45. Training [ 1 ]

"So, what are we going to do today? "

"You're okay, I'm going to help you use all the power. Step by step, otherwise you will stumble."

A short distance from Newtopia, Adam and Marcy came out on a large plain. They sat on the ground while the box with the glowing stone was between them. Ann and Sasha were not present, as Adam decided that Marcie's training would be solitary, without distractions.

" And how ? Should I put it in my glove? Or should I eat it ? Or maybe I should put it in a ring and take it to the volcano ? " – Marcie is mired in fantasies

[ BDS ] – Adam hit her on the head with the edge of his palm

"Stop soaring in the clouds, this is serious. " - He looked at the pouting Marcy with a serious look

"You need to focus on training, this is no joke Marcy. The power contained in this stone..." - he lightly tapped the Mind stone

"....boundless. You don't understand it yet, but you will soon. "

Adam twisted the key of the box and the stone came out of shape. Adam took it with two fingers and pulled it towards Marcie.

"You are the smartest of the three, so you should know that you don't have much time " – from his words, the childish joy disappeared from her eyes, replaced by the utmost seriousness

"Every day the chance that the enemy will attack is getting bigger. You don't have any strength to resist him. " - He can attack right now and there's nothing you can do. "

Adam took her hand and put a stone in it. Then he clenched her hand into a fist and looked at her.

"Close your eyes. "

Marcie looked from him to the stone. Taking a slow breath, she closed her eyes.

"I'll feel it."–Adam's hand covered her hand with a stone

"You must hear the call of the stone. " - He's calling you, he wants you to pay attention to him. "

Marcie tried to feel something, but nothing. Just a little buzz in my head.

"He wants to reunite with you, to become one. " – Adam 's hand was covered with gold

"Feel his thirst to be with you. Feel that, so he will strive for you "

The buzz in her head was growing. It was like an alarm clock mixed with a church bell.

" What 's going on ? My head..."– Marcie grabbed her head with one hand

" Be patient " – he took this hand and put it on his

"You have to be strong, for yourself, for them. "

The hum grew and grew. Marcie felt like she heard someone screaming. It screamed, as if beckoning her. The stone in her hand began to pulse, in time with her heart. The green light from her hand began to grow until it completely engulfed Marcie.

Adam immediately moved away and turned off his power. Wisdom could only hinder her, it was enough that he pushed her to merge.

Marcie opened her hand with her eyes closed. Before Adam's eyes. The stone flew up on her hand and started....melt ! From a solid form, it turned into a liquid and began to absorb into Marcy's body. Gradually, a green cocoon formed around her.

Adam watched from the sidelines. His glove also started to throb, but he calmed the stone inside using Wisdom.

(No, it's not time yet. It is necessary to collect all three.) – the glove stopped pulsating and now it only emitted a small green glow

Adam walked over to the cocoon. He gently tapped on it, and a metallic clink sounded in response. Marcie was shackled in a metal coffin and there was nothing he could do. Adam sat down where he was standing and silently looked at her.

"Now everything depends on you. " - He took off his helmet and looked at the stone in his glove

"Well, I'll figure it out for now. " – he closed his eyes and began to meditate

The two stones glowed and pulsed at the same time. One force, two facets.


" Where am I ? OW! IS THERE ANYONE HERE?!"

Marcie found herself in an empty and dark space. There was nothing in front of her, only emptiness. There were no walls, no ceiling or floor, Marcy seemed to be flying.

" Class and what should I do now ? " - She folded her arms across her chest while spinning in the air

"I found myself in an unknown place, there is nowhere to wait for help, there is no one but me and my thoughts here. And what are my chances of survival ? Am I even alive ? Wait, what if I'm dead? " – she abruptly stopped spinning and looked around with an empty look

" No ! I don 't want to die ! " – she began to flutter in the air and wave her arms

" I 'm still too young ! I still haven 't apologized ! I don 't want to die ! Aaaaaaaaa ! "

" My God ! Shut up already ! How loud you are yelling ! "

Marcie paused . She slowly turned back. Her eyes caught a silhouette that was lying with its back to her. He turned his head to her and she saw....herself ?!

