Chapter 5: Through Diplomacy

[The Readers of Fate are curious about how the situation will unfold.]

[More and more Readers of Fate are starting to watch you, little Zombie.]

[Readers of Fate: Your Uncle Demon, Melancholic Armadillo, and Dead Shot, suggests a name even in a moment of danger.]

The Zombie completely ignored the words that were appearing in front of it. In fact, it was starting to get a little frustrated with how the texts kept on popping out when it doesn't even know what they meant– for it, they were only blocking its view.

And right now, the Zombie needed all of its focus as the group of… strong humans slowly made their way towards it.

"Who are you!?"

"..." The Zombie quickly hid its hands under the cloak, slightly turning its head to the side so that its slightly rotten face wouldn't be seen.

"Were you following us!?"

The Zombie took a step back as one of the humans stepped forward. Even if it was dark, if they came any closer, then there was a chance that they would be able to see its skin– and judging by all the fights it has watched, the Zombie was sure that it wouldn't even last a second against these humans.

"Why aren't you saying anything!?"

"Stop!" The grey-bearded man raised his hand, gesturing to his group to stop approaching the Zombie, "Forgive my friends, they are a little tired and bitter."

"What are you doing, Zack?" Cindy, the only woman in the group, grabbed the grey-bearded man by the wrist, "We don't even know if he… or she is friendly."

"If he wasn't, then he would have already fled or attacked us," Zack could only shake his head as he looked at his comrades, "He's probably just hunting for the ghoul as well."

"...Alone? Even I'm not crazy enough to do that," Ahmed, the one that was able to manipulate swords to float around him, furrowed his eyebrows, "Are… we sure he isn't just some–"

"Ghoul. Yes."

And before Ahmed could finish his words, a somewhat deep and very hoarse voice scratched the air; almost like the words came out of an extremely parched throat– and they would be right; except, in this case, it was completely and utterly dry.

"Oh, it's a man," Cindy breathed out.

"Ghoul. Yes," the Zombie repeated its– his words as he once again took a step back.


And whenever the Zombie took a step back, Cindy took two steps forward, "We're also hunting the monster. Maybe we can share some information?"

"...Ghoul. Yes."

"Yes? A… About the ghoul," Cindy slightly squinted her eyes as she looked at her comrades, who just shrugged their shoulders in response as they slowly seemed to drop their weapons.

"Not… here," the Zombie tried his best not to tilt his head as he scoured his mind for all the things he learned from observing the humans.

"See!? I told you the ghoul isn't here anymore!"

The one holding the map of the group could not help but groan as he completely dropped his hands to the side, "We really wasted our time, congratulations, guys."

The Zombie almost ran in surprise as the man raised his voice– but it would seem it wasn't targeted at him.

[The Readers of Fate are getting annoyed with the man holding a map. They are suggesting for the Zombie to eat him.]

"Have you searched the entire area?" Zack then also approached the Zombie; but as soon as he saw him back up again, he decided to stop in his tracks; showing his palms to the Zombie.

"Relax, we're not robbers. The group's just… on edge. We're sorry for pointing our weapons at you," Zack then said as he gestured to his group to completely lower their weapons.

"...Not here," the Zombie repeated his words once again.

"You… seem pretty tired. I guess you've been searching since morning?"

"Yes," the Zombie started to nod.

"My group's hammered as well. Want to head back to the city with us?" Zack stepped forward, but once again, the Zombie took a step back.

"Man, just let the guy be. He's alone for a reason."

"We're just trying to be nice, Simon. Something you could probably try once in your life," Cindy rolled her eyes before once again focusing on the Zombie,

"You sure you're going to be fine here by yourself?" She then said as she tried to take a peek at the Zombie's face.

"...Yes. Fine," the Zombie quickly hid his face.

"Well, alright then. You heard him, Zack," Cindy then turned around and started walking away, "Let's just go, I've been wanting to shower since eons ago."

The other two also followed her, just shrugging their shoulders as they took one final glance at the Zombie.

Did… the Zombie just escape its predicament by talking? Numerous thoughts once again started to surface in the Zombie's extremely simple mind. If he talked with the humans from now on… maybe it would be easier for him to eat them?

Lure them in the darkness?

The three were already walking away, but as for Zack…

"Don't be too complacent, my friend."

He was still trying to talk to the Zombie, "You seem to be a High Ranker since you're walking alone here, but there are a lot of dangers out here. We would hate to lose a slayer like you when the number of Bubbles is multiplying like crazy out there."

"..." The Zombie, however, no longer responded.

"Well, alright then," Zack then let out a short but deep sigh as he started following his group back, "We'll be in the city for a few days, so if ever you need some companions, come find us. Our group is called the Giant Hornet and we're staying at the New World hotel."

The Zombie watched as Zack's back grew smaller and smaller. But before they could completely disappear from his view, The Zombie started to walk where they tread.

The humans. Ever since the Zombie gained some sort of sense of the world, there was this growing curiosity of finding out where they were coming from. Why were they so different from him and the rest of his kind?

And so, once again… The Zombie began walking in the shadows. Stalking…

…following the Giant Hornet group as they return back to the city.

[The Readers of Fate think this is a bad idea, little Zombie.]