Chapter 94


The young queen sighed in relief when she entered her quarters. To her, this is the safest place she can stay at.

It might be the security in the palace, or it might be that she got used to it.

But she felt at ease the moment she entered her room. She went to her bed and laid down, closing her eyes.

The journey that took them two days before was cut short to only one.

The king was agitated, and he wanted to be back soon and even though he had so many questions; he didn't reveal them.

He chose to wait for her when she would come to him and tell him about everything.

"My queen, I have something to tell you."

Bast called from the outside of her room and Akila sighed then she stood up, giving him the order to come in.

Bast, the captain of her guards, entered followed by a small figure servant girl.

Akila frowned at the both of them, but she said nothing as she watched them bow to her.