Smoke Detector

Once Kanzaki hit the block message he turned off his computer unwilling to look at the response Fria was typing or to endure he for a moment longer. He even went so far as to delete their chat entirely off of his computer before he had turned it off, 'I'm sorry but I'm done.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he began getting ready for his dinner once more.

After a few seconds of looking at clothes, Kanzaki realized he still needed to look up what to wear for an event like he was having. The only problem was that every time he looked it up on his phone it popped up an article saying that it was a date and not just a normal get-together. When Kanzaki saw something like this he would scroll downward trying to find something different but the farther down he went the more heated the articles were until he was left with a slightly red face clicking off of the website.

'That was something I've never seen before.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he closed out his phone to go back to the clothes. He had resigned to his fate and just decided to go along with what the article said for dates.

It wouldn't hurt him to dress this way and it wasn't like she would know he read it off of an article anyway, right?

Once Kanzaki had his clothes picked out he made a mad dash all over the room trying to clean his house the best that he could. It was already clean as it was since he was a very organized and clean person but there were still a few spots that needed some help such as his dining room table which had a bunch of stuff on top of it since no one else was ever there.

Despite how fast Kanzaki was going by the time he was getting his clothes on and had just finished brushing his teeth there was a knock on his door.

Knock. Knock.

'She's here?!' Kanzaki thought in a panic as he almost slipped out of his bathroom since his shoes weren't on. When he glanced at his phone he saw that he was supposed to still have 30 minutes until she arrived but apparently she had arrived early.

Kanzaki made his way to the front door as fast as he could and even forgot to check the little hole on the door to check who was there. Due to this, he was really surprised when he opened the door and saw a delivery man at the door holding a small box.

"Delivery for Kanzaki Woods." The man said. One thing Kanzaki noticed about the man was the fact that he had on a hat that went low so Kanzaki couldn't see his eyes. In addition to this, he was wearing a white medical mask which was quite strange since most people didn't wear them they just stayed home when they were sick.

"I haven't ordered anything and what's up with the mask?" Kanzaki said taking up a defensive stance. He had already been warned by the police to stay vigilant and he still intended to do so even when it seemed like they were a simple delivery person.

The man was obviously surprised by Kanzaki's defensive way of speaking but after a few seconds of shock he regained his clarity and spoke again, "Sorry but one of these was issued to every apartment. The new owner of the apartments wants everyone to have an up-to-date smoke detector in case of an emergency. According to my boss, they were all out of date or something." The man said before pulling a cart to where Kanzaki could see the other same-sized packages.

"As for my mask sir, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just really sick recently and didn't want it to spread to anyone else." The delivery man said sounding very sorrowful that he might have offended Kanzaki in some type of way.

When all of this was shown to Kanzaki he couldn't help but feel bad for the mess up and quickly signed for the package, "Sorry about that again. You can never be too careful when people just show up at your door. Have a great day sir." Kanzaki said apologizing to the man before shutting the door once he also got his goodbye.

'What a random thing to start fixing.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he opened the package. Sure enough, it was a little smoke detector sitting in the box. It was a normal white circle with a little device in the middle used to detect fires or at least that's what he gathered as he read the manual to the device.

Since Kanzaki already had Selena coming over soon he chose to first get fully ready for his dinner with her before trying to mess with the smoke detector. There were a few smoke detectors in the box that were meant for each room in the house so that the alarm could go off no matter where you were in the house.

The only place that didn't have one was the bathroom which had a vent to get rid of any steam or smoke that may end up inside there. When Kanzaki was little he had spent a decent amount of time doing all sorts of little chores such as putting smoke detectors in along with a number of other construction-like activities.

The reason for this was because of Kanzaki's dad who had spent a lot of time during his life in constriction and wanted to hand over some of the trade to Kanzaki. Throughout much of Kanzaki's life, he had been able to use some of it for different things and he was grateful for the knowledge he gained.

'At least something good came from all that.' Kanzaki thought to himself with a sigh before moving his thoughts away from his parents.


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