30. Conversation

Rays of light penetrated into the dark room. They slowly swam towards one person who tried to hide from them in a blanket, but it did him nothing. The light penetrated the fabric and did not allow him to fall asleep normally.

" Ahhhh how I don 't like the morning " – she threw the blanket aside and got out of bed

It was Sasha. She went to the mirror to see her disheveled hair, circles under her eyes and her tired face. Yesterday's training was just hell in the flesh, Adam squeezed all the juices out of them. He trained them until nightfall, after which she sent them to their rooms without even giving them dinner.

"….but no matter how I complain, the result is visible on the face. " - She pulled down the sleeve of her pajamas and flexed her biceps

"Yeah, that's it, baby. " – she posed near the mirror for a while, then went to the bathroom

After spending some time in warm water, she habitually changed into sports clothes and headed to the kitchen. The clothes consisted of black mini shorts and a tank top, revealing a view of her stomach.

There was already someone in the kitchen. He was sitting at the table and reading a book, drinking freshly brewed coffee. It was Adam. He would pull his helmet back slightly to drink coffee and immediately close it.

"Good morning. " – yawning , she sat down opposite him

"And you don't get sick, lark. " – he grinned and saluted her with a cup

" What do we have for breakfast ? " - She watched impatiently as he got up from his seat

"Yesterday I managed to snatch bacon at the roar. So today we have scrambled eggs with bacon, as well as a small salad and iced tea. " - He put down the book and started cooking

Sasha put her head on her hand and watched him with interest. Among them all, Adam was the best cook. If Sasha took up the task, then she got embers, if Ann, then the food turned out only half. But even so, they cook food in shifts every time.

In general, each of them has their own responsibilities. For example, to rub the dust off books, clean up in the library, wash dishes, and so on. Adam did so to teach them responsibility. And they are even happy, because for this they get a few extra copper coins.

But back to cooking. Sasha will never get tired of watching Adam literally flying around the kitchen. During the cooking process, he also used his powers. For example, he separated the protein from the yolk by lifting it with telekinesis or turned the bacon over with the power of thought.

While his hands were busy with one thing, he could do several things at once.

"Good morning..." – a sleepy Ann entered the kitchen

"And here's the owl woke up, good morning sleepyhead. " - Adam waved at her without turning around

Ann sat down next to Sasha and nodded her head and also began to look at Adam's cooking. Just like Sasha, she liked to watch this Adam cook. It brought back memories when they cooked together in the family kitchen, dancing to the music.

" With the heat of the heat, catch! "

Adam put everything on a plate and threw it like a frisbee towards Ann. Ann lazily held out her hand. Her hand glowed blue, after which the plate abruptly stopped in the air. Ann slowly brought her over and put her on the table.

Sasha watched this with little interest. More than a week ago, Ann was able to learn to control her power. And now she uses it everywhere, from brushing her teeth to fighting.

" And when will I be able to do that too ? "

"Not soon yet. Ann's ability was awakened by accident, and special training is required to awaken yours. " – Adam put breakfast in front of her and sat down at the table

"It would be faster, I also want to own telekinesis. " - she looked at Ann, who was using the force to lift the bacon and put it in her mouth

"Take your time, everything has its time. " – Adam opened the book and continued to drink coffee

He and Ann decided not to tell Sasha that Adam had specially awakened her abilities. It was decided to hide it so that the team would not start discord. But also so that Ann wouldn't get hurt, Adam secretly taught her to control her power.

That's why he allowed her to use the force freely, but to a limited extent. Only telekinesis and a little physical strengthening, everything else remains at night training.

"Ah, yes, I have some news for you. " – he put the cup on the table and drew their attention to himself

"The season of rocks will end very soon and we will go for the third star, we have to wait about half a month. " – he noticed how their eyes sparkled as they chewed quickly

"When all three of you are around, I will be able to start a full workout. Since the third star is being trained by my friends, she will already be ready for a special workout. And then I will teach you how to properly manage your power. " - He took a sip from the cup, squinting at the glint in their eyes

"Also, today, to my deepest regret, the training is canceled. "

" Why ? This is the first time you've canceled our workout. " - Sasha pointed at him with a fork

" I have....urgent business. I need to meet someone and discuss a very important issue. " - He pushed the fork away from his helmet

