Romel And Her Emperor

"Your Grace, I've been able to gather a detailed list about each noble that will be attending the meeting," Oweyn said with a blue-coloured hardcover book in his hand.

The book was what Leon first noticed. "Don't tell me that's it..."

Oweyn smirked.

"That is perfect" Finduilas spoke out.

"What is?" Leon asked, his face crumbled in fear of what Finduilas was going to say, he wasn't certain but since his heinous training has started he has tagged every suggestion Knight Finduilas has made as unreasonable.

"Does he need to memorise that?" Knight Finduilas asked Oweyn.

"Yes," Oweyn replied.

"Then you can memorise it while practising since your mind will be away from your leg movement, there's no perfect opportunity to do this than now."

"Ah...unreasonable" Leon mumbled. His facial expression was like that of someone that has given up on living. '...should I just log out, this game has become a living hell for me...well it's not like reality is heaven either, it's a phase, it'll pass, let's persevere.'

[Your Willpower has increased by 1]

'Ehhh? it's been stagnant since and it suddenly increased by 1...could it be–'

"What are you doing spacing out like that?! Begin your training!!" Knight Finduilas yelled.

"What the hell..."

"Don't complete what you are about to say, you may be the Duke, but right now you are my pupil, now get to it?" Knight Finduilas said, wearing a smirk on his face.

Leon immediately started to move his legs, with the book in his hand and his gaze fixed on the book, he made several failures and lost attention but he started again. His resolve to thrive through the hard training was commendable but if I would make a guess, I would say probably the wall he is building to block the sense of the reality of the real world and perceive the game as his reality is growing quite tall, well you all might think otherwise.

... ... ...

Romel Empire is a vast country with a population of over 100 million citizens. Bordered between a glacier to the North, frozen mountains which parted it from Glasgow kingdom to the South, a frozen ocean to the East and rich forests to the West.

Romel Empire is quite known for its abundance of gold and magical minerals, which made them the country that governed magic and alchemy. They were feared for their magical prowess and of course, the physical strength of their soldiers is not to be underestimated as well.

Romel Empire itself is mainly covered in rainforests and has a tropical climate, which has led to a compactly concentrated population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in large settlements.

The country's landscape is quite beautiful; pink blossom forests, soft, foggy fields and frozen lakes are just a sliver of the splendour Romel has to offer. In the far Eastern end of the country, is cold. The same condition with North and South. But the beauty of it which chiefly sits in its capital city is why Romel is always a place everyone wants to be.

The people of Romel are tolerant towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with warmth, players included, however, their military personnel are always not so friendly.

Romel Empire has resolute laws and law enforcement, which is what you'd expect. The people are unconcerned due to their rich history, thanks to a perfect climate balance.

The efflorescence of the capital city of the Romel empire; Athea is owed to the rich history of its culture and of course the blossoming cherry.

The castle of the Emperor which was officially referred to as The House Of Gold, stood so tall and wide that it was visible from any angle within the Athea city, filled with many windows. The glamour of it could be seen from afar and when one stepped inside, every corner was blossoming with armed soldiers and mages as much as it was with cherry blossoms.

Slim braziers encompassing each of the eight alabaster columns light up most of the throne hall and engulf the throne hall in a brilliant glimmer. The marble stone of the embowed ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies and carved images look down upon the teak floor of this sublime hall. A saffron rug runs down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while rounded banners with adorned ridges droop from the walls. Between each banner hangs a lantern, many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the artistic depictions of conquerors and victors below them.

Slim, stained glass windows of intricate mosaics are bordered by draperies coloured the same saffron as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with jewels and impressive needlework.

An imperial throne of gold sits amidst two large statues and is adjoined by three similar, but undecorated seats for the imperial, family members.

The throne is covered in sacred emblems and fixed on each of the broad ears is a ruby star. The soft pillows are light saffron and these too have been adorned with adorned lacery.

Those wishing to listen to the Emperor can do so on the abundance of luxurious and comfortable teak chairs, all of which are facing the throne in a wide V-shape. Those of higher standing can instead take seats in the stately mezzanines facing the throne.

The throne hall of the Romel Empire was by far the most beautiful and luxurious all nobles had come to see (well until proven otherwise).

A knight walked into the hall, amidst the several nobles that sat and finally knelt on one knee with his head bowed right in front of the stairs that connected to the floor the Emperor's throne sat on. "An envoy has arrived from Glasgow kingdom"

"Is that so?" a tender voice girded the entire hall. "Alright then, I should give them an audience." The emperor said a soft and warm smile spread over his gracious face.

White, straight hair that reaches his shoulder, gently reveals his charming face. Clear blue eyes, set graciously within their sockets. Soft skin gracefully compliments his hair and leaves a pleasant memory of his luck in battles.

The Emperor had a calm and warm demeanour but there was this mystifying atmosphere around him, perhaps it was his humility or perhaps it was simply his company. The way he treated others within the empire made the rumours about him a lie, of course with an authoritative empire so powerful no one would expect a charming, young and compassionate leader. Nonetheless, people tend to welcome him, while trying to please him always.

The envoys walked into the throne room gently, a red-haired man donned in a black silky jacket that was completely buttoned up to the right side. The sleeves of his jacket are a comfortable fit and reach down to well below his wrists, they're decorated with several thread linings at the sleeve ends.

The jacket has a wide, round neckline which reveals part of the rather simple shirt worn below it and is worn with a wide cloth band, which is held together by a decorative pin. The cloth band is entirely decorative and a way to show off.

His pants are simple and a comfortable fit and reach down to his black shining boots. The boots are made from a very uncommon leather. Upon reaching the front of the Emperor. Duke Griant bowed his head, however, the escorts behind him went on their knees.

The Emperor titled his head to the right with a smile still sitting comfortably on his face.

"I heard you brought me a gift... I can't wait to unwrap it."