

I really did not mean to be an author of confusion!!!author said with a dissatisfied look...

Well me clearly need more,Aaron argued,well he is just a child with a gift!!salva replied with spit for Aaron!! if you want to know more go speak to the sprits yourself!!!slava fired back...

well right now I can't decide if this boy has been of help to us or had caused us more confusion!!the emperor said looking really thoughtful!! ummh the concil members chorused in agreement;:well we need more answer little boy!!we would give you more time;:try to get more answers okay!!!!and the boy immediately bowed to him!!you can leave now!!!thank you your majesty and the concil members,then the boy turned and walked hastily out of the throne room...

slava you didn't think to let me know you were bringing an old man in a young body!! and all the concil members started laughing!!!and it immediately lightened the mood in the room!!!Well your majesty we could say the boy has an old soul!!!slava replyed ...

that's enough concil members,right now my mind is in a very confused state,I really don't want to believe in all that child just said!!!but we all can agree the boy sounded really sure,,hmm I don't but let's all be prepared for the worst concil members;:do not forget "the dark days are almost here".

Aaron I want you to send intels to all the regions!!let's know who would want to wager a war on us,so please set up meetings with the emperor's of different regions, we really need alies now,we need to know our enemies and friends!!!!and please someone get me an interpreter or what ever they call them now adays,I need someone to be able to interpret what that child just said!!!!Now I don't think I can even fuck my mistress with out thinking of all this!!!oh sprits help me....

For now you are all dismissed,don't go fucking your hoes!!!I need answers as soon as possible!!!if not am castrating you all,am the only one allowed to fuck!! the emperor said as he pushed the oak door open!!sprits help our soul the concil members cried out....