"It's going to take a long time, so I'll be back late today. The day is completely at your disposal. You can go to the city and have fun, well, or talk to the villagers. "

"Yeah, I'm already running. One half doesn't care about me, the other half wants to kill me. Of all of us, only Ann will have something to do, hanging out as a babysitter with that baby frog. "

"Hey! Was that a stone in my garden? At least I have at least one friend, unlike some, " - Ann looked mockingly at Sasha

" Oh , you ! All right, get ready ! " – Sasha jumped on Ann

"What are you doing?! Her! Put down my pajamas ! You got me... hahahahahahahaha! "

Sasha got under Ann's pajamas and started tickling her. Adam shook his head. Let them have fun while they can.

( But Sasha is right about one thing, Ann really made good friends with that brat. In her free time, she usually runs to have fun with this baby when Sasha is busy. No matter how it turns into something bad, because we're leaving soon. )

"Okay, have fun girls. Well, I'm off. " - Adam took a small bag and quickly left the dining room, to Ann's dying laughter

All the warmth in his eyes immediately disappeared as he walked deeper into the forest.

"I told you we'd talk again, Grime. " – his eyes were wrapped in gold

"Here I am. I'm coming to you. And I hope you're ready for our conversation. "


" Aaaah ! " – this is a sweet yawn of a soldier standing on duty

[ WHOOSH ! ] – and it rolled the head of a soldier who yawned sweetly

"What the...? "

[ WHOOSH ! ] – the second head rolled

Adam stood in front of the huge gate and looked around with a disgusted look. He wiped the green blood on the soldiers' clothes and began to slowly advance.

[ VRMMMM ! ]

The sword in Adam's hand began to vibrate as golden light began to flow through it. Adam quickly found himself near the gate, after which he swung and a bright flash flew from the sword. She passed through the gate and at first sight did not cause any damage.

" Hmm ! "

Adam walked up to the gate and lightly touched it with his little finger. From his little finger, a golden wave passed through the gate.

[ WHOOSH ! ]

The gate split in two with a loud creak, as did the nearest fortress wall. The guards who were standing outside the gate didn't even have time to react when their throats were cut.

Adam, holding his head high, walked through the gate. He sheathed the night and put his hands behind his back, slowly walked inside, looking around the neighborhood as if from a tourist.

" Hey ! Who are you?! " – suddenly a toad soldier appeared in front of him

"Get lost. " - Adam walked past him, lightly touching him with his shoulder

"What are you...."


Before the soldier could finish his words, he collapsed into meat cubes. The sickening sound of flesh penetrated the ears of those who were nearby. The whole body of the pathetic guard turned into cubes, which immediately fell to the ground.

"…..don 't stand still ! Detain him ! " – the first lieutenant quickly recovered

I heard the roar of my main toad immediately came to their senses and grabbed their weapons. They formed up in formation and did not allow Adamo to pass on. The toad lieutenant put his hand forward.

"Stop immediately, in the name of the defenders of the valley! If you take one more step..." – but to his surprise, Adam really stopped

He measured him with a terrible, golden gaze filled with cold and malice.

"Which hand..."

" What? " - the lieutenant tilted his head

" I ask with what hand did you touch her ? That creature from the dungeon ? "

"...ah, so you're talking about this thing?! Did you invade us and kill my fighters just because we beat up that strange creature?! This is crazy! You took the lives of soldiers who had families! You crazy ub....."

[ WHAM ! ]

The lieutenant was standing when he felt a blow fly past him. He felt the moisture and turned around to know what it was. His eyes widened in fear. All those who stood to his right lost their heads. More than twenty bodies fell like dolls whose strings were cut off while warm blood flooded his face.

"I'm asking for the last time.... " - He turned to meet that terrible, golden gaze.

"...what a hand. "

The lieutenant swallowed his saliva and trembling put his right hand forward.

" Rrrright hand ! I tortured her with my right hand ! " - his voice trembled as fear played in his eyes

"…..good. "

[ WHAM ! ]

In twenty, another one was seeking. The remaining soldiers looked at it with fear and surprise.

"I just wanted to find out what kind of hand it was. " - He turned to the rest of the army

" Who 's in charge here after him ? " – no one answered him

[ WHOOSH ! ]

The pile was replenished with two more bodies.

