
Duke Sharr sips tea, "He's quite an interesting one, I must say."

"Hm..." Oweyn said nothing.

"I was shocked and surprised when I felt your presence in the capital, I never thought his highness was one to take interest in matters of the world."

"Be careful what you say, he's seeing you now," Oweyn replied, with a stern gaze towards Duke Sharr.

"Oh, dewdrop orb. His highness must still be obsessed with an item like that. Well, magic-obsessed one after all."

"You seem to be resolute in your decision to continue to speak anyhow despite knowing that he is watching."

"What do I have to fear? My master is higher in rank, and if you go crazy and do anything to me even your so-called Duke would have to apprehend you. Ah...does that mean Diablo is watching you serve another –

Duke Sharr had not finished talking when the entire floor started trembling, not just where they were seated, the entire Inn that was rented out for them to meet, the tables began to shake so much that the drinks began to spill.

"It was a slip, a tongue slip. I apologize."

Only then did everything suddenly calm.

"Why have you called me here?" Oweyn asked.

"Don't be too rigid, even though we serve different masters, we come from the same world. We've been here for close to two thousand years, isn't it suffocating, I just wanted to chat like a proper demon should that be all." He replied.

"The war...did you start it? Are you about to bring him?" Oweyn asked.

"No way, my master isn't ready to be summoned, it must be Hutijin. You too know how his master can be, plus he's a Duke in Glasgow. But the fact that he is working together with Drow. We all hated Drow as he was not one of us, aren't you curious too?"

Oweyn stood up, "I will now take my leave." He said and disappeared as he took another step.

Duke Sharr leaned back in his chair, "As expected, I can't tell what he is thinking..." He said softly to himself.

... ... ...

"Uh?" Chief Knight Tesh'Rimon was taken aback by Leon's statement.

Leon who was not wearing a blindfold glared into the eyes of the chief Knight.

"What do you mean Bellshill?"

Leon chuckled hard immediately, "I said Bullshit, who the hell said Bellshill."

"Whatever it is... It sounds like an insult." The chief Knight said.

"Yes, it is, in case you didn't check well, I am the defence minister of this place. I don't owe you any explanation of some sort and you owe me your loyalty and service for the good of our kingdom." Leon responded, he was about to walk away but paused, looking at the chief Knight from head to toe, "...Knight Finduilas managed to lose only an arm. I don't think you would've survived, it's just how strong the enemy was." Leon said and walked away. Knight Tinlef hurriedly followed him, shaking his head towards Knight Tesh who was still in the shock of what he just heard.

Leon was shown around, inwards and outwards, he headed to his office and after spending a few hours went on with Knight Daryon to the forest.

[You have equipped Teftit's top]

[You have equipped Teftit's belt]

[You have gained +12 agility stat points]

[You have gained +5 dexterity stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's pants]

[You have equipped Teftit vambraces]

[You have gained +10 strength stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's boots]

[You have gained +10 agility stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's earrings]

[You have gained +200 health points]

[You have gained +10 agility stat points]

[You have equipped Teftit's coat]

[You have gained +100 agility stat]

[You have equipped Teftit set meant for a starter]

[All your stats have increased by +50 stat points]

'I can't get used to the stats I get every time I equip this set.'

"Your Grace, are you about to do the thing." Knight Daryon said.

"Yes, the thing. Just watch as usual and make sure no harm reaches Mufasa, nothing should disturb his sleep."

"Of course, your grace, the forest of Ordeta is known to host quite powerful monsters though, will you be okay?"

"Of course..." 'Powerful monsters huh, I've been here before when Lia and I were coming to the capital. Though we didn't stop to hunt I don't think they are that strong.'

[You have equipped Orambus longsword]



A black large wolf slowly came out of the leaves, sniffing its nose about. Leon swung the sword in his hands, slowly circling the wolf whose attention was fixed on Daryon.

'Why is it only looking over there...' Leon said tracing its eyes to Daryon arm, 'Don't tell's after Mufasa?'

Leon plunged from behind.

"Lightsword: Outburst"


[You have dealt 1,760 damages]

The wolf staggered as purple-coloured blood splashed out of its side, it fell to the ground after its stagger but soon stood up afterwards, this time a black smoke seeped out of its wound.

[Monster information]

> Name: Black Wolf(Corrupted)

> HP: 13,840/15,600

> Lvl: 50(A)

> A black wolf that is often found in rainforests, often has a calm nature and doesn't always initiate an attack first. This wolf has been exposed to a miasma and is not itself, therefore it is in a Corrupted state.

"Shattering Moon."




[You have dealt 1,520 damages]

[You have dealt 1,981 damages]

[You have dealt 2,010 damages]

Leon flew over as the wolf plunged towards him, as he landed the wolf faced him and attacked again.

"Multiple strikes."

With a single sweep, multiple strikes appeared on the wolf's body piercing through and making blood splatter around.

[You have dealt critical damage]

[You have dealt 2,301 damages]

[You have dealt 1,893 damages]

[You have dealt 1,777 damages]

[You have...

[You have...


[You have killed the target]

[You have gained 23,678 experience points]

[You have gained a level]

'...level 47, if it's not that I missed that orc, I wonder what level I would be in now. Tchi, I wasn't even able to get an item drop from it...' Leon hissed expressing his frustration.

"Your Grace, you should look at that," Daryon said.

Leon turned back to see the monster he just killed, standing back up. However, this time its appearance was different, smoke was seeping out of its wounds and the eyes of the wolf were red, the sclera and eyeball Included.

[Monster information]

> Name: Undead Black Wolf

> Hp: 0/0

> lvl: 50(A)

> A black wolf that awakened to an undead after death due to the miasma it was exposed to while alive.

[Due to Deblis: Eye of Truth weakness has been revealed]

> Physical attacks without Holy attribute cannot affect the target. Magical attacks will deal a minimal amount of damage.

"Of course..."

[You have unequipped Orombus]

[You have equipped Vita's Holy Sword]