Test [Part 2] [Final]

'Cassandra. I know this is your worst fear. You've to overcome it. Remember, even if it is an illusion magic spell, the situation is real.' Rosella's voice resounded in her mind once again.

'That's right!' Cassandra came back to her senses.

It is just an illusion. The spider can hurt her, but not kill her. Even so, the spider in front of her exists somewhere. It can be a test to see if I can encounter this Dark Queen Spider, and how to defeat it clean and fast.

"Ke ke ke ke, I will enjoy my meal today…" the Dark Spider Queen body is red, and its legs are black and haired. It has ten eyes, five on each side, and its mouth full of teeth. A disgusting sight is the liquid coming out of its mouth and the smoke coming out of its legs make it seems like it has a corrosive poison.

Rosella saw that Cassandra had determination in her heart, but her body…