
"I like him" Frankenstein the chairman said with a glorious smile on his face and a blushing cheek. "Morkgol what are the chances of Khamisi interfering?"

>> 0%

"That's great, even though he is a minor god, if he interferes without the presence of Zevryt, things will take a drastic turn. Calculate the chances again, predicting all the consequences of our baby's decision."

>>.... .... .... .... 0.000467%

The Chairman rubs his beard, "Shouldn't we be worried about that few numbers"

>>This is after calculating 17,098 different decisions and their outcomes.

"Yes, now I can rest in peace..." He said as he leaned his head on his chair, "Go and enjoy yourself, my boy."

... ... ...

...20 days to Subjugation day...

Leon stood in front of the adventurers that applied, players and NPC.

With the sword of authority, he could see the NPCs' status but some were still high enough to not be revealed. The players however he wasn't able to...

[Level up Deblis: Eye of Truth to unlock function]

With this Leon was sure that he would be able to see the player's status at one point. He could still see their name though, he looked around until he saw a name he recognised.

'Tara and Rutaba? What are they doing here?...well we'll let's not blow my cover' He calmed himself and continued to observe as they waited patiently for him to say something.

"Is he really a Duke? I mean, beginner's clothes and a blindfold?" Darq whispered.

"...until we see him in action we can't assume anything, including whether he is the Duke or not," Roiner whispered back.

"I see, you think the real Duke might be using this guy as a facade?" Darq whispered again in response but Roiner did not reply.

Gareth sighed, "Not being able to recognise NPCs from players easily is a hassle" he muttered.

"Thank you very much for applying..." Leon began. "...I appreciate your resolve, whether it is for the gains or to serve the Lord of the Tirianae duchy, I appreciate it. Now we will start by first separating NPCs from players. NPCs to the left, players to the right."

At that moment, Tara and Rutaba immediately glanced at each other. They sneakily moved with the NPCs.

Gareth observing them scoffed, "What do these morons think they are doing?"

Darq also looked towards them, "Whatever let them do them...but don't forget it's a player that is the duke. He might want to put the NPCs in the front and finish everything with we players so that he can hide his weakness" Gareth said, smirking.

"I said no assumptions" Roiner whispered to them.

They both chuckled and kept quiet as Leon was already talking.

"The players will be given a yellow tag while the NPCs will be given the red tags. On the battlefield, your roles will be explained, however, your equipment will be on you, since I will be giving massive rewards based on your contribution in this subjugation..." Leon rubbed his chin, "....hmm apart from that I don't think I have anything else to share, you all should prepare earnestly for the battle to come. It will be tough, but we are comrades, we shall surf through the toughness together!" Leon said, raising his voice and right hand towards the end of his speech.

The NPCs were the first to shout in responses then the player followed, they hailed with different choruses that disorganised the loud voices, no unison, nothing nothing.

Leon smirked and walked away from the wooden podium where he stood.

Knight Oweyn approached him as he walked out of the training grounds.

"Your grace, your visitor has come."

Leon grinned, "That fata$$, I thought he was going to run away. I was already thinking of how to deal with him after the subjugation." He said as he walked faster to meet his visitor.

After a while, he reached his office. The fat, green-haired merchant he helped escaped from the orc city was seated there, rubbing his palms together and tapping his right feet, he took turns in palm rubs and finger bites.

"Are you scared or anxious, Leon said as he walked into his office and sat down on his single-seater couch, with the merchant sitting adjacent to him.

"Ah, I was lost in deep thoughts..." The merchant replied quickly.

"Have you prepared what I asked? Lord Conrad." Leon asked, with a serious gaze and his hand gripping the hands of his chair handle, making a soft crackling sound for the person seated adjacent to him to notice.

The merchant's shoulder shivered, "Yes sir. However, I still need to round up a few things." He said.

"Do whatever you want to do before the D-day" Leon said and stood up, that particular action made the merchant's body almost jump out of his seat.

"What are you doing sir?" He asked softly, avoiding eye contact.

"What do you mean? It's my training time with Knight Finduilas already" Leon responded.

"Ah..." The nodded slowly with an open mouth. Leon didn't mind him and just walked out.

... ... ...

...In a particular Inn not too far away from the castle, which was packed with adventurers...

"That's so alike WhiteOrl. He favours NPCs too" Rutaba said, they were both seated in a room they had rented.

"I know right, I suddenly have a strong lead he is the one, but black hair? It was always white hair and a large owl eyes." Tara chuckled and added, "...those were especially funny..." She said slowly and went silent. "I miss him." She added in a shaky tone.

"I am quite impatient but I'm positive about this" Rutaba said while tapping Tara's head to console her.

She suddenly glared at him with fire in her eyes.

He belatedly realised something we'll know in the next line.

"...Only him has the right to do that!!! Fireball"


He blasted out of the room by a ball of fire that followed him out.