
'How many hours has it been... I can't even remember anymore. This lady... no wonder she's a rebel...' Leon's hand trembled as he pointed his sword forward, his hard was so glued to the handle of the sword that he could not open them on his own, they were cramped. His body was full of scratches but he has been keeping himself alive with portions which he had just depleted and the sun was already setting. The cool breeze of the forest tree calmed his body but it was not enough.

[You are fatigued]

[Your Stamina has been depleted]

Leon's leg shivered as he attempted to move them.

"Don't stop breathing" Lia's voice which was now sounding like torment to him sank into his subconscious.


He let out a steamy exhale.

[Your Vitality has increased by 5]

This was the only reason he had not fainted when his fire breathing reached a particular milestone, his stamina increased, and he gains little power to move forward but it was not enough to turn the tide of his losses. The good part is...

[You have learnt active skill: Moonlit sword: first form: Full moon(A)lv.1]

[You have learnt active skill: Moonlit sword: Second form: Shattering moon]

[You have learnt active skill: Moonlit sword: Fifth form: Crescent]

[You have learnt active skill: Moonlit sword: Sixth form: Half moon]


...Leon's progress was causing distress to a particular person in Morkgol headquarters.

"How is this making any sense?! Why is that sword style breaking down into different skills?! Fix it! Fix it right now!!" A black-haired man that seemed to be in his early thirties shouted.

"Director, there's absolutely nothing we can do" One of the workers responded.

"What do you mean there's absolutely nothing you can do?! Don't you know that.... that! is dangerous..." he shouted pointing to the screen that was showing a series of notifications Leon received about learning the Moonlight sword. "Moonlit sword is a skill set, it's one skill, if he keeps grabbing it like that, it will turn to nine skills. The sword style will divert from how we created it, its suppose to be a nine combo sword skill for the players, not a nine sword skill."

"The player has USCR000, so we don't have control over what he does" Another worker responded.

The director's eyes widened.

"Does Chairman know about this?"

"Yes sir" the worker replied.

The director rubbed his face with his palm. 'I know the Chairman said everything will be determined by the people inside and not the people outside. But won't it be dangerous for us if we can't tell the direction the game is going... it's already bad enough that I can't tell what he is thinking.' The director said in his head while staring at the screen.

"Find out every information about this player, I want everything, from his house address to his family state and school, everything!" He said as he walked out.

"Yes sir!!" The workers in the technical department chorused and faced their computers while the director walked out.

The director made his way to the Chairman's office.

He paused and looked at the monitor screen opposite(the wall)the Chairman's seat.

"Judging by the look on your face, you know the reason why I'm here"

The chairman smiled, the wrinkles on the side of his eyes tightened as he smiled.

"Charles, am very grateful for all the hard work and resources that you have poured into creating AGE OF ARON. But no matter how we try, we cannot control it, it is left to those within it"

"In as much as I agree with you, I think we should be able to have a reasonable amount of control over everything"

"Don't we?" the chairman responded with a silly expression on his face, he giggled afterwards. "You can just go inside and play too if you are that concerned about control"

"Kill USCR000"

"I can't do that" the chairman responded sternly to Director Charles.

"We have too many risks in this game that could be a potential harbinger of viruses. USCR000, HSCRs, and even HiPEXs. Imagine USCR000 having one of the HiPEX."

"Nah, that can not happen. Morkgol, what's the percentage of USCR000 obtaining one of the HiPEX?"

>> 1.000467%

"See? It is impossible. Everything will balance out when he gets a trashy profession instead. Don't worry yourself too much"

Charles exhaled, "If that guy causes any more disturbance, I'll personally go into the game and make sure he dies on spot every time he logs in," He said and bowed before walking out of the Chairman's office.



Leon's sword sliced the air in front of Lia as he slashed forward swiftly...

"Moonlit sword: eighth form: Moon run"


Lia's step glided on the ground as she swiftly recovered from Leon's slash. Leon jumped several steps back as he knew she was coming for a counter, but she charged at him at high speed using multiple slashes that flew at him.






He completely defended all the slashes, without allowing one to escape his sword which he had masked with his aura.


As he defended the last strike he looked at his wooden sword which had a lot of dents but was not broken. Not because the wood was special but because he had gotten a better grip on what aura could be used for just by experiencing Lia's use of aura.

"You are indeed talented, you even figured out things I didn't intend for you to figure out. It's good you know that aura can be used to strengthen the durability of your weapon, to increase its attack power but the height of aura is cutting one thing without cutting the others even when they are all clustered together."

"I don't understand?" Leon said.

"I don't expect you to" She responded to him.

'I just can't understand her, I've exceeded all her expectations of me but she keeps looking down on me'

"Since it's night already and you have learnt fire breathing, I will allow you to rest tonight. Tomorrow shall be our last day of training after which you will help me out with what I asked." She said as she threw the wooden sword on the floor and walked away towards the tent, carrying her sword and the bow and arrow she had made.

Leon followed her as she walked into the forest.

"Are you going to catch us something delicious again tonight?" Leon said, licking his lips, 'I never thought I would love roasted rabbit with the atmosphere of the forest, foodgasm' he said while making a perverted face wrapped in the skies of his imagination of the rabbit he got to eat before he started what he termed his awful breathing training.


Lia looked back.

"That isn't me" Leon responded sharply.


Leon looked towards Lia's stomach, it was clear whose stomach was growling.

She held her stomach, "Come to think of it, I've not eaten anything throughout today"

"Me neither," Leon said to her, softly mocking Lia's demeanour of wanting to shy away from the atmosphere her stomach caused.

She heaped the bow and arrow on him, "You are catching dinner today"

"What? I've never used a bow before"

"There's a first time for everything", "Follow me," she said as she walked deeper into the forest, scanning for prey.

'I'm worried, I don't know how Age Of Aron deals with players without profession, normally what profession does is gives me a focus so I can reach its true potential, so instead of being a jack of all trades master of none, I get to be a jack of all trades master of one, while I can have a taste of some other weapons, I can never reach their true potential except they are related to my profession. Now I remember, I don't even have a profession. I should start thinking of which profession I want


Leon was called to attention by Lia's soft shush, and her hand signal. He inserted the arrow into the bow and drew the string backwards and pointed the arrow towards where Lia was pointing to.

He suddenly felt Lia's soft touch on his hand as she stood behind him to help him target the prey right.

'Skinship...I didn't know NPCs could do that, her Affinity with me must have gone quite high...but this feels so real...'

"Don't space out, keep your eyes on the target" Lia whispered to his ear which tickled him but he struggled and succeeded in keeping his composure.

[Your Perseverance has increased by 3]


"Be calculative when shooting an arrow, you don't shoot at the exact point the prey is, anticipate its movement and shoot in that direction..."

Leon pulled the string harder and paid rapt attention to his prey.

[Acute sight synthesis has been activated]