" Hey ! I've seen this face before somewhere. " –Marcy flew up to her double

"Of course I saw it, you fool. I am you, but the other side of you. " – reverse Marcie pushed her away from herself

" Are you like my dark side ? Wow! I 've always dreamed of a twin sister ! " – Marcie hugged her twin

" Fuck off ! Hey! Get off of me, you fiend of hell! "

Marcy's confrontation took place for several minutes, while the dark Marcy was still able to push the real one away from herself.

" Enough ! "

The reverse Marcy's eyes turned green. She stretched out her hand forward and an armored green handcuff appeared on it. She clenched her hand into a fist and Marcie was bound by invisible chains.

"From this moment, your trial begins. "

" A trial? " - Marcie tilted her head

"Yes. You didn't think you could possess a stone just like that, did you? You have to pass the test. Which will show whether you are worthy of using me. " – reverse Marcy waved her free hand in the air

The emptiness slowly receded. There were sounds, colors and a certain place. Marcie immediately smelled her mother's cooking, her famous casserole. She could hear the TV in the living room working and her father opening another can of beer.

The place they were in was her home.

"Don't think that the test will be easy. " – her doppelganger addressed her

"It's not for you to solve riddles in that temple. " – she unclenched her fist and Marcie fell to the floor

" And what do I need to do ? Is this some kind of psychological mystery? " – Marcie stood up and rubbed her ass

Her copy only snorted as her figure slowly disappeared.

"You have to find out for yourself. You don't have a time limit, so think about it well. After all, you have only one attempt. " – her copy smiled maliciously and completely disappeared

Marcie looked at the empty space, then snorted and looked around. The house was exactly as she remembered it. Nothing has changed in it, everything has remained the same.

" So....what should I actually do ? " – she thought about it


Her stomach rumbled. She didn't eat anything before training, because Adam woke her up very early. She grabbed her stomach and rubbed it.

"Point one, eat. She patted her stomach and headed for the kitchen

Their kitchen was small but cozy. Her mom was standing with her back to her and singing to herself, dancing in the kitchen, cooking dinner. Mom always loved cooking, it was her hobby, which was passed on to her brother. They cooked a variety of dishes together, sometimes experimenting with them.

Marcie quietly sat down at the table and watched her mother's figure with tenderness. Over the past four months, she hadn't even noticed how homesick she was.

" Mom...." - she called her gently

At her voice....she didn't respond. She continued on her way and danced in the kitchen.

" Mom ? " – Marcie called her again, it's no use

Then she got up and walked over to her. She reached out her hand to touch her shoulder....but the hand went through her.

"What the....?! " – Marcie poked her mom a couple more times

And each time, her hand passed through her silhouette. She went into the living room and did the same with her father. Uselessly. She couldn't touch them, but she could touch objects. For example, she could open the refrigerator and pull out a chocolate bar.

She could turn off the gas on the stove, but it immediately turned back on, as if by magic. She also tried to snatch the ladle from her mother's hands, and she succeeded. That's just her mother didn't react, and the ladle was in her hand again a second later.

" So....Am I a ghost ? She looked at her hands while she was sitting on the table

(I can't touch living things, but I can touch objects. I'm still alive because I feel hungry and thirsty. But I can't fly like a ghost, I just fall to the ground. And what should I do ? )

[ DING ! ]

Suddenly the entrance bell rang.

" Mom ! I 'm home! " – from the hallway came... her voice

A copy of her soon entered the kitchen. It was herself, but more....young. She was wearing more well-groomed and civilized clothes than her current one. She quickly went up to her mother and kissed her on the cheek, and then sat down at the table.

"Hi dear, how are things at school? "

"It's okay, I'm the best in the class as always. What 's for dinner ? "

"The same as we always have on Wednesdays, your favorite casserole. "

" Nice ! "

The current Marcie was watching this from the sidelines, with a stunned look. She clutched her head and tried to remember where she had seen it.....and I remembered.

"So I'm not a ghost, I'm in my memories. " – she remembered this day

That day, she didn't go to school. She skipped it, as on other days, and walked around the city. There was no point in her going to school at that time. So he just walked around the city and waited for when he could come home.

" And here is our little champion ! " – her father came into the kitchen and ruffled her hair

" Dad ! You know how much I don 't like it ! " – Marcie pouted

" Hahahahahaha ! That 's why I love doing it ! " – he sat down next to her

"Stop pushing guys, better get busy. Dale, set up the plates. Marcy....go to your brother, maybe he'll come out this time."

