What An Escape!

The orc sat on his throne which had been immediately repaired. He has been like that for the past one day. Did not say much, a white bandage was rapped around his abdomen. He rested his head on his arm and stared into the air.

Knight Finduilas had also been seated in a cross-legged position, arms folded and eyes closed. The inmates were awed but couldn't say anything, they whispered to each other, they didn't need to be told that they were not to cause any disturbance, what they saw Knight Finduilas do to the orcs was enough.


With a soft glow Leon appeared, he had a happy look on his face which turned into shock when he saw Knight Finduilas seated and without restrains of any sort.

Knight Finduilas opened his eyes and stood up, "We are leaving your grace. I have obtained a valuable information." He said, standing up.

Leon could not close his mouth, "Did you come to save me?"

"...Of course, you are my master"

"I'm touched" Leon absentmindedly said.

Finduilas walked towards the ironclad prison door and looked at the guy that was sitting below and beside him. The guys looked upwards and slowly moved away.

"Pulverise" A gush of light fell on him, turning the door and the walls to crumbles.

In that moment, Leon couldn't capture it at all. Was it because of the blindfold, was it because of the skill itself, he didn't know.

Knight Finduilas tore away the ropes that Leon was being binded with. He walked out of the prison, so did others in the prison. The merchant quickly moved close to Leon.

"Young lad, I see you are an important person, I will be in your care then" he said but got no response.

"Equip Orombus"

Leon drew out his sword as he reached the second prison.



Made a doubled diagonal slash, the door of the prison slashed open.

[Durability of Orombus has reduced by 35]

The orc soldiers arrived and immediately put a stop to their feet as they saw Knight Finduilas.

Leon looked towards them, and traced their gazes, they were already shifting back slowly.

"Your grace, I will take care of things outside" Knight Finduilas said and afterwards was wrapped in yellow light, he leapt, and dashed ahead, bulldozing all the orcs in front of him.

Leon continued to break the prison doors until the last one, he was about to step out when heard a sudden crumble. An orc landed in front of the prison building, an orc he was quite familiar with.

The orc stared down at him and the people behind him, they immediately ran back as he glanced at them, but Leon did not tremble. He held his hand tight on the hilt of his sword.

[Perception has increased by 5]

[Your proficiency with skill: Acute sight synthesis has increased]

[Skill has leveled up]

Leon was used to seeing the notification already already the past three days that he had been in the prison. The orc growled as it tightened its fist. Leon had his suspicions about the orc being the strongest since when it pushed Knight Finduilas' staring competitor. He looked at his behind, "Immediately I attack him, make a run for it"

He said.

The air around him thickened as he dashed forward with a linear air strike that threw the orc into the air as he stopped, he turned and leapt, dashing upwards with a vortex of crescent slashes as ahead of him as he swung his sword, the orc that was still in mid-air was caught by it and thrown even further.

Suddenly there was a large burst of light followed by a tremendous tremor that made Leon's balance shake as he landed. Leon looked towards the place where the incident happened and was about to run when the merchant came running.

"Lad! lad!! You promised!!" He cried out with heavy breathe as he ran closer to Leon, he's chubby body was definitely not meant for running.

Leon sighed and grabbed the merchant, immediately threw him into the air. The merchant let out a loud scream as he went high into the atmosphere. Leon followed and as the merchant was falling he landed on rooftop and flew up, catching the merchant along the air leap and landing on another wooden rooftop. At this point he could see Knight Finduilas and the orc chief clashing and Knight Finduilas being tossed several walls backwards. Leon stood on the roof with his hand holding the merchant's(who was now passed out) jacket collar. Knight Finduilas glanced upwards at him and gave him a leftwards nod. Leon immediately threw the merchant and flew into the air caught the merchant before he could start falling, landed on another rooftop and leapt again. As he reached the walls of the orc city he suddenly tumbled with the merchant in his arms.

[You have lost 2,340 health points]

He was shocked as he stood up, his head was already bleeding, he could see the large boulder that just hit him ahead. As he turned to his back, due to acute sight synthesis he could clearly see that orc he thought he had taken care of running towards him. Several other orc were also prepared at the gate to take him on. He was void of actions for a few seconds. He suddenly saw the yellow light run towards him from adjacent the direction the orc was running from. He smiled and threw the merchant into the air with all might but his strength wasn't enough for the merchant to be projected above the walls. Knight Finduilas arrived and grabbed him by the collar.

[Shilgami: Discerning eyes have been activated]

[You can comprehend a little portion]

[You can comprehend a little portion]

As Knight Finduilas ran on the wall, he grabbed the merchant's collar and ran on till he jumped out of the wall. And landed in front, throwing Leon and the merchant ahead first, Leon caught the merchant as he was the last to be thrown and landed on the ground with his back.

[You have lost 1,238 health points]

Leon sighed.

"It's not over" Knight Finduilas said as he looked back at the wall, the orcs were preparing arrows to shoot into air.


Knight Finduilas whistled and afterwards a white horse.woth a brown horse behind it came running towards them from the forest ahead of them. Knight Finduilas grabbed the horse's rein and performed a flip landing on the horse. The arrows came rushing from the air, Leon struggled to put the chubby unconscious merchant on his horse but was successful. The horse wimped shortly as the merchant was placed on him, Leon afterwards climbed, sitting behind the merchant and controlling the horse's rein to make it run forward.



[You have lost 732 health points]

[You have lost 680 health points]

He didn't stop even though two arrows were embedded in his back. Till he entered the forest.

The orc chief frowned from the top of the walls as he watched Knight Finduilas and Leon ride away. He gazed to the back at the escaped prisoners that were running around the city. His eyes burned with fiery red glow.