41. Celebration

Bal, what a disgusting word for Adam. He hates all celebrations, everything. Starting from the birthday, ending with different parties. No, their gang certainly had a good time when they won, but it wasn't a party. It was drinking.

And so, sitting in the carriage opposite three charming girls in a dress, Adam thought what would happen next.

The problem was in the letter, it was signed personally by the king. Usually such letters are signed either by the king's right hand, which is Olivia, or by the person closest to him.

But this time, Andreas left his signature and seal on his own. And such a letter cannot be ignored. This will be considered disrespectful to the tsar.

(It remains to find out if everyone has such a letter or just us. Aaarch, how I hate it all. I've already got my hands full, now it's up to her to deal with this) – Adam nervously tapped his finger on his knee

And if it looked normal for him, then it was different for the girls. They thought their presence unnerved him. Adam crossed his legs and looked at the night sky outside the window, not paying attention to them, thinking how to protect everyone. The girls thought he just didn't want to look at them, but it was the opposite.

Adam was just looking at them.

Adam personally ordered a dress for each of the girls, recalling their preferences in color and design.

Ann was wearing a closed blue long dress that showed only her neck. Sasha was more open, she had a dress with a cutout at the back, giving a view of her back, as well as her hips.

He dressed Marcie in a beige short dress that showed a view of her legs.

He was pleased with his choice, the dresses suited them perfectly, it was good that he said that Olivia had prepared them for them. Otherwise I would have to explain myself.

Adam himself changed his robe to a black and strict suit. He was still wearing a helmet and gloves covering his skin. But he did not forget about security. Under his suit, he had light armor and a pair of daggers. The girls also had small knives under their dresses, just in case.

But most of all he was proud of the runes. He pulled back his collar and looked at the rune he had embroidered. A few days before the ball, he sat and embroidered a protective rune on everyone's clothes. It was difficult, he got pricked a couple of times and lost a lot of blood, but it was worth it.

The defense rune could protect them a couple of times, but it was enough. Literally two or three strong blows and the armor will break, but during this time they will have time to react. But he embroidered not only the protection rune. No. This time, he made a bound rune.

He created a common circle in which he combined three runes. A defensive rune, a danger rune, and a magic rune.

The rune of protection, as mentioned earlier, creates a small dome around them that will withstand three blows.

The rune of danger. A new rune that he discovered quite recently. If you use it, then for a few hours you can feel something that can harm you. Adam added this rune. Because I was afraid that food or drinks might be poisoned.

A magical rune. If you combine it with the rune of protection, then the effect of "protection from magic" will be added. Adam did this so that someone wouldn't cast a spell on them surreptitiously. Especially if it's a mind spell or a curse.

He was very proud of his work, because it was his progress in two months of studying runes. He created a classification, learned to distinguish runes, combine them and make them one. Also thanks to them, he was able to protect himself.

He still has a few cans of GHZ and SR. He was afraid that they would become unstable or run out of steam, so he put several runes on them, which stabilized the solutions. It gave him some sense of peace.

[ SHHH ! ]

The carriage slowly stopped. They have arrived. The coachman quickly opened the door for them and Adam got out first. He reached out and helped each of the girls down, now he had to follow the rules of etiquette. Another thing he hates.

"Okay, before we go in, listen to me. " – Adam stopped them

"Inside, is the entire aristocracy of Newtopia. Everyone is here, all the bastards. And in order not to get into trouble, follow a few rules. " - he held out his finger

"First, you don't talk to anyone. Speak only when you are approached. " - he held out his other finger

"Second, I won't be around. You have to be confident and not show weakness, otherwise they will devour you with guts. The King wants to see me personally, so you'll be on your own. " – he pulled back the third finger

"And the last, third rule. In no case do you show your strength and do not say that you are from another world. Use force, at the last moment. " - he took his hand away

"You can insult, humiliate and vilify them, but do not use force. Don't worry about the consequences, I'll figure it out. " – his eyes glowed golden

"These bastards are scared shitless of me. "

Adam went straight to the castle when the girls were walking behind him. At the entrance, he held out his invitation and the newt guard let them pass, only glancing at the king's signature.

The hall was full. Most of the guests had already gathered and were waiting for the start of the celebration. Some aristocrats were promised in the circle of close friends or by factions. When they entered, all eyes were on them.

First of all, they examined the girls. Although the amphibians of Newtopia are already used to people, but the aristocracy sees them for the first time. Of course they tried to investigate the girls, but they were under the guardianship of the Primordial clan, as well as Adam.

Adam smiled rapaciously as his eyes met with representatives of different houses. In his time when he was in Newtopia, he did a lot of things to annoy the aristocracy. The aristocrats hated him, but they were also afraid of him. Everyone saw his strength, he alone could destroy the cult.

Adam noticed Olivia, who was motioning for him to approach her.

"Okay, from now on, you're on your own. I hope you won't upset me. " - He nodded, then walked through the crowd to Olivia

"You're late. You can't wait for the king. " – as always, she began with reproaches, handing him a glass of drinks

"The girls took too long to get dressed. I also needed to get ready " – he put the glass aside

Adam and Olivia watched the girls' reactions from afar.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to leave them alone? . "

"It's all right. It will be a useful experience for them. They need to learn how to cope without me. " - He crossed his arms over his chest

The girls did not leave each other, but calmly walked around the hall together. They accepted greetings and compliments with a small smile and curtsying. They retreated to a small corner, where they quietly communicated with each other.

"Rule one, never run away. Apparently they have learned it well. " - Adam nodded

"So, what does the king want from me? " - Adam got up and went after Olivia

They left the hall and walked through the dark corridors.

"I have no idea. His Highness didn't tell me why you were here. But he said bluntly that there would be an audience. So you'll be alone with him. "

" Great. Another great news. Couldn 't you have said it earlier ? " - Adam instinctively put his hand in his bosom

Olivia ignored him, continuing to move in silence. Soon they found themselves at the huge doors of the king's private office. Olivia was about to knock when a voice came from inside.

"Come in, I've been waiting for you for a long time. "

Olivia stopped and shook her head. She opened the door and stepped away, giving Adam a pass. He went inside and the door immediately closed behind him.

"Adam, come in, don't be shy! "

Andreas was sitting at a large table and greeted Adam kindly. He sat down opposite the king, at a table of his own size. A cup of hot tea and a small snack in the form of cakes were waiting for him on the table.

"Your Highness, I am glad to see you. It's a great honor for me...."

"That's enough. Andreas stopped him with his hand

"I didn't call you here to compliment me. During my entire reign, I have heard them a thousand times already. "

"…..then why did you call me? Adam crossed his legs and sipped his tea

"We need to talk to you about something..... " - Andreas took off his glasses and stared at him with a serious look

"….Adam, the human. "

Adam's hand stopped, after which he slowly put the cup on the table.

"And I kept thinking, why is my intuition screaming about danger? " – he looked up at him

" And what is your business with me, Prince Andreas? " - He smiled under his helmet

"Hohoho, so you found out that too. Well, then I won't have to explain everything to you. " – the smile disappeared from Andreas, revealing to Adam the appearance of a serious ruler

"And yes, please take off your helmet. I want to see your face. "

Adam slowly took off his helmet. He put it aside and met Andreas' gaze.

"Ah, that's better. So, I think we have something to discuss, my dear enemy."

Two beings, two looks. Two broken looks. Each of them was betrayed, each felt this pain. And now, they've met.

The one who is afraid and the one who is feared.