" Which one of you goes after this bastard ? Every second of silence, plus two corpses. "

The crowd fell silent until a trembling hand rose from it.

" Yes ? " – a trembling toad woman came forward

" Sser.....the ones you just killed were a second lieutenant and a sergeant. Only Commander Grime stood above them. " - She was shaking with fear as he studied her with his own eyes

" ... what do you say your name is ? "

"Braddock, sir! " – she stood still

"All right, Braddock. " – Adam sat down in the place where he was standing

"Go and find me Grime. I'm giving you....ten minutes. After that, I kill everyone who is left here and I will go for your soul. "

He looked at her.

"So... time has gone. "

Braddock immediately ran into the castle walls, in search of the commander. Adam remained among the crowd of toads, who were even afraid to breathe in his presence. Adam was tapping his knee lightly. Looking at the stars.

Minute after minute, but Braddock still didn't roll around. And when the time was almost up, Adam stood up taking out his sword.

"Well, apparently you're out of luck. " – lightning passed through his body

"Apparently I have to break stone by stone to find the hole in which your commander hid. Well, and you....nothing personal, just business. " – he was about to wave when he noticed two figures on the horizon

"Heh, apparently today is your lucky day. " - He looked at the pale toads

Grime and Braddock went into the courtyard in tow. Grime's eyes immediately noticed a huge number of decapitated bodies and a couple of meat cubes. He gritted his teeth as he slowly approached Adam.

"I heard you wanted to see me, sir."

"….yes, you heard everything correctly " – Adam stood up and shook off his robe

" Why did you arrange such a massacre ? Do you even know how many of them were exemplary husbands and wives? Today you have brought grief to more than one family...."– Grime sadly shook his head, noticing the body of his lieutenant

Adam didn't say anything, just began to stretch his limbs tired from sitting for a long time. He finished a little exercise, then turned to Grime.

"Grime, you've made some mistakes. " - Adam started to step on him

"Your first and biggest mistake. You disobeyed my order. I told you not to harm the creature. "

" We couldn 't do otherwise ! She didn 't want to come with us herself ! My God, when we caught her, she bit off a couple of fingers of one poor guy holding her. " – the groan of that poor fellow was heard from the crowd

"Your second mistake was to hurt her. I can forgive self-defense during capture, but not torture. " - he came closer to him

" The perpetrators have long been punished ! I punished them, and now you killed them with your own hands! "

"And the last mistake, the most terrible mistake that you made. "

Adam stood over Grime, looking straight into his face with his golden eyes. He leaned over to him and whispered his verdict.

"You made her cry. Because of you, she shed tears and for that, I will judge you. "

"I'm not alive ... aaaaaah! "

Adam was enveloped in a golden light that lifted him into the air. He stretched out his arm and Grime also rose into the sky, but only by the neck. Grime was also enveloped in golden light, but he slowly squeezed it.

"For each of her tears, for each of her nightmares and sad looks, you will get pain several times stronger. "

" AAAAA ! " – Grime 's limbs began to turn out one by one

"No one, do you hear, no one is allowed to hurt them, except me! " - his hand tightened, squeezing Grime harder

"And for that, you get your sentence. " - Adam squeezed his hand

[ KSHAS ! ]

Grime's body shrank to a meat ball. At first, there was a crunch of bones, a rupture of ligaments, how his muscles burst, how everything was compressed to such an extent that Grime turned into a small meat ball.

Adam let him go and the ball fell to the ground turning into a pancake. Adam lowered his gaze to the remaining toads, then clapped his hands.

"I teach them that the whole team should suffer for the leader's mistake. So I can't let you go. "

[ BANG ! BANG ! ]

Each toad's body was wrapped in a golden trail in turn, after which it exploded, making a bloody rain of guts and meat. After a minute, there was no one left. Adam lowered to the ground and looked at the moon.

"....it's unusually bright today."

At the same time a terrible and beautiful picture. A man standing knee-deep in blood and guts, bodies scattered on the ground and entrails decoyed against the walls of the fort.

Only Adam remained in the fort, looking alone at the distant moon. One man cut out more than fifty toads, looked at the moon alone and gave himself deep thoughts, dreaming of a pack of cigarettes.