
[Monster information]

> Name: Vine Moss

> HP: 119,000/140,000

> Lvl: 105

A vine moss is a forest monster that reveals its appearance at certain specific times, they stalk the forest in search disorder and hunt anything that crosses their paths, whether good or bad.

"This is not going to be easy." Leon said aloud as he read the monster's information.

"Since it's a wood attribute monster, fire magic will work against it." Tara said.

"You can't see its information right?" Leon asked her.

"Yea, I didn't buy the appraisal skill."

"I see..." 'So they have to buy what I get for being a Mor'kind.' "...the health is ridiculous, 140,000. However it seems someone has fought with it before now, it has 119,000 left out of 140,000."

"That's absurd, 140,000? What's the level?"

"105!" She exclaimed, "That's..."

"Your Grace, it looks like it's getting ready to attack." Daryon whose attention from the beginning has been on the monster, which had intertwined vines as its all body, standing on a pair of legs and a pair of extremely long hands, over all its body was green plants of different kinds.

The blue eyes of the monster glowed as it screamed.


With the end of the scream, it stretched one hand forwards and the vines grew further accommodated by quickness.

Leon immediately put up his sword to block but all three of them were repelled by the massive force of the vines and was sent flying backwards.

[You have received 1,100 damages]

Leon groaned a little but soon stand up.

"Fire ball!"


A large fireball oozed out of the magic circle that appeared immediately Tara casted, and dashed at the monster but was slapped away by the same hand of vines that had attacked them, the fire blasted into the forest and exploded.


"Multiple strike!!"






Multiple sword slashes covered the monster in an instance and all of its limbs separated except that it immediately joined back together in that same instance.

"Don't stop!! Don't give it a chance to rest, keep fighting it." Leon shouted towards Tara who looked at the enormous light that covered his sword.

[Holy sword attuned skill: Light Plunge(S) has been activated]

[Deblis: Eye of Truth has seen target's weak point]

"Talk about luck, it's been a while this activated" Leon said as he swung the sword diagonally towards his left and from his distance slashed down through the monsters shoulder where the red mark was on. The illumination melted the vines in its way till the monster was slashed in a diagonal half.

Tara was shocked and surprised, "The firepower...."

"Hey Tara, it's not dead yet!" Leon's shout woke her up and she immediately threw her bands forward getting ready to cast a spell.

"Molten Beam!!!"


In a flash a beam of magma dart through the monster, leaving a hole in its center.



Tara staggered a bit but gained her standing. There was a few moment of silence as both of them waited.

"It's not dead" Leon said as he once again looked at the monster's health point.

Meanwhile Daryon was dazed in amazement as he watched both of them and realized he had nothing tangible to contribute to this enormous fight.

The monster began to regenerated, the burnt hole began to close and all affected areas and cut off limbs began to join back together.

"Oh no, Oppa let's retreat"

"No way in the hell am I doing that, if I kill this thing I'm sure I will gain at least five levels..." He said, 'Plus I bought an experience growth portion which means I will be gaining ten levels.'


Suddenly from within the forest a massive force landed on the monster making it stagger sideways and fall to the ground.

Leon's sharp eyes caught the person as he flew from within the forest and landed on the monster.

"Who the hell is that?!" Leon shouted as he swept one foot forward.

"Lightsword: Outburst"


He sliced through the wind and through the monster but was deflected by a purple shield that enveloped the person on the monster. He flew over the person and landed on the ground.

"Who are you?" He asked as he carefully observed the person whose hands were on the monster.

The dark haired with gloomy eyes dude looked at him and looked away not giving him a response at all and just continued what he was doing which Leon now found extremely rude.

"This bastard! Shattering Moon!"

All the sword slashes was deflected by the shield that appeared as the guy stretched forth on hand towards the attack while the other was on the monster.


With the explosion, the monster was suddenly surrounded by miasma, which was eating away its body.

"This is the guy." Leon said as he realized it was the same energy with the same monsters he had encountered before.

"Hey what the hell do you think you are doing?!" Leon shouted at him.

Tara opposite, tried to figure out what was happening.

"Shouldn't we be saving his grace."

"At this point we are the one that needs saving." She said upon the explosion and seeing the miasma.

"What do you mean?" Daryon asked her, puzzled.

"That guy...Have you ever heard of the hollow King?" She asked.

"Of course, he's one of the strongest in the continents, because of bards their feats does not go untold..."

'That's just what happens when you gain alot of fame points.' She said in her mind as Daryon continued.

"...Is that him?" He asked, in panic.

"I hope I am wrong" Tara said.

"Then all the more reason to protect his grace!!!" He shouted and thoughtlessly dashed forward.

"What... the... hell... this must be why oppa loves NPCs." She said as she casted another spell with Daryon ahead.

"Frost Bomb!!"



The area surrounding the monster exploded and was immediately frozen the monster and the dude included.

"Your Grace!! We should leave! this individual is the Hollow King. You cannot face him, not even Knight Finduilas can!!" Daryon shouted upon reaching Leon.

Leon gritted his teeth, 'So he was the one Tara was talking about...'

"Your grace" Daryon said once again, looking at Leon who's eyes was fixated on the frozen monster and the person within it.

Black miasma began to spread within the ice and it began to crack.

"Damnit!!" Leon said and followed Daryon, both of them ran away as the ocean continued to crack all round.

"Teleport!" Tara shouted pointing her staff to both of them, a magic circle appeared above them and they disappeared within it.

"Go safely Oppa." She said and looked at the ice that now exploded.

The dude jumped down and walked towards her.

"Are you the one that disturbed me?"