A Dumb Buyer

"Young one, what would you like to have?" the man that answered him had a brown, straight hair that was pulled back to reveal a handsome, warm face. Bulging gray eyes, set concealed within their sockets, a moustache delightfully compliments his hair, he had an overall shirt shirt robust body and was in a shirt that was held together by stitches and a grease dirty apron upon it, which made anyone wonder what it is that he did. The atmosphere of the shop was dark as were the wooden walls, with each items and weapons placed on the shelves. As Leon looked at them the informations of each equipments popped up beside them.

"I need an equipment set with great features" Leon responded.

"Hmm, as far as you've got the money" The man said walked inside the inner room of the shop, he came out briefly and said, "Follow me" going back inside.

Leon immediately followed. The room was at first dark, but the man lit up a fire with a metal spark which operated on oil, he then light the room up by lighting the lamps. Leon was fascinated by what he saw, it was a long hall of fancy and different equipments.

"Most of this equipments are from faraway and made by Advanced blacksmiths. I really do hope you can afford them." The man said.

[Equipment information]

> Weapon name: Dals Alsea Rapier

> Weapon grade: Rare

> Attack power: 700

> Durability: 310

> Feature: +3 speed stat.

> A weapon created by the blacksmith Alibaba. A blacksmith that was once referenced in Da'Arxia continent.

[Equipment information]

> Armour name: Teftit's top(set item)

> Armour grade: Heroic

> Defense power: 1,200

> Durability: 1,580

> Feature: Absorbs hit damage by 20%

> A black leather, turtle necked top that was created from the threads of Teftit.

[Equipment information]

> Name: Teftit's belt(set item)

> Armour grade: Heroic

> Durability: 550

> Feature: +12 agility stat, +5 Dexterity stat.

> A black belt made from a strong leather that and was sewed with Teftit's thread.

[Equipment information]

> Name: Teftit's boots(set item)

> Armour grade: Heroic

> Durability: 780

> Feature: +10 agility stat, +20 defense power.

> A boot made from the same leather material, that Teftit's thread was made from.

[Equipment information]

> Name: Teftit's pants(set item)

> Armour grade: Heroic

> Durability: 480

> Feature: 20% hit damage absorption.

> A trouser made by Teftit's thread.

[Equipment information]

> Name: Teftit's vambraces(set item)

> Armour grade: Heroic

> Durability: 300

> Feature: +10 strength stat.

> A vambrace made from a strong metal that was tamed by Teftit.

[Equipment information]

> Name: Teftit's earrings(set item)

> Armour grade: Heroic

> Durability: 600

> Feature: +200 health points, +10 agility stat.

> Earrings made from the same metal that was tamed by Teftit.

"I'll take all of them"

"That will be 180 Ternatis"

"...that is so expensive, isn't 120 Ternatis the price of a mansion?"

"Well, it's a great item, this is the highest grade item in my store and that you'll even find within this Kingdom. It's the best, alright as a bonus I give you something"

"Fine..." Leon said and brought out a pouch of gold coins from his inventory and dropped it on the man's hand.

The man's cheek reddened as he smiled, "Hmm, I love the smell of gold coins" he said as he brought the pouch closer and sniffed it.

He walked inside and brought out a black coat for Leon.

[Equipment information]

> Name: Teftit's coat(set item)

> Armour grade: Unique

> Durability 1000

> Feature: +100 agility stat.

> A coat made by Teftit.

'What the... was this guy deliberately hiding the concluding part of the set...'

"Normally, I would have collected a hundred Ternatis for that because its the only one of its kind, however you are a kind customer so just take it" The shopkeeper said.

[You have equipped Teftit's top]

[You have equipped Teftit's belt]

[You have gained +12 agility stat points]

[You have gained +5 dexterity stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's pants]

[You have equipped Teftit vambraces]

[You have gained +10 strength stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's boots]

[You have gained +10 agility stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's earrings]

[You have gained +200 health points]

[You have gained +10 agility stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's coat]

[You have gained +100 agility stat]

[You have equipped Teftit set meant for a starter]

[All your stats have increased by +50 stat points]

"Wow..." Leon was being regretful as he was dropping the money but now he felt it was worth it.

[Character Profile]

> Name: BlindSage

> Health Points: 14,210/14,210

> Level: 29

> Exp Points: 19,131/20,010

> Mana Points: 200/200

> Aura Points: 100/100

> Aura Form: locked

> Aura Mastery: beginner lv.9

> Profession: Sui Generis(no rating)

> Title: Favoured by the Reverend, Du...▼(click to view more)

> Skills(Passive): Shilgami...▼(click to view more)

> Skills(Active): Moonlit...▼(click to view more)

> Strength: 63

> Vitality: 91

> Agility: 251

> Dexterity: 90

> Perception: 107

> Charm: 173

> Perseverance: 139

> Willpower: 1

> Nobility: 1

> Available stat points: 0

"Yosh! This way, I'm more than ready. Please can I have potions, lots of health potions"

"small grade, medium grade or high grade?"

"High grade"

"That'd be one Ternatis"

"Even that is one gold coins?"

"I'm not forcing it on you. You can get the medium grade which is 50 bimuzes or the low grade which is 90 smulases"

'...taking aside the weird currency Name, why is everything with this guy so expensive' "I'll take hundred" Leon said.

The shopkeeper grinned, "Oh my, oh my, I love buyers like you..." '...dumb buyers like you' he concluded in his mind.

"Leon received the portions and headed out"

His new look was glamorous, a turtle necked shirt tucked into the black pants, and the nice laced boots, and a coat that reached his calves. He adjusted the coat and equipped his sword in his hand as he walked.

Maybe it was because of his increase in charm or the clothes just looked to good on him. All the females walking and working blushed at a brief look at him.

[You have accomplished a feat]

[You have gained a title]

> The most handsome in Tirianae: +50 affinity points with any NPC you approach.

Leon grinned, he was so much enjoying the attention.