a backpack on her back and the darkness and danger of the forest in front of her.

" Damn it ! What happened at all?! "

Ann Bunchui, an ordinary teenager caught in a ridiculous situation. She sat down on the nearest stump and covered her face with her hands.

" But why did I listen to Sasha ? Why?! Stupid Ann, went on about her bitch friend again. That's why I stole that stupid box, huh?! Now I would be at home surrounded by my family and celebrating my sixteenth birthday. Well, where am I now.... " - she looked around the forest

"It's not clear where, the night, I'm in some forest with huge trees, all alone and without friends and with this stupid box! " – she lightly hit the briefcase

" And what should I do ? Oh, I should have listened to him then, I should have. If I had been more attentive on our hikes, I could have done something now. " - she leaned on her arm and looked into the depths of the forest

" What would Adam do in my place ? "

[ SHURH ! ] – Ann 's eyes filled with fear

She immediately jumped up and began to listen carefully. A rustle of bushes sounded from afar.

[ SHURH ! ] – he got closer

" Damn it ! How I hate it all ! " - Ann quickly reached into her briefcase and felt for her badminton racket

[ SHURH ! ] – someone was gradually approaching

Ann's hand tightened on the racket. Her eyes followed every movement of these bushes. Gradually, an old voice rang in her head.

{ Remember, Anne – banana, if you're scared, then take three deep breaths. The first will calm your heart, the second will remove the trembling of your hands, and the third will allow you to think quickly and make decisions. }

" Come on ! Phew! I 'm ready! Phew! Attack! Phew! "

[ SHURH ! ]

Finally appeared in front of her....something. It was the same height as her, wore a strange blue robe and on his head he had a strange helmet from under which you could see golden eyes. He was slowly approaching her, tilting his head to the side, as if pondering how to eat her.

" Don 't come any closer ! One more step and I 'll punch you ! And it will definitely be regarded as self - defense ! "

A chuckle could be heard from under his helmet before a light illuminated the dark clearing. Ann blinked for a second and he was next to her. In his hand was a lantern that illuminated the neighborhood, and his other hand held her racket.

"What are you..."

"Please don't be rude, young lady. " – it spoke !

" It is not very polite to try to attack someone who has searched the whole forest in search of you. " – he took his hand off the racket and Ann immediately jumped away from him

Adam only grinned at her threatening look, behind which was hidden fear. He knew more about Ann Bunchui than she could know about herself.

" Are you afraid ? It's good. You should never trust strangers. " – he put the lantern on the ground and sat down on a stump

"Who the fuck are you?! " – she pointed at him with a racket

" Oh ! I'm afraid, I'm afraid! Don't kill me, O great warrior.....if you didn't understand, it was sarcasm."– he smiled looking at her angry face

(Most of all, I loved to make her angry. Her evil face was so cute and funny that I could do it for hours. Oh, and when she goes off the rails... mom Mia, I almost fainted from the sweetness. )

"I think it would be polite of me to introduce myself. I am Adamantius, librarian of Wartwood Village. " - She gave him a quick glance

" Adam ? " – her eyes glittered for a moment

"No, you fool. Adamantius ! Not Adam, Adamantius. Are you really that illiterate ? "

"Ann. Ann Bunch.. " – her head returned to cold prudence

"Ann Buchui, I know. You don't have to introduce yourself or tell me about yourself, I already know everything. And since we got to know each other so well, I think let's get straight to the point. " – he got up and took the lantern

"Ann Bunchui, your coming here was predetermined a long time ago. "

" What are you talking about ? " - She tilted her head

"I don't like to make pathetic speeches, so I'll tell you straight. You have been chosen for a great purpose. You're a hero, a savior, and blah, blah, blah. I'm the one who was chosen to guide you. Consider me....you teacher."

