Chapter 9: Engagement Party

Nicole's POV:

My Mother and I had visited the two shoppes in town that specialized in werewolf celebrations and had a lot of fun picking everything out for the party. Werewolf celebrations weren't really that different from human celebrations except for it being on a larger scale. By larger, I mean it literally.

The tables and chairs would need to be larger to accommodate very large men. The decorations would need to be taller than 8 feet and strong enough to take getting bumped into by very strong men with large muscles.

There would need to be a very large amount of food, especially meat, and drinks strong enough to get a full-grown werewolf tipsy. There would need to be lots, and lots of alcohol. Large amounts of beer, whiskey, and bourbon for the men. Large amounts of wine, and bubbly sparkling champagne for the ladies.

I was very excited for tonight. I was staring at myself in the full-length mirror, admiring the beautiful dress I had picked out. It was sky blue with silver sequins in the shape of leaves at the bottom. It was an A-line style dress that was fitted at the top and flared out at the bottom. I paired it with silver shoes, white gold jewelry, and even added a little tiara. I looked like a princess, and I couldn't be happier.

Gabriel was wearing a gray suit with a blue button down dress shirt and tie that color coordinated with what I was wearing. He looked very handsome. We had to have his suit specialty tailored because most stores don't carry clothing large enough to fit a man of his gigantic size.

Since that suit was made though, I have finally convinced him to look through some of the big men's clothing catalogs I picked up. I wanted to show him how to shop online and have it shipped here but he isn't too familiar with the internet and how to use a laptop. He never needed such things before and his cavern obviously doesn't have Wi-Fi.

I had to hire one of the school teachers here to work with Gabriel one on one after his training sessions with the warriors. He needs to learn how to read, write, do math, use the computer, search the internet and so much else. There is a lot of paperwork involved with being Alpha to an entire pack. My father said he can't teach Gabriel any of that until he has at least a basic education.

I know it's been overwhelming for him, but he wants to be with me and my pack; so he is willing to learn everything. I am proud of him. Everyone has been very supportive. Even my father has come around. The warrior wolves believe his wolf, Goliath, is a Demi -God. They think he is a descendant of the Werewolf God, Eos. Gabriel doesn't think it's true though.

When I told him about the party I was afraid he would say no; however, he surprised me by saying yes and was very happy that our pack would want to do that for him.

My Mom came upstairs to tell us that Dad was ready to start. We all walked down the stairs together and everyone turned their heads to look at us.

We made our way to the stage that had been set up for us and took our places around my father. Gabriel and my father stood in front my mother and I on the stage. The ceremonial knife was placed on a small alter so everyone could see it.

He spoke both into the microphone and in the mind link at the same time to make sure everyone could hear him. "Hello everyone and thank you for coming," he began. "Your Luna and I are very proud to announce that our daughter has found her mate," he said and the whole crowd erupted in cheers, whistles, and clapping.

" I am pleased to introduce you all to Gabriel, my daughter's fated mate," my father said as Gabriel took a small bow to the crowd. "I imagine most of you know by now but just in case you don't, Gabriel is a werewolf hybrid. He is also half Yeti," my father explained.

We heard a mixture of surprised gasps, WOW's and shocked murmurs filling the room after my father's revelation. Gabriel took it upon himself to shift quickly into his wolf form, then to his Yeti form, and then back to his wolf form before running off stage briefly to get dressed. Everyone was in awe. I think he did this so that nobody would be afraid of him anymore.

Once Gabriel returned, he took his place next to my father. My Dad took the ceremonial knife and sliced across the palm of his hand. Then he took the knife and sliced across the palm of Gabriel's hand. The two of them joined hands to mix their blood.

"Do you, Gabriel, promise to protect this pack and the Alpha and Luna," my father asks Gabriel. "Yes, I promise to do so," Gabriel says. "Do you promise to put the needs of the pack ahead of your own, should the need call for it," my father asks again. "Yes, I promise to do so," Gabriel promises. "One last thing," my father says with a smirk. "Do you promise to respect my daughter, treat her well, provide for her, and protect her with your life?" my father asks with his brow raised in question. "Yes, Gabriel says, "I swear on my life," he swears. "Good, because if you don't I will fucking kill you," my father says with a smile and everyone laughs.

I move forward to give my mate a hug and a kiss. Gabriel touches his forehead and winces in pain for a moment. "That is the mind link," I tell him. "Remember what we discussed earlier?" I asked him. We had discussed everything that would happen during the ceremony earlier today.

"Yes, I remember," he said. "It's just going to take some getting used to. I'm not used to having voices in my head," he laughs. "Welcome to the pack, my love," I say while going up on my toes to kiss him.