Betrayal For Friendship

"How did he block that?! Even with a blindfold?!" Roiner freaked out.

"Keep your calm, no matter how good he is, he can't take on three of us, plus Neju is on his way," Gareth said.

"This is going to be a success if one of the inner circle of FireHeart is on their way," Darq added.

"Yes, so this is the best to catch their attention, let's finish it up before he gets here," Gareth said, his sledgehammer over his right shoulder and his eyes fixated on Leon.

Roiner pulled another arrow, this time two and immediately fired.



Leon swung his sword like he was chasing away birds and parried the arrow. But Darq was already on the move, he put to his feet the speed of an assassin-type profession and in seconds, he was already swinging his daggers at Leon who dodged consecutively.

"Dark chains."

Immediately Darq used the skill, from the shadows black and smoky chains stretched out but Leon had already jumped over him, so the chains caught nothing. Leon faced Gareth and Roiner, alongside the few other guys behind them that had taken a serious hit from Knight Daryon earlier.



[You have dealt 1,456 damages]

[You have dealt 1,331 damages]

[You have dealt critical damages]

[You have dealt 3,230 damages]

[Target has died]

[Target has died]

[You have gained 20 karma points]

[You have gained 56,799 expo points]

The two guys behind Gareth and Roiner turned to ashes as Leon cut them down.

Gareth couldn't wrap around his head what he saw, 'Is that a skill? His movement was like an incredible surge of wind.'

Leon turned, and held his sword forward, "Multiple slashes"

Just as Roiner was about to jump away from Leon's range the slashes came at him like a surge, all from Leon's angle, the slashes billowed through Roiner like a passing wind before he could even move too far.

[You have suffered critical damage]

[You have entered a stunned state]

Roiner fell to the ground. Leon as though expecting it dashed towards him, concurrently, Gareth swung his sledge hammer towards Leon who was advancing towards the stunned Roiner.

Leon pushed a foot forward to stop himself as the sledgehammer came at him, occupying almost all his vision.



The strike was absorbed by Leon's block skill from the moonlit sword style. Spurringly, Leon twisted his foot pivotally,

"...Second form: Shattering moon."

Gareth gasped, 'His reaction spe...'

The multiple crescent strike thrust into him before he could completely withdraw his hammer, Roiner having recovered, sprang up and pulled his arrow before Leon could recover to his position but doubting Leon's reaction speed was his mistake, Leon's feet had not recovered from its twist towards Gareth who was being thrown away by Leon's attack, his left foot slid towards Roiner.

"...fifth form: Crescent."

Leon swung his sword, leftwards at Roiner who was stretching the strings of his arrow. The sword strike projected a crescent strike that cleaved Roiner also sending him away.

Darq had been subdued by Oweyn which left Leon with only the mage to worry about, he turned to the forest, where the fire had surged from.


Someone jumped out of the forest and landed on the road. Red-haired and muscular, his arms rested on the great sword hung on his waist belt.

Leon was taken aback, 'Rutaba...' Leon stood aright as Rutaba walked closer to him.

Rutaba stopped at where Gareth who was opening a potion was. He grinned and drew his great sword.

[You have suffered 2,789 damages]

[Your health points have fallen below 10%]

[You have suffered 2,430 damages]

[You have died]

"You!!!" Roiner shouted, pulling his arrow towards Rutaba.

"Do you think we'd be a fool to work with our enemy? We know you guys won't just allow us to have a conversation with him our information was not even worth much compared to what you offered so of course there was no way we would miss that you were throwing us a bait. My guess was, you were short-handed and needed a little help till your reinforcement came."

"Stop stealing my lines!" Tara shouted as she jumped out of the forest. "Kill him will you?"

As Roiner released the strings-

"Magic Shot!"


The arrow was shot away by Tara's magic shot. Rutaba hastened towards him, diagonally swinging his sword and continuing in that sequence till Roiner turned to ashes and evaporated.

"Youuuuu!!" Darq who was chained down with blue glowing chains and a sword to his neck shouted.

Rutaba bowed towards Leon. "Your Grace, it'd be better to kill him."



Darq dropped to the ground as his head rolled away.

Tara and Rutaba bowed once again, "We should leave as soon as possible, they have reinforcements."

Leon looked back and looked at Tara.

She chuckled shyly, "I'm sorry about it but another chariot is waiting for you Deivy." she said.

'Looks like they've thoroughly planned this.' Leon went on ahead to heal the rest of the knights and then advanced to Deivy on a horse along with Tara and Rutaba.

.... .... ....

Neju was still on his way when he suddenly received a message from Glecius. He paused the horse he was riding was very angry, Courtney who was riding ahead of him paused and looked back.

"That face... Neju what's wrong?" she asked.

"We must reach Deivy by nightfall." He said and they continued their journey but faster.