"….I didn't understand anything. "

" You wouldn't be able to., without my help. I think your brain is too stupid at the moment of transition, plus the dark forest and its atmosphere, hmm.....we need to change places. " - Adam abruptly turned around and walked away

" Hey ! Where are you going !" - Ann picked up her briefcase and ran after him

"Not every question requires an answer. Follow me, Ann Bunchui and be careful, there's a killer spider walking around somewhere nearby. "

" Spider – what?! "

" Don 't listen to me , but do it ! Chop, chop! "


"Ha...ha....have we arrived yet ? " – Ann was standing on her feet and looking at him

She noticed a large building standing in front of her. It was a huge two-story mansion in which the lights were still on.

"Yes, I will answer these questions... yes, we have come. Welcome to my library. " - Adam hung up the lantern and unlocked the door with a key

He calmly walked inside. Ann followed him, marveling at the rich interior surroundings.

" Catch it ! " - Ann quickly caught the object in her hand

She unclenched her fist and saw a blue key.

" Second floor, left door, blue. Change into a friend's clothes or choose the one that is in the closet, as well as wash up. You stink like a dung beetle."

Ann's face turned red as she ran up the stairs at lightning speed and flew into her new room. She undressed on the move and lay down in a tub full of hot water.

Adam just grinned at her actions. Ann was always a little... abnormal when it seemed to her appearance.

She could either quickly fix the flaw, or hit you for telling about it. Typical Ann.

Adam was studying on a chair and reading a book. All this feminine stuff is a long time, he will have time to read half the book while Ann is busy with herself. Plus, he was waiting for a sleepless night full of explanations.

"Eh, I already hate my role as a guardian. "


After about an hour, Ann came down to him in sportswear, a T-shirt and mini shorts. She sat down opposite him and glared at him. Adam lowered the book and looked at her.

" What? I'm sorry, but I won't give you this book, I started reading it first. " – Ann 's eye twitched

"You wanted to tell me something, like WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE! " – from her scream, even the walls shook, and they are new

"Wow, you're loud. " – Adam put down the book and crossed his arms over his chest

"Okay, I'll tell you something, but not everything. "

" What do you mean ? "

" In the direct. I won't tell you everything because I don't like to repeat myself. When all three of you get together, then I'll tell you everything. "

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop! Are Marcie and Sasha here too ? "

"Of course, you're a dumb monkey. "

[ BONK ! ]

" Ow ! " - Adam lightly flicked her forehead

"The box has transported you all, but to different places. To my relief, I knew where to look for you all. So, let's start with..."

" Do you know where Marcie and Sasha are?! " – she jumped up to him and took him by the shoulders

"Take me there, now! " – her eyes glittered blue for a moment

Adam raised an eyebrow and grinned.

(Oh, that's more interesting. )

Adam and Ann's eyes met for a second. Adam's eyes immediately turned golden and he calmly pushed her back onto the sofa. Ann was hiding from a little pain and quickly opened her eyes.

" Calm down ! " - Adam stood over her

His eyes emitted a golden light as golden lightning ran through his body. After a second, all this disappeared and he calmly sat down in his seat.

"Everything is in order. Yes, I know where your friends are. No, I can't take you to them. "

" What? Why?! "

[ BONK ! ]

" OW ! " – Ann Sovana fell on the sofa and clutched her forehead

" Don 't shout in my library ! Only I can do that. As for your question, I can't take you to "all" friends. At the moment, you and another star are in the vicinity of my library. The third is much further away and now there is no way to contact her. I've answered your questions, and now listen to me carefully. "

Ann had no choice but to cross her arms in displeasure and kill him with a look. Adam just smiled at this display of anger. I remember how she was angry at him for a whole month because he ate the last piece of pizza. She shot lightning at him in the same way.

"Okay, let's start with the simplest. Who are you. "


A little explanation. I decided to change the age of the main characters to 16. This will add a little spice to their relationship. Plus, I don't like to write about children, teenagers are the best for this. And yes, I decided to split the chapter into two parts, it turned out to be too big.