Marcie's face immediately darkened, but she didn't show it in front of her mother. She nodded and ran to the second floor. She sighed and slowly walked to the end of the corridor, to her older brother's door. She slowly walked over and raised her hand to knock....but she didn't dare.

"Adam..." she called softly

" It's already evening, will you have dinner? Mom made a casserole, our favorite with you. With a double portion of cheese...."


She whispered softly standing at his door and did not raise her head. With each word, the confidence faded from her voice until she was completely silent.

"…..Adam, please. " – she leaned on the door and sat down

"Please say something. A week has passed, and you're still silent. I've already apologized a hundred times, every day I stood at your door a dozen times and apologized. She tilted her head against the door, trying to hear him

"Please....talk to me...."

While the last Marcie was sitting and could not do anything, the real one looked at it all with pity. She stood next to her young copy and looked at the door, with a lot of emotions in her eyes.

"I still haven't decided...." – she gently stroked the door

"I never got the courage to open this door. Only after another week, the parents could not stand it and opened it. " - She shook her head, shedding her tears

"And they didn't find anything. He was gone. No letter, no note. Just an empty room that no one else will return to. "

The past Marcie sat near the door for a while, then wiped her tears and headed downstairs. She returned her cheerful expression and entered the kitchen. As always, Na just shook her head, after which the family had dinner without one member.

Marcie, however, remained standing. She stared at the door and clenched her fists.

"Years have passed, but I still blame myself. " – she rested her forehead against the door and closed her eyes

"If I had supported him, if I had not gone on about Sasha...." – tears began to fall on the floor

" If only I 'd opened the damn door ! "

[ BAM ! ] – she hit the door with her fist

" Nothing would have happened ! I had to open the door ! Run in to him and hug him, and then scream and beg him to forgive me! " – she clenched her hands into a fist

" But all I did was watch and didn't dare! "

She opened her eyes. Her eyes were filled with green, which was brighter than before. She wiped her tears and walked away from the door. A small whirlwind lifted her hair up.

"But this time...." – she grabbed the door handle

"....this time, I won't make a mistake. "

(Five years ago I made a mistake, it won't happen again. )

She began to slowly open the door.....

(I won't let him down anymore. )

The door opened and a huge glowing opening appeared in front of her. She boldly stepped into it and found herself in the void again.

"You know, it took you less time than the previous one, keep the taurus. She was stuck for a few days and only then it came to her. " – Marcy was confronted by her doppelganger

"So I passed. What now? "


Her doppelganger smiled and walked towards her.

"And now, the most interesting thing. "

He walked up to her and took her hand. Slowly, the real Marcy began to absorb her doppelganger. Soon, they merged into one.

{ To know that I made a mistake and correct this mistake is truly reasonable. } – a woman 's voice rang out in her head

{ Reason, it is he who will guide you. I follow this path and maybe you can reach your goal. } – her figure began to glow

{In the meantime, I'll grant you my power. I will give you all my power and you can summon me at any time. I'll be you....}

The emptiness began to slowly disappear. Dark spots turned into light and it absorbed Marcy.

{...and you will be me. I will always be there. Just call me. }


Adam opened his eyes. It was already lunch outside. The cocoon around Marcie began to throb. He quickly put on his helmet and went to her.

[ CRACK ! BAM ! ]

The cocoon was covered with cracks, after which it exploded. Out of the green radiance, Adam saw his sister in her new form.

"So, I see you did it. And how do you feel ? "

His sister smiled and opened her eyes. Her eyes became a rich green color. All the clothes on her were replaced by solid armor, with a shining cloak.

"Excellent. " – she came up to him

"Well, now let's try out your new powers. Still, you should try out new powers. "

Marcie nodded and followed Adam. Looking at his back, she clasped her hands. There was determination in her eyes. She wouldn't make another mistake. All her indecision was gone. The stone in her chest shone brightly, responding to the emotions of the owner.

( I won't leave you alone anymore...) – she looked at his lonely back

Adam walked forward, unaware of his sister's plans. All he cared about right now was Marcy's new capabilities, as well as how to use them. After all, her capabilities, his capabilities.

The first star shone, two remained. The mind has taken the lead, what will happen next?