
Inside of the ungar tribe was a civilization of its own, it was not a large city but each side was basking with traders and different items, which made the space through which they could walked through very small and gave the city itself a tight atmosphere. What made Leon more curious was the fact that slaves were the ones selling. He scanned through and found not a single orc trader, they were all captured humans, who all hard chains on their legs. There were few orcs buying some items and fruits, food stuffs and many other orcs were walking, their variation in sizes amazed Leon, thin, short, fat, the ones that seemed to be muscled and huge were the soldiers, they wore should guards strapped to their left side and belt, with weaved skirts which reached their knee, their knee was well guarded so was their other joints, ankle, fist, and their feet, but they had no boots of any sorts, they walked bare footed.

Leon and the other slaves were led to the main castle were their leader resided. After reaching the first compound of the castle they were made to queue in a straight line and wait.

Finduilas was the first to flinch after a long while of waiting. Then Leon's eyes widened as he saw the notifications.

[You are in the presence of a strong being]

[You have vulnerable to status defect]

[You cannot resist]

It was the first thing something like this would happen since he received his class. As the presence drew nearer from within the darkness of the inner chambers of the castle.

[You have been subjected to fear state]

Leon's legs weakened, the stability of his mind shook as though he lost the power to decide for his body, as a sharp tingling sensation ran through his spines, he had already moved to steps backward before he realized he was moving and he realised because Finduilas put a stop to it by grabbing his arm.

Not just Leon, the other slaves fell on their faces. Some even gasped for breathe, they had panic attack is what I would call it.




Every step shook Leon's heart as he drew closer, his palms sweated as he rubbed them together.

'...I made a wrong decision' he though to himself as the large red orc revealed itself.

He was tall and more huge than all the orc Leon encountered before getting here. He even had to bend his head to come out of the hall to the compound where they waited. His skin was red with black tattoos. He had a fiery red eyes deep rooted in their socket. With a large and full black beard that was braided to reach the middle of his chest and a braided black hair, the earrings on his ears were large and circled shaped. The necklace he had was wooden and ornamental. He had a red furry silk placed over his broad shoulders, apart from that his way of dressing was just like that of the guards. Behind him was two other orcs, green in colour, one was holding a staff and dawned in a black robe, the other had a very mean look and had grey hair, even though he looked strong, the old age looked couldn't be wiped away.

The orc chief walked towards Finduilas and Leon who were still standing. Leon unable to withstand the pressure, completely lost all strength in his legs and sank to the ground. Leaving Knight Finduilas the last man standing.

The chief scoffed, "Confine all of them, bring this one to me..." he pointed to Knight Finduilas, "...I have to break his ego." He completed and walked outside, with the two tribe elders closely following him behind.

The guards immediately grabbed Leon and the others and walked them towards the left hall, while Knight Finduilas Stare competitor came grinning and picked the rope tieing him(as it had been cut earlier). He dragged him disrespectfully with the rope.

... ... ...

Leon was thrown into the prison along with several others. Except from the disgusting tightness of the place, the only that Leon hated was agreeing to let Knight Finduilas follow.

He sat leg crossed as he thought all night into the morning about what to do and how to break out.

'Equip Orombus long sword"

[Action is impossible]

He expected it but there was no harm in trying.

A green haired man with mustache of same colour crawled closer to Leon(with his butt).

"I see you have been really troubled overnight. I am as troubled as you are, I've seen that gaze before and they tell me you won't stop until you get out of here. I'm willing to bet on you"

Leon suspiciously looked at the man, "And I know that gaze very well, the likes that will end up ditching me when something goes wrong since all you work for is profit and cannot afford to be sabotaged, so you'd just shift all the blame to your accomplice."

"I see, both of us have good eyes. Are you going to fail? Because I'm definitely going to betray you if you do, but if you don't I can promise you a handsome reward, since I am a very rich merchant"

Leon scoffed, "...I thought it was betrayal alone, I never thought you'd be good at lying."

"It's up to you to believe or not." the man replied.

Leon squinted his eyes after a few moments of thoughts.

"What is a rich merchant doing in the orc's prison" Leon asked him.

"My greed got the best of me...I traced a myth and got captured before I could even find it. The Silver plate mercenaries I hired were no match for them, they slaughtered my whole caravan in minutes and let me live because I surrendered."

'...a myth huh...' "The reward is the only reason I'd be letting you be a part of my escape plan."

"Of course, young lad. I will definitely reward you with anything you want." The merchant responded with a smile that wore a serpentine look on his chubby face.

[Your have reached maximum playtime]

[You have been logged out]

Leon suddenly disappeared in front of the man, who then brushed his mustache, it was no news him that this was the trait of a player.