Chapter 71


The king paced the small menial house in disgust. It was worse than he thought.

He had meant to make it look like he was degrading and demeaning her, but this is lower than a servant can be.

Some commoner subjects of his have nicer places than this. At least their homes were more maintained.

He stopped to stare at how cracked and dirty the walls looked, then at how the sun shone through some openings in the roof.

Even the ground looked nasty, though he could see that someone had tried to clean them vigorously.

Ramses walked into the room he thought that it belonged to Akila, and his chest clenched.

Someone had brought her clean sheets and some billows as well. Someone had tried to make her stay here more comfortable.

Unlike him, he had been ignoring and dreading this visit because he knew he will get weak and drag her back to the palace and ruin everything he had done so far.